Saturday, December 30, 2006

Ham Salad Recipe

I lost my Grandmother about 25 years ago. I spent so much time with her in her kitchen and gardens and learned an amazing amout of knowlege from her that has guided me through life. She would cook with a simple country style and almost every ingredient she used would be of an item that was grown on the farm or came from a relatives farm. Her cold cellar was always filled with her canned items, fruits in their bushel baskets and potatoes and such. I would never see a canned ham on her table. That was more of something my parents would do.

I would help my Grandmother with making her Ham Salad. I was an excellent cranker. To this day I make my Ham Salad the way she made her's. Of course my ingredients are all store bought and I'm not making my own Mayo.

My Grandmother eventually handed the Ham Salad making over to me as I grew older. I had the pride of meeting her appoval. I always strove for that of my elders. It seemed that once the salad was made it never lasted that long for we loved to dip into it with a cracker or spread a layer of it over a piece of a crust of bread. It's a tradition that I kept going and truly enjoy.

Mac’s Ham Salad


About 1-½ lbs of leftover ham

1 large onion minced

1 dill pickle minced

3 sweet Gherkin pickles, minced

1 tsp of black pepper

1 tsp of horseradish

1 tbs of spicy brown mustard

6 tbs of mayonnaise

2 tbs of Miracle Whip or Sandwich Spread


With a hand grinder with a course grind blade, grind the ham. If you are feeling lazy cut the onion and the pickles to a size to fit into the grinder and grind them too.

In a bowl with a cover combine all of the ingredients and mix them well. If the salad looks a little dry I like to pour a bit of the dill pickle juice into it. Of course you could add more Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for several hours to allow the flavors to meld.

This ham salad is great for sandwiches. It is excellent for use on miniature pumpernickel bread for a New Years Eve Snack. It is excellent on crackers or even used in a “Mac”oroni salad. My kids like it when I put it on toasted pumpernickel and melt cheese over it under the broiler for a few minutes. After Easter I like to make Deviled Eggs with the cooked egg yolks added to the salad from the Easter Eggs.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Who Likes Ham

I am not a big fan of ham. I grew up having the traditional canned ham for Easter dinner with the cloves stuck in it and the pineapple rings with the cherries in the center. I never could understand why anyone would waste good pineapple by baking and browning it on a ham.

My wifes family will have a turkey for Thanksgiving but every other holiday and it's a spiral ham. One year my mother inlaw decided to do a Smith Field ham and didn't follow the directions. She didn't relize that the ham needed to be soaked before baking. She relized when I was asked to grab a SawZall from the truck for carving because a knife just wasn't doing the trick.

This year I recieved a fresh smoked boneless 9lb ham for a present from work. I'm figuring my future lunches wil be ham salad for many weeks to come. I do love ham salad.

Today I am making that ham. I have it heating through in a 325 degree oven with a brown sugar and brown mustard glaze that I made. I am actually looking foward to having this ham tonight. I invite you all over for some so make it quick, lol.If you can't make it today I will be making some cream of potato soup this week and probably some ham, green beans and potatoes. I'm sure some ham and cheese omlettes will be made for brekfeast tomorrow and we will surely have some homemade "Mac" and cheese with ham and diced tomatoes. I also do a baked bacon that I cover with brown sugar, mustard and my secret ingredient that is also in my glaze , lots of crushed black pepper. I have been requested to make ham slices like that for brekfeast tomorrow also. I will sicken everyone with the fact that I will be freezing some of the left over ham so that I can make a nice homemade pea soup in a few months. Homemade pea soup is so much better than the stuff they call pea soup from a can and the smokie taste from ham makes it taste so much more rustic. That goes for navy bean soup too.

