Thursday, October 12, 2006

What A Week

It sure is great for the week end to be here. It's been a heck of a week. 

The biggest event of the week was my wife who was sitting in traffic while working and driving a company vehicle had someone not paying attention drive up behind her and slam into her doing about 40 mph. The hit threw my wife foward hard enough to have her  seatbelt bruise her and  something in the seat broke and hurt her back. To compound the problem the police officer that arrived on the scene gave her a hard time because she couldn't locate the insurance card in the car. She had called her office and a co-worker came to the scene and located and gave the police officer the insurance card. My wife being taken by ambulance could not get her drivers license back from the police officer. He flat out right refused to return it. Everyone there at the scene including the paramedics who knew the police officer told my wife that the police officer was in a bad mood due to a bad day. The police officer did come to the hospital and returned the license to my wife later. He made small talk and such with her and wanted to check her condition. I guess that was his way of appologizing for his behavior at the scene.

The reason that my wife was driving a company vehicle was due to a problem with her car. The day before she was driving to work and drove through a road construction project and hit something in the road. She was losing fluid from something around her oil pan or transmission. I checked her fluids that night after I got home from work and noticed she was low on coolant. I wasn't sure if she lost a hose or if she had actually banged her transmission because the fluid she claimed was under her car in a puddle was a red color. From what I could see under her car that sits about 6" off the ground was fluid drippimg out from a location around the bell housing of the transmission.  I guess that tomorrow I raise the car up and go under it. Hopefully it is just a water line going to her tranny and an inexpensive fix.

I of course have to replace an exhaust pipe on my Blazer, grrrr. Driving home earlier in the week it falls off. Dang thing rusted off 2" from the muffler. Car repair number 2 for tomorrow. I guess I'll have to fix it cause my 1 1/2 hour commute to work smelling exhaust fumes can't be to healthy and now with this cool air moving in I can't keep the window rolled down enough for fresh air circulation.

My son who is working up in Buffalo NY called and let me know that they were hit with about 2 foot of snow. He told me how during the snow storm they actually had thunder and lightning.  The governor Of NY, Patacki says it was a freak snow storm. What an intellegent man that Governor is, lol...

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