Sunday, August 31, 2008

For The Birds

My in laws are the type to over do almost anything they get involved   in. I would call them hobbies gone bad.

About 10 years ago they found a fondness for birds. Parrots, love birds, budgies, African Grays, Mul-luck-ans, (them big pink ones) and so many other varieties. Of course birds do multiply and theirs did a really good job at it. They now have nearly 3 or 400 birds. You walk into their house and it's like walking into a tropical rain forest. The African Greys, I like birds of prey in the wild but not flying at my face while watching the Thanksgiving parade with the kids.

One year I decided to do a Holiday meal. I think Christmas at the in laws. I made all home made pasta. Spagehti, Lasagna, Ziti, Canalonis. Fresh home made bread and rolls. All home made sauces and salads. Meat balls and sausage and peppers. We sit down to a beautifully set table and after saying grace my mother in law decides to turn on the cieling fan. Now remember I said 100's of birds? Well birds molt and dust gets every where. Like slow motion I watch the fan start whirling it's blades and from the tops of the blades a dust cloud forms and starts to settle downwards like a twister dust cloud with bits of feathers in it. Every one reached to grab something but it was to late. I can't tell you how many hours I had put into that meal. Everything was ruined.
I am guessing that knowing what I do about chickens and what birds will eat, those birds ate really well that day.


  1. Well shoot Mac any time you feel up to cooking all those great dishes you can come to my place. I keep my ceiling fans clean and I have no birds. I'd have been hopin mad to say it politely and that'd be the last time spent over there for a meal.

  2. Yuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! What a waste of your good food!

  3. Not only is that unsanitary/unpalatable but unhealthy also. I'm surprised they don't have all sorts of lung diseases living with that many birds.

  4. could be an acquired taste...feathers with meat balls..feathers with pasta...feathers with salad...SQUAWK!

  5. Ya know I always wondered about people that have birds and let them fly do you keep them from doo-dooing on everything? Such a shame about all that work for the dinner...I think next time ya should make chicken and wave it at the birds as a bit of a warning,lol

  6. Hey, my parrot used to eat chicken all the time...he loved it!

  7. Oh goodness Mac, that's not a healthy situation for your inlaws. I can just imagine the smell in the house when the heater is running. lol Shame about all the good food you cooked up. I don't think I would ever offer to cook another meal at their house. lol

  8. oh poor mac that would be a bummer. i loved my budgie till he died of pure meanness. I wont have another i will stick to my pom she is cleaner and more loving

  9. Mac, you feel free to cook all ya want at my house and I guarantee no birds and all that other unhealthy stuff they produce. I love birds and animals but the house is no place for them in numbers like that. Do them all favor and call the Humane's cruel for those folks to keep them...