So you all come on now and make sure you bring your bibs.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Trooper Sure Can Run Fast

In most of the United States, there is a policy of checking on
any stalled vehicle on the highway when the temperatures drop down to single digits or below.
About 3 AM, one very cold morning, Trooper Allan Nixon #658
responded to a call there was a car off the shoulder of the road
outside Shattuck . He located the car, stuck in deep snow, and with the engine still running. Pulling in behind the car with his emergency lights on, the Trooper walked to the driver's door to find an older man passed out behind the wheel with a nearly empty vodka bottle on the seat beside him.
The driver came awake when the Trooper tapped on the window.
Seeing the rotating lights in his rearview mirror, and the State
Trooper standing next to his car, the man panicked.
He jerked the gearshift into 'drive' and hit the gas. The car's
speedometer was showing 20-30-40 and then 50 mph, but it was still stuck in the snow, wheels spinning.
Trooper Nixon, having a sense of humor, began running in place next to the speeding, but still stationary car. The driver was totally freaked, thinking the Trooper was actually keeping up with him. This goes on for about 30 seconds, then the Trooper yelled, "Pull over!"
The man obeyed, turned his wheel and stopped the engine. Needless to say, the man from Dumas, Texas was arrested, and is probably still shaking his head over the State Trooper in Oklahoma who could run 50 miles per hour.
Who says Trooper's don't have a sense of humor?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Death By Drinking

I read Cyn's blog about a person she knows that has a serious problem with drinking and I was starting to comment and then decided that maybe a blog on the subject would be better.

When I was 17 years old 5 of my best friends were driving home from a New Years Eve party. They were all extremely drunk. They died that night taking the lives of a mother and young daughter in another car. These guys were my best friends and being from a very small town, my only friends. Their deaths erased all the guys from my town my age except for myself. I could have been in that car but I had been working that night. I was a cook in a resturant and it being New Years Eve it was a very busy night. One of my friends was actually the owner of the places son.

The whole town grieved over the deaths of the boys but I have to say that I was so angry. I also knew the mother and daughter that had been killed. They were family friends and innocently driving home from a reletives home.

2 years ago my kid brother died at the age of 40. He was a severe drinker. His whole life revolved around his next drink. He never had a family of his own. He never, thank God, drove a car or had a license. He also never had a full time job. The only thing different with him and the fellow Cyn blogged about is that my brother was the sort that would do anything for anyone. After his death the people that showed up to pay their respects were the people that he had always reached out and helped in some manner. He would fix their cars, help build something, do odd jobs for, help them when they were down or whatever a sociable drunk would do. Of course these people mainly contributed to the problems that he had because usually payment for a good deed that he would do was to usually give him a 6 pack or bottle. Nice deal for payment to someone that just did a brake job on your car or roofed your home huh? Don't get me wrong, My brother didn't do the job of a drunk when it came to fixing someones brakes. He was an excellent mechanic. Once the sun went down though he was a professional drunk though.

My kid brother spent his entire adult life being crucified by me for his drinking problem. He never hurt anyone with his addiction. He didn't commit crimes or hurt people to pay for his addiction. The only hurt he caused was to need hauling out of some deep woods party after passing out by a bond fire or calling for the need of a ride home because the bar was closing and it was to cold outdoors to walk the 10 miles or so to get home or the bartender was worried because he might pass out on the walk home and freeze to death.

I miss my brother. His death was caused by cancer. It went from his throat to his lungs to his stomach and to his organs. His insides were eaten away. He didn't have medical insurance so he didn't get much medical help. He did very little drinking his last few months of life. He did his best to put up a good show though as he would carry around a quart bottle of beer in a brown paper bag and sipped it everyonce in awhile. He carried that same quart bottle for 2 months.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Garden Circle Blog News V11

The weekend is finally here and I sur am glad. It's been a long tiring week and wore me out. .

I guess that I have to get myself into a Christmas type mood for I have to get some shopping done. I can't believe that Christmas is only a week away and I still haven't found myself in the mood to do it yet. It's been rough due to a situation change as far as money goes and it's taking longer to get both feet back on the ground again.

We put up the outdoor lights a few weeks ago and the tree will go up tomorrow. The decorations will go on the tree when my son comes home to visit for the Holidays. When he gets here my mood will surely change.

I guess things wouldn't be so bad if someone would make some fudge but it seems that I have to make my own. I am not a good fudge maker. I like any other fudge but my own.

Judy, I am glad that your doggy has pulled through. I hope it has learned it;s leason on what not to eat.

Cyn, Are things going all right up there at the North Pole. It sure has been quiet regarding the trouble tat you and Vic are getting into up there. I know you have been worn out with working 24/7. I guess that pixie dust and Christmas dust must be having strange side effects on you.

