Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Working In Brooklyn...Oooooops

I am the type of person that gets very involved in my work and I very rarely take advantage of the sites around myself. Well to give you a fine example of what I am talking about, here goes.

I am taking a lunch break today and just happen to stroll over to a window of the penthouse suite today to grab a view of where I am working and to glance to my right and what do I see? The Empire State building a few blocks away as the crow flies. Now I may not know all that much about cities but I do know that when you see the Manhattan sky line The Empire State Building is usually in it. I will say no more.


  1. lol how can you miss something like that!!!!!!!!!

  2. Exactly. The street I'm on I have high buildings to look up at from the street level. Would you believe I finally after a week looked out from a window?

  3. You sure you are sharing some of what Suzi is always smokin?

  4. What a grand site that must have made. But where is a picture?

  5. It's all that awful gooey eye make up you wear...cant see a thing.

  6. Maybe that really skinny building you are working in is leaning a lot towards one side?....Beware the ricochet you are gonna feel when it snaps back upright,lol...

  7. Well I think that you should now take a photo of that view and post it. I'm like you I have to say in that when I'm working I get so involved in what I'm doing I don't see what's out there.

  8. no matter how many times ive seen the Empire State Building, I still am amazed at its beauty. I never tire of it. Enjoy!

  9. Would sure be awesome Mac if you could get pics.

  10. I have not seen it so please take a pic XXX

  11. Mumbles something about stopping to smell the roses.
