Friday, October 13, 2006

A Good Saturday With A Nice Ending.

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The above pictures if they are shown are of the day I spent with my wifes car. The first one is for Vero. Nothing like getting a car up in the air just to get a jack under it, lol. The second shows the leak of water coming out where the engine mounts to the tranny. The fix, hopefully good ole Barrs Block and Head repair. Which if you do not know what that is, you flush the radiator of all anti freeze and then go through a process of adding a chemical that then seals any major leak, blown head gasket, cracked head or block. I have learned to live with the stuff and it has never failed me yet. I have my fingers crossed.

For dinner tonight I made another Deep Dish Pizza. This time I made a cheese steak with Fresh peppers right out of the garden and onions. I cooked up about 4 beef tenderloin steaks and sliced them thin. When I made the Lasagna Deep Dish pizza I was a little disapointed with how thick the crust was where the top crust and bottom crust came together like a pie. When the dough rose durring baking it was quite thick. This time I thinned it out by pressing both the bottom and top doughs together and extending it up the side of the pan. I then cut some ham and lol, some pepperoni up into thin strips. I placed the strips around the perimeter  and then added some cheddar cheese. I then rolled the dough from the sides of the pan over the pepperoni and ham mixture to make a stuffed crust. I coated the stuffed crust with a brushing of egg, added a sprikle of parmesan cheese and a few spices and into the oven it went. I was informed at dinner by my family that I had just made the best pizza that they have ever had and that says alot. We eat alot of pizza.

Image  I just wanted everyone to know that it's hard to tell from the picture,but this Deep Dish Pizza is about 4" thick. It's not a traditional pizza and most times  You had better have a knife and fork to tackle it.

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