Vic has been awful quiet all week. Blog land has been very peaceful. It's like the quiet before a storm. No one has trashed or smeared chocolate all over my blog in quite awhile.

Misty, did all of your snow melt? I haven't been hit in the back of the head with a virtual snowball at all this week. This linkis for you Misty, enjoy.

Farmer Jones has announced that he and his'n have a whole litter of piglets.I hope no lady piglet gives them boy piglets any beer.Wouldn't want to see them corrupted at to young an age.

The racket commming From TB's blog if anyone wondering is from him playing and beating on his pots and pans dresed in his cowboy cloths while hijacking a train. I was wondering what would of happend if the train robbers of the old west would have done if they went to engineering school first.

I got a kick out of Dixies blog. I enjoyed reading about old Christmas Traditions. I was rather amused with the Christmas Seranading. Thanks for posting that Dixie.

Well, thats the news for now. Have a good day and weekend.

(I know only one more Roman Numeral so I have to rethink News Titles, lol)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Something New

I found a new emote site and find it rather amusing. You can use them in your blogs. It's about time I have something to play with first.


 Image I have something new to play with. Image 

Monday, December 11, 2006

Ecoli Outbreak In NJ.

Ecoli Outbreak in NJ. As of this morning 74 people infected.

I posted the following report from the NJ Department Of Health. Just out of curiosity, Has anyone seen anything of that Taco Bell dog?


PO Box 360

Trenton, NJ 08625-0360

For Release:

December 06, 2006

Fred M. Jacobs, MD, JD


For Further Information Contact:

Gretchen Michael


NJ Health Department Recommends Taco Bell Restaurants Sanitize, Discard all Food and Restock

The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services is recommending that all Taco Bells in New Jersey receiving food from the McLane Foodservice, Inc. of Burlington discard all current food supplies and clean and sanitize their facilities.  


NJDHSS has been working closely with the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), neighboring state and local health departments, New Jersey’s local health departments, and Taco Bell Corp. regarding the ongoing investigation of statewide cases of E. coli associated with Taco Bell.


Earlier today, Taco Bell Corp. issued a nationwide press release, available at the Taco Bell web site.  According to the press release, Taco Bell Corp. has announced that three samples of green onions were found to be presumptive positive for E. coli O157:H7 by an independent testing laboratory.  As a strictly precautionary effort, Taco Bell Corp. has removed green onions at all of its approximately 5,800 restaurants nationwide. 


In light of the epidemiological investigation and Taco Bell’s announcement, as a precautionary step, Department of Health and Senior Services Commissioner Fred M. Jacobs, M.D., J.D. requests that Taco Bell restaurants take the following actions:


Jurisdictions with Taco Bell restaurants WITH associated, culture-confirmed E. coli O157 cases should implement the following interventions at a minimum:


  1. The restaurants will need to be cleaned and sanitized.
  2. Current foods in restaurants will need to be discarded and resupplied.
  3. All food workers must have stool samples cultured for E. coli O157 and any symptomatic workers or culture-positive workers must not work until documented culture-negative.
  4. Food workers will need to have enhanced training in proper food handling and hygiene.

Since all New Jersey Taco Bell restaurants receive food from the same distributors, jurisdictions with Taco Bell restaurants WITHOUT associated cases should implement the following interventions at a minimum:


  1. The restaurant will need to be cleaned and sanitized.
  2. Current foods in restaurants will need to be discarded and resupplied.

Additionally, the DHSS Food and Drug Safety Program in cooperation with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is investigating McLane Foodservice, Inc of Burlington, NJ and Ready Pac Produce in Florence, NJ.   McLane Foodservice is the sole distributor of all ingredients including cheese, meat items, and produce for Taco Bell restaurants in New Jersey, Long Island, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.  Ready-Pac Produce processes produce items such as lettuce, tomatoes, and onions used by the Taco Bell restaurants. 


The Department today will be testing samples of green onions from McLane Foodservice.


“Now that a food item has tested preliminarily positive, it is prudent that these interventions be taken as soon as possible to protect the public health and safety,’’ Dr. Jacobs said. “In light of the test results on green onions, the risk to the public may be ongoing although we are continuing our investigation into what food source may be the cause of this outbreak.


