Monday, October 30, 2006

Putrid's Happy Halloween

Putrefied Putrid  “Happy Halloween”


Yes, Halloween has finally approached and Putrid arises and he isn’t a friendly type ghost.

It seems that a wizard and a little munchkin named Vic cast a spell on ole Putrid that made him now who he is.

Ole Putrid arises and stretches and groans. He sniffs the air and off he goes.

He heads for Mrs. Vero’s for he wants her candy. She always has Reeses and that’s what Putrid fancies. His smell wafts through the window and Mrs. Vero goes running. The Reeses are Putrid’s and he’s off leaving her grumbling.

Next Putrid heads off toward Cyn’s and the Wizards for some caramel apples or some other treat for the night. Seems the Wizard has changed for now he’s a Jester. No protection for Cyn as ole Putrid  enters.

He stinks up their palace and grabs all their candy and leaves a few maggots and as he exits says “trick or treat”.

It’s off to Angie’s for she surely has candy. She expects little children not Putrid at her door. He says “trick or treat” as her eyes start to water. She gives him some candy and is glad that he leaves.

Putrid approaches Misty’s and her house is all dark. She pretends she not home cause she smelled Putrid coming.  But Putrid is not fooled and he knocks and he knocks. Misty finally gives in that’s why Putrid got what he got. Gummy eyeballs with a filling like a slimy gooey snot.

Putrid heads for Theresa’s and got a surprise. For she heard he was coming and left a Help Yourself bowl of candy on the porch. Putrid only took one piece, thought for a second and took a few more.  He started to leave but turned back and completed the score.

Putrid headed over to Dixie’s and she was waiting for sure. She chased Putrid in circles on her Anti Christ reving the engine with a roar, till she ran out of gas or maybe broke down. And Putrid got his candy for he could run pretty fast.

Putrid arrived at Jim’s for a Halloween treat. Jim looked at Putrid and laughed and laughed with his parrot and then gave Putrid some candied mushrooms and some goat’s milk to wash them down and showed Putrid some pictures of the sun going down.

Putrid headed for Teddybear’s wanting a treat. He got left over cake and a few other sweets.

And finally as the night grew to an end Ole Putrid arrived at the home of his foe. It seemed that Little Vic had trick or treated all night. She had forgotten about Putrid but was met with his fright. Who would have figured she would get all scared. She dropped her pillowcase of candy as Putrid came near. She started sobbing as Putrid grabbed the sack. He didn’t care as he started eating her snacks. Almond Joys then the snickers and all her candy corns, the Babe Ruth bars and Hershies, Mounds and some Smores. Mmmm even some Rice Crispy treats, tootsie rolls and some Pez. The Popcorn balls were yummy and the licorice sticks tasted funny. Ole Putrid let out a burp then started to eat more The Sugar Daddies were great and the Milk Duds for sure. The last treat of candy that was left in the sack was few Gummy bears in a small plastic wrap. As Putrid looked at poor Vic crying, he pretended to be sorry and held out the treat for her. He held it high as she jumped to retrieve it. Putrid snatched it away before she could seize it. He opened the pack and he popped one in his mouth and teased little Vic with “mmm isn’t this good”. Putrid did this with each individual piece. Little Vic was so angry and she shook with rage. But old Putrid was happy with the results of the night. Trick or Treating was fun and he hopes to see everyone again next year on     “Halloween night”.

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