Sunday, October 12, 2008

Inspector Pays A Visit

As most of those that read my blog know, My family just moved. My In-laws had the house before us and have lived here for close to 25 years.
Just the other day I get a notification from the Zoning Inspector stating that  the corner of our property where there is a fence and several bushes, that there is a sight obstruction. The fence has been there way before my in-laws even had this house. Plans are already set for over the winter when things are slow a new fence is going in. Now just a few years ago all the woods behind this house were removed and homes went up to form a development. On the side of the house with the sight obstruction is where the builder put in the street to the development.
The fence on our property is just a wire fence with grapevines growing on it and a few of the bushes could use some trimming so I figured I would go out yesterday afternoon and do what needed to be done. I received the notification in the mail on Friday afternoon and it stated that the obstruction needed to be cleared by this coming Tuesday. I have been grumbling though because I felt that the grapes and bushes have the right away in this matter but it's not like I can fight the system.
So yesterday afternoon I got the trimmer out and started on what was growing on the fence. Hah, what a mistake. What was growing on the fence was what was actually holding the fence up. Through the years my father in-law had stuck scrap pieces of 2"x4"s in when a post had rotted out and wrapped pieces of cloths hangers around those and the fence to keep it up right. I ended up taking down about 60' of the fence and what a job that turned out to be. It was the first time in my life I had to use a chain saw to remove a wire fence due to all the roots of vines, bushes and trees growing through the fence. Seems that the nice people living in the development used the road side of the fence to discard all their beer bottles, soda bottles, snapple bottle ect. for years too. I filled a recycling bin with what I uncovered. Seeing as how this fence was going along the side street now we have lost the privacy factor and the noise buffering. I guess the next project will be to put some shrubs along the property and the sidewalk. I have plenty of Rose Of Sharrons that I can transplant to the location because my father in-law has them planted all over the place willy nilly.
I trimmed back the bushes and am just waiting for the Inspector to say that they are in the way too. Looking down the street I can't believe that no one has any bushes or even a real tree in their front yard. I can't believe it. Am I going to be told that I have to cut down the trees next? I wonder what would have been said if there was a nice Blue Spruce growing on this corner of the property?

I was told that my neighbor, an 80 some odd year old lady who's husband, a retired police officer died a few years ago, was sued for a 180.000.00 because a tree on her side of the corner was blocking the view of the intersection. I don't know how anyone could sue over the fact someone has a tree in their yard. Especially when the tree was there before any intersection was installed.



  1. Don't you just LOVE politics..... I guess I would have to go ask which came first the Tree or the intersection....and how exactly do you sue for a tree, poor lady probably didn't even understand.....BTW, was it a money tree??? ($180,000.00??)

  2. I would believe Sue that her homeowners insurance probably dealt with the lawsuit. I do know that durring the past number of years, insurance companies have been raising cane concerning trees on peoples properties. I thought mainly because of damage due to storms and trees falling on homes. Maybe there is more of an issue hiding behind the tree?

  3. Just stopped by to pick a thongful of grapes...

  4. I can understand the ones near the homes and being asked to take them down if they can hit your neighbors home......but out on the street??? We have so many sub divisions in the area here it is insane, they are taking down trees to build them (however most are at a standstill right now) and then not planting hardly any ........I would be so lost without our big elm tree for shade!!

  5. I feel for ya Mac...(I better not get started on here about my grumbles with the utility companies and there willy nilly system of tree trimming and removal). It would be interesting to see if that neighborhood has some kind of building code concerning fencing and on allowing trees. I know some planned communities are very strict on what you can and cannot do. What is the point of owning a home if you are limited in your choices?

  6. I understand building codes Vic, being in the buisiness and all. Homes that we build now a days, the EPA and other enviormental agencies and tree huggers limit lot clearing to a minamal. I have had jobs shut down because to many trees were taken down. Existing trees are a part of nature. The trees in my yard are sveral hundred years old. No power lines over this property. This all has to do with a traffic concern to the best of my knowlege. If not that someone just doesn't like green.
    As far as fences go, around here to put up a fence one has to apply for building permits and go through zoning. This fence has probably been up for 30 years.

  7. It may have been that a neighbor or someone complained, all it takes it one person and it sets things in motion.

  8. I'm so sorry, Mac. I know that must be very frustrating for you.

  9. It's a shame you have all the work to do but if it might save a life then it's worth it. I just wonder why all of a sudden they complain. I agree with Vic that maybe a neighbor complained about it. I pray you don't have to cut any tree's down that are in your yard...Too many tree's are being cut down as it is all over the world.

  10. I would feel very insecure living without a fence too. Hope you can grow something quickly there.

  11. Yikes! Does seem strange that they wait til someone else has the property before starting a stink...ya must have PO someone Mac:):):)

  12. Believe me Dixie, the neighborhood here is glad to see my father in-law leave, lol. I haven't been home enough for anyone to get to know me yet. No neighbor lives real close. At least not close enough for anyone to stop in or walk by to say hello to. It must be a real friendly neck of the woods. The inspector is the only one in this town to let me know that there is someone around. Well, him and that dang bump out in the street that everyone races over at night doing 60 mph.

  13. LOL Mac maybe the inspector doesn't have enough to do at work and decided to pick on you grrrrrr to him

  14. Yep it only takes one person to stir up crap. Here we have a city easement so no fences within so many inches of a sidewalk...Lady on the corner had shrub/hedge growing ever since we moved into our old house...Last year because of the heavy amounts of snow she was made to take it all down.