Deputy Commissioner and State Epidemiologist Dr. Eddy Bresnitz has notified all health departments in the state to recommend that the Taco Bells in their jurisdictions take the interventions outlined above to protect the health and safety of the public.


“The cooperation of local health departments is essential to ensuring that the appropriate steps are taken to ensure that these recommendations are implemented,’’ said Dr. Bresnitz. “The state and locals are true partners in this investigation.’’


As of this time, 40 culture confirmed or possible cases are being investigated in Middlesex, Somerset, Union and Camden counties. Food histories have been taken in 24 of the cases and 23 of the individuals who became sick ate at a Taco Bell restaurant in either They became sick between Nov. 20 and Nov. 29, possibly Nov. 30.


So far, at least 28 cases have been culture confirmed for E. coli, but are pending further test results to determine if they are part of the same strain and are linked to the same outbreak.


Test results will not be available today to determine if the individuals were infected with the same strain



Just a note. The State of NJ has not actually found any evidence of the food supplier to the Taco Bells as a source of the problem nor has it actually found as of yet that the Ecoli has been proven to come from any Taco bell food.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Christmas Spirit


I guess the title I used may be a tad misleading. I have been reading blogs and have posted a few regarding what Christmas is really about.

Yesterday evening while scanning through the cable channles looking for a movie that I could watch with my 11 year old daughter I came across The Miracle On 34th Street which has always been one that my family watches every year. It's a great movie and I am sure that most have seen it cause it was probably made a century or so ago. The movie revolves aroud the belief in Santa Claus and a fellow that claimed he was The real Chris Kringle and he worked for Macy's Department store as a Santa.

Durring the movie, probably about the middle of it a commercial comes on. The commercial is about a drug called Cialis. I guess it is a drug not unlike Viagra. The person is reading off the side effects of this drug , like the possibility of having an erection for over 4 hours one should get  medical attention right away.

All I can say is that that commercial is exactly what I was talking about concerning The Christmas Spirit. I do not know why a Network feels the need or doesn't think regarding their programing. It's all about the money. Why put on a program for children and then put commercials like that on durring the movie? I just don't get it.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

The Garden Circle Blog News VI

The Garden Circle Blog News VI

I hate to do another blog before sharing the Littlest Angel Blog from yesterday with everybody.



As it has been an interesting and confuzziling week here in the garden. Seems that disorientation has caused me in many cases to forget where I was or a double take was needed due to Cyn popping up everywhere. It was really cool  to see all of the pictures and to see how much everyone partook in the coloring. Gloggy took things to a whole new level with a fantastic morphing. Talk about something totally cool.

Jim, I am sure that everyones hearts go out to you. What a shame people don't look after their pets. I hope all your goats have pulled through and that you are back with us soon.


Seems that Misty was ambushed by Cyn this week and ended up with her head stuck in the snow. Of course being one to take advantage of a situation I proceeded to get even for all the virtual snowballs that I have been beaned with.  Poor Misty was buried up to her tip pie toes and then along came her snowstorm to bury her some more. Of course she was rescued and all the hot chocolate that everyone dropped off to her thawed her out pretty quick and she was back to her cheery self right away.


Little Vic gave us her version of the, Twas A Blog Before Christmas and she made us all famous with her version of the tale.  I am not sure but I may have found a clue in there about what may have happened to the missing pink sock. On a note of seriousness about all those that don’t blog. Come on folks and join us please, we want you involved.


Mrs. Vero made Peanut Butter Fudge, Hurray. It was cloned. I hope she didn’t mind sharing during this season of caring.


Dixie posted her Santa list of a few Christmas wants. Then she even posted Santa’s list of naughty and nice. Her standings with Santa didn’t appear all that bad and she’s not (snicker, snicker) on very thin ice. Good luck Mrs. Dixie. I hope Santa sees the good in you that all us that know you all do.

Stephanie, thank you so much for the beautiful heart felt inspirational blogs that you have posted this week. I have extremely enjoyed them.


