Friday, October 10, 2008

A MacRant

I have to blow off some steam here. With all this crap going on with the stock market, the bail out bill, banks and insurance companies going under.......

I want to rant about gas prices. 4 years ago here I was paying from 1.50 to a 1.79 for a gallon of gas. We had it good here in the US compared to the rest of the world. The price per barrel of oil averaged around the area of $70.00 .

In the last year the price per barrel went up to almost $148.00. Gas prices here where I live topped at 3.99 a gallon average.
With what's going on with Wall Street the price per Barrel of oil has dropped down to $87.00 a barrel. The price at the pump is 3.39 a gallon.
Anyone doing any math here?

The price per barrel of oil is almost down to where it was 4 years ago but we are still paying several dollars more per gallon.
I hear the excuse that the dealers have to use up what they already have in their tanks because it cost more but, when the price of oil goes up the price at the pump goes up over night. Why aren't people screaming about this?

For the past few years I thought the reason for the high price per barrel of oil was because the oil producing countries were raising the price per barrel. Obviously that's not the case. The suckers on Wall Street are controlling the price of Oil.

Trying to contemplate what is happening with the economy leads me and my "Farsider mind to the Twilight Zone" believe that everyone is freaking out that Obama will be elected our next President thanks to the liberal media and their polls. I think that Americans are in a panic. All the big executives are pulling up stakes and leaving with large sums of money leaving the companies they work for very short on cash and the investors are freaking out due to the lack of money and seeing the big wigs jumping ship.

Anyone with money knows that if Obama becomes our next president he will tax and tax and tax and give everything to those that aren't contributing. People are grabbing what they can fast and probably hiding it in some off shore account where Obama can't get it.

 I scream everytime I hear that one of these CEOs or executives is walking off with hundreds of millions of dollars but again, it must be contactual. All planned. Just like here, when certain State workers  retire,  they walk off with big pensions and hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax payers money for never being sick and having 20 some odd years of un used sick days, or vacation days ect... Believe me, if public or government workers could find a way to walk off with millions they would too. I believe that these big guys with the money they are walking off with are planning for the future and want something that can't be taken away.

As far as the banks and insurance companies, I may be wrong, but don't think so, but I could swear that after 9/11 the US government went in and bailed out the banks, insurance companies, airline companies and anyone else that cried the blues.  Every time some industry starts to fail now there seems to be the feeling that government has to come in and do a bail out. I am thinking that now, if the government doesn't step in and provide a check, someone is going to cry fowl and lawsuits will be filed.You can't help out one without helping out everyone. That's not fair.

Grrrrrrr, Who is going to put their foot down and say it has got to stop?


  1. ME...PUTS MY FAT FOOT DOWN AND SCREAMS...THIS HAS GOTTA STOP DAMMIT !!! Now everyone repeat after me...

  2. You raise some great points Mac. Big business has way too much control and influence. It floors me when I think of tax breaks and other incentives that is given to large businesses by communities when you know the same benefits are not there for a start up mom and pop business. No matter who gets elected in this next election you can bet that there will be big business and special interest groups riding the coat tail of the candidate who is going to benefit them. I have always felt there is a huge link between the fact that Bush is from Texas and the once struggling, and bankrupted oil barons are back rolling in the dough.........mumbles after zzee, this has gotta stop.....

  3. I have to agree with all of you, we need to get something done. But the question is Do you go to a crook to have them stop the other crook's? That's what I feel everyone in the government office's are..CROOK'S! Our gas here is $2.88 a gallon, now why is it higher in your area? I would be seeking some answeres to that question.

  4. I'm with Zee our petrol hasn't come down either and we are paying $2.00 a litre.thats $8.00 a gallon nzmust be over $10.00 US

  5. Just shakes her head,they just need to get rid of all the a@@ holes and get some new ppl in there that doesn't know "how" to work the system !........Yells ..Koolaid..

  6. I have to chuckle, say that as though you possibly think that McCain WON'T tax and tax and tax...he will...just like every president has in the past. They may not have done it blatantly, but, they have done it...and middle class America has always suffered because of it...

    I, honestly, believe that the only way the price of gas will ever go down is if we stop buying it...and you and I know that isn't going to happen...just as you and I know that the average person would much rather bitch about their situation than to actually do something about it...
    I did a blog a while back about how wasteful people are when it comes to using gas...
    It's very sad...

    Have a great weekend, Mac!

  7. I agree I am mad as heLL and I'm not going to take it any more......!!!!!!!

  8. as ya know i am in uk but i agree whole heartedly , they are now just bringing our gas prices down but only by a tad and we pay double what you guys pay we all need to put our foot down and say no more , zzees got the right idea lets all scream and shout , it wont do any good but might make us feel better after

  9. Mac Gas is now $ 2.99 here at some places...

  10. Returns to stomp feet and scream and shout...dont stop..

  11. Puts the last of the ripe grapes under Zee's feet. (Might as well have all that stompin doin something productive)

  12. Um...wait...did Zee wash her feet?

  13. Anyone want a bottle of "Pouilly-Fuissé.zeefeetz''?

  14. Bet that "Pouilly-Fuisse.zeefeetz" makes good paint remover!

  15. I wonder if it kills raccoons....

  16. Is that the same stuff as Fuzzy Navel??

  17. Gosh Dixie thats French wine made by my feetz.
