Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's Been A Long Week

I sure am glad that today is coming to an end. It has surely been a long week. It was off to a strange start with Cyn and Vero chasing me around with Red Pepperoni Scrapple that they made using my Indian Corn and scrap pig head..  Scrapple scares the heck outta me. Angie Angel the Super Hero Rescuer saw the Scrapple and ran away and left me to fend for myself. Vic claimed she didn't want anything to do with it and Misty hid behind her for protection from it. Buffy use to do scrapple but she gave it up.  I think Vero  didn't actually want any herself so was actually trying to get me to eat her share without Cyn knowing.Image

It was great hearing the good news that Dixie posted regarding her health. I really missed seeing her.  I figured that maybe she was hiding from the scrapple too.  Seems that her drinking JD's dew  and doing that crazy video and all and then having it shown on Girls Gone Wild  made her blood pressure go threw the roof but I bet she didn't give her Doctor all the facts.Image

I am glad that Angie didn't delete herself and her blogs. I have only known her for a short time but have enjoyed her blogs and her humor. I would think that the person calling her names has no clue regarding who our Angie is. I have a great deal of respect for all of my lady friends in our circle.  I think that you all show a great deal of class. A little nutty at times and thats what makes this fun.Image

I saw Misty's slide show and thought it so creative. It really amazes me at all the artistic features everyone comes up with.  It seems that when ever I turn my back someone comes up with something just a little bit more creative.  I still get a chuckle over the Monkey balls, I mean monkey bread.Image

After reading Theresa's blog I was kinda thinking that I would probably like a few Hula lessons. But again, I'm no Don Ho and I am sure I would be pretty scary in one of those skirts. Hold a torch, hah. If I am there to see all you ladies doing the Hula I am going to be holding a camera.Image

Seeing that fire coming from Vero's well was a sight. I can't believe that a Gas Company can ruin someones water like that.  Seems pretty scary seeing fire coming from the ground like that.  I would think that the entire area would be evacuated because of a mistake like that. Image

I have noticed that Judy has been designated breakfast supplier durring the week. I missed out on Muffins and bacon and egg sammiches this week. I did catch a little grease that slid me across Vics blog though. Cyn struck again I do believe. She sure is out to get me.Image

JD is taking up dressing funny now. He is styling the Jester, or is it the Joker look now? I guess he let Cyn dress him. I do believe he thought that she was going to let him wear his "blue" suit for the wedding that they were going to. Suprise, suprise.Image

I am hoping that Sue takes a leap of faith this weekend and starts shooting pictures of everything and anything. I am waiting for her to become a shutter bug like some others I know here in our circle.Image

I have been thinking about Vic's blog and the description of the tape on the refrigerator keeps cracking me up. I could see the original refrigerator needing some tape but to carry on the tradition was so funny.  It was a great blog and it brings back memories of some that I have known. One little old lady I knew and Vic's blog reminded me of, Ruthie, a scary, hairy. wart faced woman with hairy legs and stockings that were always down around her ankles. Poor Ruthie never knew it though. She was a haggled tooth old lady that all of us kids knew from church but she was actually a person that may have been retarded but a very, very sweet lady. I was her chore doerer. The church asked and I volunteered.Image

I was stunned to see a Froggy Blog. Well partially stunned anyway. Image I looked and looked and searched all over. Read it 3 times and not a cow to be seen. Yup, when ever I think of Manicotta I see Froggie now. Freal, lol.Image

As for myself I am glad that the week end is finally here. I am worn to a frazzle and need a few days to recouperate. The mansion that we are building is finally going up wards. I know I call it a mansion but a better description would be a fort. This thing could take on an assault from the air, land or sea. I kid you not. I will post more pictures of this monstrasity over the week end. Image 




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