Angie did a blog regarding what Christmas meant to her. I am sure that everyone has noticed that the true feeling of Christmas is slipping away. It seems that Christians are being forced to keep their feeling and beliefs locked up. That in turn is causing a ripple effect with less people practicing their beliefs and doing what is right. Fewer and fewer Children are growing up with religion and moral values will soon be a thing of the past. It is very sad when I try to imagine what just a few years into the future may be like. Of course this is just what Angie’s blog started me thinking about. The shopping and the gifts seem all that is important anymore. Wal-Mart decided to allow Christmas back into their stores just for that reason. I’m sure they will not have any scenes of Jesus Christ posted around their stores but you will see lots of Merry Christmas again and here the Jingle Bells.


TeddyBear has been sharing the West Virginia spirit with blog land.  I am not referring to moon shine so calm down JD.  The Hillbilly Christmas tree may need some further explaining. Just a note about TB, don’t let him fool you. He’s a Gentleman and Scholar but tries to keep it hidden. He just doesn’t want the word to get out. Thanks for the picture you post TB. I am waiting for spring for some shots of your gardens.

Buffy has posted some shots of the construction of her new home. Things are looking good Buffy. Hopefully they will get it framed up this upcoming week, then sided and roofed. I hope your not tearing your hair out yet cause the stress part is still coming. Picking colors and cabinets and finishes galore. Matching this with that and all the “what fors”.


Did everyone see that big giant pot Vero got herself for Christmas? I have the feeling she can pot roast a whole cow in there. She can surely make a pot of chili  big enough to feed us all in that pot and enough fudge that I won’t have to clone anymore.


Shandie, where have you been? We are waiting for the results from the coloring contest you started.  You are going to have your hands full judging this one, lol. Good luck.


JD, I am sure glad that your wake was called off this week. I am not very good at writing obituaries. I must say that I have never seen a wake called off before. Cyn must be like a Roman Emperor and she has blessed you with thumbs up. I don’t myself understand what all the hubbub was about. I thought your coloring was rather amusing. Cyn has a sense of humor and I am sure that she didn’t expect any less or more from you.


Well, That’s all the News I have for this week. Good day and good night.






Friday, December 8, 2006

A Christmas Story


The Littelist Angel

Image                      My Favorite Christmas Story

     Oh, many, many years ago as time is calculated by men--but which was only Yesterday in the Celestial Calendar of Heaven--there was, in Paradise, a most miserable, thoroughly unhappy, and utterly dejected cherub who was known throughout Heaven as The Littlest Angel.

     He was exactly four years, six months, five days, seven hours and forty-two minutes of age when he presented himself to the venerable Gate-Keeper and waited for admittance to the Glorious Kingdom of God.

     Standing defiantly, with his short brown legs wide apart, the Littlest Angel tried to pretend that he wasn't at all impressed by such Unearthly Splendour,and that he wasn't at all afraid. But his lower lip trembled, and a tear disgraced him by making a new furrow down his already tear-streaked face--coming to a precipitous halt at the very tip end of his small freckled nose.


     But that wasn't all. While the kindly Gate-Keeper was entering the name in his great Book, the Littlest Angel, having left home as usual without a handkerchief, endeavoured to hide the tell-tale evidence by sniffing.' A most unangelic sound which so unnerved the good Gate-Keeper that he did something he had never done before in all Eternity. He blotted the page!


     From that moment on, the Heavenly Peace was never quite the same, and the Littlest Angel soon became the despair of all the Heavenly Host. His shrill, ear-splitting whistle resounded at all hours through the Golden Streets. It startled the Patriarch Prophets and disturbed their meditations. Yes, and on top of that, he inevitably and vociferously sang off-key at the singing practice of the Heavenly Choir, spoiling its ethereal effect. And, being so small that it seemed to take him just twice as long as anyone else to get to nightly prayers, the Littlest Angel always arrived late, and always knocked everyone's wings askew as he darted into his place.

     Although these flaws in behaviour might have been overlooked, the general appearance of the Littlest Angel was even more disreputable than his deportment. It was first whispered among the Seraphim and Cherubim, and then said aloud among the Angels and Archangels, that he didn't even look like an angel!


