Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I met my sister's Mother In Law this weekend. Marie is 85 years old and came from Greece to The US in 1945. What a sweetheart.
She loves to make Baklava and her's is the best I have ever tasted. I talked with her for what seemed hours and she was so flattered that I asked her to share her recipe. When I returned to the hotel that night I jotted down her recipe and had a chance for her to review it before I came home.
My daughter and I will be making this this evening.


4 cups walnuts, finely chopped. 1 lb of ground. ( Pecans can be used too)
3 tablespoons granulated white sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1 lb Phylo Dough
2 cups of sweet butter, melted

2 cups water
2 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup honey
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
lemon or orange rind
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon


Combine walnuts, sugar and spice.

In a baking pan, layer 7 Phylo sheets, buttering between each layer as it is stacked. Put a layer of the nut mixture. Repeat 4 times. Top with remaining Phylo sheets, buttering each sheet. You should make sure to have the same amount of Phylo sheets for the top as you did for the bottom. (Count how many sheets of Phylo dough there are and divide them for top, bottom and filling layers to see how many sheets you want to use between each filling layer) While layering, keep unused sheets of the dough covered with a damp towel.
Using a sharp knife, trim the edges. Perforate Baklava into square shapes with a fork. Try not to stick fork through the bottom layers.

Bake at 350°F for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Cool.

Pour hot syrup over Baklava (Not boiling hot).
Combine all ingredients for syrup in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes. Pour syrup, that has been cooled for about 5 minutes, over the cooled Baklava.

After pouring syrup over the Baklava, wrap well with plastic wrap and allow to set for at least 2 days.


  1. I love this stuff, only ate it one time but I remember it well. Seems simple enough to make so I'm saving this recipe. Thank you for posting it!

  2. Ooooh I can feel the pounds pack on while reading the recipe,lol....Hmmm two days before eating? Now that takes willpower,lol.....

  3. I've eaten this in Greek restaurants. It is very rich but soooooo good!

  4. Yum.....but who can wait 2 days !!!!!! LOL

  5. NOW NOW MAC THATS CRUEL , how can you put this here knowing i am on a dsiet and cant have none . i adore them as well,boohoo

  6. I hear you Poshie. Baklava isn't something you want around when dieting or have sugar problems.

  7. I just finished making a batch and the vultures are already circling. A 2 day wait isn't a good thing I'm thinking.

  8. WD40's Vic's wheels. Now you can circle in stealth mode.

  9. I have things to trade. Fried chicken livers, snickerdoodles or oatmeal scotchies.

  10. I'll trade Viccles AND Vero for some...

  11. Lol Sue, I don't think you are gonna get much trading me in...better rethink that,lol..

  12. Sue, I'll give you twice as much to take Viccles back. I can just imagine her little tantrums and the tire marks on the back of my legs as she keeps bumping me till she gets the whole tray.

  13. See Viccles I knew what I was doing .....LOL LOL

  14. Only 7 hours and 27 more minutes to wait.

  15. ....(pushes the clock hands forward a bit)....

  16. Sneaks in behind Vic and pushes them a bit more.

  17. gee times flyin around here........LOL

  18. Did you notice since it's been ready Mac hasn't been here?????

  19. I've had this dish and drowned into a guilt trip after I ate my third helping.Here they added chopped dried figs to the walnuts too. Sinful..I tell ya...just sinful.

  20. Wakes up with a fork stuck to my forehead.....hmmmmmmmmmm where is it???????

  21. I haven't been here because I was in a sugar coma. Lol. We had some serious storms roll through most of the night.

  22. A likely story Mac.....fess up you have been hiding in a dark closet trying to keep the stuff all to fork it over,lol...

    (I know this is going to be a stupid question, but I am assuming you liked it and there is probably none left,lol)


  23. I am not that rude not to make enough for all my friends too.

  24. Wipes the drool from the looks wonderful Mac !!!!!
