Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Is Over

It's about time. whew. We actually had Halloween here last night because we have a major Halloween Parade here every Halloween night. It is the 2nd biggest Halloween parade in the world. The only one bigger is in Greenwich Village in NY. I think thats the right name, lol. Poppy would know.
I came home from work tonight and had to put rear brakes into my wifes car. If any trick or treaters had been out tonight they would have heard some real Putrid language coming from under a car. I would just for once have a job go easy, lol. I first tried to get the tire off and it wouldn't budge. I tried beating it with a hammer and it wouldn't move. Got a bigger hammer, nope. Got a crow bar, uh uh. gat a 2X4 and busted it. Gave up and went out and picked up the brakes, lucky, disk brakes on the rear tires too. Came back and beated on the tire a few more times and decided it was time for a bigger equalizer and got the big sledge hammer. Lined the sledge up with the tire, a few practice swings, lol, I was laying on my back under the car, gave a mighty swing and yipee, it budged. I Wound up again for another swing and for some reason I instead swung my leg around and kicked they dang tire off the car and half way across the drive way. I thought I was going to have to jump up and chase it because my drive way is all down hill. Luckily it fell over. I threw a clamp onto the caliper to compress it but the dang thing was frozen up. Back to the auto parts store to buy a caliper. Really funny, the caliper on my blazer is bigger than the one I had just bought for a Grande Marqui but the one I bought tonight cost 3 times the amount. So by the time I got back with the new caliper it's dark dark. Got the new caliper and pads on and my light dies. The baterry sure drained fast. Had to put my truck lights onto the situation to wrap everything up and to bleed the brake and search for all the tools. Loose stone driveways are hard on finding tools. I think the other rear brake will wait for saturday to roll around.


  1. Boy Mac sounds like a rough night, that is why my hubby always said to wait until daylight and moring,

  2. LOL Mac my husband has to put rear brakes on my car tomorrow I hope. But I hope he don't kick nothing like a tire or the jack. lol He did the front the other day with no problem but when he started on the back he could not find a way to get the old brake shoe off. We had to buy a book to find out that he has to go from the front to get it loose and not from the back side. lol This man has done this kind of work on our vehicles for years but the darn new car's aren't so easy.

  3. ROFL.. Hmmm I don't think I'll even consider asking you to work on my brakes.. I'll work an exra day and take it to the garage, listening to you do all that cussin and screaming is more than I can stand. Gee Mac, I know we get into some of those jobs that are the real pitz. Hugzzz

  4. Well I thought for sure you were going to say you took a swing with the sledge hammer and hit yourself with it,lol....Gee then we would have have heard a whole bunch more I hope tomorrow goes better for ya Mac!

  5. All that and you didnt injure your self, Im happy to hear it Yes I know the famous Greenwich Village Parade, I havent attended that one, but then agian I thought that parade was mainly for the drag-queens in the village. lol.

  6. Wow the parade sounds great! We don't have anything like that around here. Sorry about the hard job ya had there.

  7. Gracious sake's Mac...your blog done plum wore me

  8. Cyn, to be honest with you, Had the brakes done last time in the shop. It cost 500.00. The brakes, (cost to me) all 4 cost about 38.00. Rotors cost 26.00, Calipers cost 39.00 each. I changed the front brakes a short time ago and it took me a total of 15 minutes not counting the time I spent getting the parts at Auto Zone. You would figure with every single brake part new it would only cost about 250.00. Thats another 250.00 I had been charged for labor. It's really hard for me to bend over for that kind of ripping off. Wish I made 250.00 and hour. I'd be buying everyone of you all dinner and drinks.

  9. Look on the bright side Mac. Soon you are gonna have everything around there made like new and there won't be anything left to break down. LOL Then you can sit back and relax.

  10. (perking up).....mac is buying us all dinner and drinks with the money he saved?... I will have steak and lobster please,lol...

  11. I agree Mac, being your own mechanic is hard, but at least you know the job is done right and your not being ripped off, My mechanic is reallly cheap......... 4 meals a day and my Jimmy runs good. of course he has to have clean clothes and sock and a kiss good bye in the morning too. did I pay to much already. hm add that up for 16 years, I think I got ripped, lol

  12. Awwww Buffy, you know it was worth it or you wouldn't be there for the long haul. Your husband is a lucky mechanic, lol. He even gets nice warm custom quilts as a bonus.

  13. You spoke to soon Vero...Some things just aren't worth fixing.

  14. Runs to the store and looks to see if Starkist sells lobster in the can.

  15. Whatever happened to the Flinstone model cars where you just use your feet to stop? Then of course, you gotta run real fast while holding the car up to get going again, lol. I don't work on my vehicles, it would void the warranties for sure.

    Oh and leave it to Vic to have such vicious expectations, lol!