     And they were all quite correct. He didn't. His halo was permanently tarnished where he held onto it with one hot little chubby hand when he ran, and he was always running. Furthermore, even when he stood very still, it never behaved like a halo should. It was always slipping down over his right eye.

     Yes, and it must be here recorded that his wings were neither useful nor ornamental. All Paradise held its breath when the Littlest Angel perched himself like an unhappy fledgling sparrow on the very edge of a gilded cloud and prepared to take off. He would teeter this way--and that way--but, after much coaxing and a few false starts, he would shut both of his eyes, hold his freckled nose, count up to three hundred and three, and then hurl himself s 1 o w 1 y into space! However, owing to the regrettable fact that he always forgot to move his wings, the Littlest Angel always fell head over halo! It was also reported and never denied, that whenever he was nervous, which was most of the time, he bit his wing-tips!


     Now, anyone can easily understand why the Littlest Angel would, soon or late, have to be disciplined. And so, on an Eternal Day of an Eternal Month in the Year Eternal, he was directed to present his small self before an Angel of the Peace.

     The Littlest Angel combed his hair, dusted his wings and scrambled into an almost clean robe, and then, with a heavy heart, trudged his way to the place of judgment. He tried to postpone the dreaded ordeal by loitering along the Street of The Guardian Angels, pausing a few timeless moments to minutely pursue the long list of new arrivals, although all Heaven knew he couldn't read a word. And he idled more than several immortal moments to carefully examine a display of aureate harps, although everyone in the Celestial City knew he couldn't tell a crotchet from a semiquaver. But at length and at last he slowly approached a doorway which was surmounted by a pair of golden scales, signifying that Heavenly Justice was dispensed within. To the Littlest Angel's great surprise, he heard a merry voice, singing!

     The Littlest Angel removed his halo and breathed upon it heavily, then polished it upon his robe, a procedure which added nothing to that garment's already untidy appearance, and then t i p - t o e d in!

     The Singer, who was known as the Understanding Angel, looked down at the small culprit, and the Littlest Angel instantly tried to make himself invisible by the ingenious process of withdrawing his head into the collar of his robe, very much like a snapping turtle. At that, the Singer laughed, a jolly, heartwarming sound, and said, "Oh! So you're the one who's been making Heaven so un' heavenly! Come here, Cherub, and tell me all about it!" The Littlest Angel ventured a furtive look from beneath his robe. First one eye. And then the other eye.


     Suddenly, almost before he knew it, he was perched on the lap of the Understanding Angel, and was explaining how very difficult it was for a boy who suddenly finds himself transformed into an angel. Yes, and no matter what the Archangels said, he'd only swung once. Well, twice. Oh, all right, then, he'd swung three times on the Golden Gates. But that was just for something to do!

     That was the whole trouble. There wasn't anything for a small angel to do. And he was very homesick. Oh, not that Paradise wasn't beautiful! But the Earth was beautiful, too! Wasn't it created by God, Himself? Why, there were trees to climb, and brooks to fish, and caves to play at pirate chief, the swimming hole, and sun, and rain, and dark, and dawn, and thick brown dust, so soft and warm beneath your feet!

     The Understanding Angel smiled, and in his eyes was a long forgotten memory of another small boy in a long ago. Then he asked the Littlest Angel what would make him most happy in Paradise. The Cherub thought for a moment, and whispered in his ear.


     And then, in all those timeless days that followed, everyone wondered at the great change in the Littlest Angel, for, among all the cherubs in God's Kingdom, he was the most happy. His conduct was above the slightest reproach. His appearance was all that the most fastidious could wish for. And on excursions to Elysian Fields, it could be said, and truly said, that he flew like an angel!

     Then it came to pass that Jesus, the Son of God, was to be born of Mary, of Bethlehem, of Judea. And as the glorious tidings spread through Paradise, all the angels rejoiced and their voices were lifted to herald the Miracle of Miracles, the coming of the Christ Child.

     The Angels and Archangels, the Seraphim and Cherubim, the Gate-Keeper, the Wingmaker, yes, and even the Halosmith put aside their usual tasks to prepare their gifts for the Blessed Infant. All but the Littlest Angel. He sat himself down on the top-most step of the Golden Stairs and anxiously waited for inspiration.


     What could he give that would be most acceptable to the Son of God? At one time', he dreamed of composing a lyric hymn of adoration. But the Littlest Angel was woefully wanting in musical talent. Then he grew tremendously excited over writing a prayer! A prayer that would live forever in the hearts of men, because it would be the first prayer ever to be heard by the Christ Child. But the Littlest Angel was lamentably lacking in literary skill. "What, oh what, could a small angel give that would please the Holy Infant?"

     The time of the Miracle was very close at hand when the Littlest Angel at last decided on his gift. Then, on that Day of Days, he proudly brought it from its hiding place behind a cloud, and humbly, with downcast eyes, placed it before the Throne of God. It was only a small, rough, unsightly box, but inside were all those wonderful things that even a Child of God would treasure!

     A small, rough, unsightly box, lying among all those other glorious gifts from all the Angels of Paradise! Gifts of such rare and radiant splendour and breathless beauty that Heaven and all the Universe were lighted by the mere reflection of their glory! And when the Littlest Angel saw this, he suddenly knew that his gift to God's Child was irreverent, and he devoutly wished he might reclaim his shabby gift. It was ugly. It was worthless. If only he could hide it away from the sight of God before it was even noticed!



     But it was too late! The Hand of God moved slowly over all that bright array of shining gifts, then paused, then dropped, then came to rest on the lowly gift of the Littlest Angel! The Littlest Angel trembled as the box was opened, and there, before the Eyes of God and all His Heavenly Host, was what he offered to the Christ Child.

     And what was his gift to the Blessed Infant? Well, there was a butterfly with golden wings, captured one bright summer day on the high hills above Jerusalem, and a sky-blue egg from a bird's nest in the olive tree that stood to shade his mother's kitchen door. Yes, and two white stones, found on a muddy river bank, where he and his friends had played like small brown beavers, and, at the bottom of the box, a limp, tooth-marked leather strap, once worn as a collar by his mongrel dog, who had died as he had lived, in absolute love and infinite devotion.

     The Littlest Angel wept hot, bitter tears, for now he knew that instead of honouring the Son of God, he had been most blasphemous. Why had he ever thought the box was so wonderful? Why had he dreamed that such utterly useless things would be loved by the Blessed Infant? In frantic terror, he turned to run and hide from the Divine Wrath of the Heavenly Father, but he stumbled and fell, and with a horrified wail and clatter of halo, rolled in a ball of consummate misery to the very foot of the Heavenly Throne!


     There was an ominous and dreadful silence in the Celesti'al City, a silence complete and undisturbed save for the heart-broken sobbing of the Littlest Angel.

     Then, suddenly, The Voice of God, like Divine Music, rose and swelled through Paradise! And the Voice of God spoke, saying, "Of all the gifts of all the angels, I find that this small box pleases Me most. Its contents are of the Earth and of men, and My Son is born to be King of both. These are the things My Son, too, will know and love and cherish and then, regretful, will leave behind Him when His task is done. I accept this gift in the Name of the Child, Jesus, born of Mary this night in Bethlehem."

     There was a breathless pause, and then the rough, unsightly box of the Littlest Angel began to glow with a bright, unearthly light, then the light became a lustrous flame, and the flame became a radiant brilliance that blinded the eyes of all the angels!


     None but the Littlest Angel saw it rise from its place before the Throne of God. And he, and only he, watched it arch the firmament to stand and shed its clear, white, beckoning light over a Stable where a Child was Born.

     There it shone on that Night of Miracles, and its light was reflected down the centuries deep in the heart of all mankind. Yet, earthly eyes, blinded, too, by its splendour, could never know that the lowly gift of the littlest Angel was what all men would call forever





I know that this may not sound like a Christmas story But it always has to me. I hope that you have enjoyed it.



Thursday, December 7, 2006

Sketti Os

If someone can post a blog of mechanically seperated chicken in canned chicken soup,  bowl of chicken soup, lol, then I'm gonna post my Sketti Os. Yuppers, I like em and I eat em.  And to really blow ones mind, I like them cold right out of the can... I have been known to at times to take them to work in my lunch box. If I can't get any Cambels Sirloin burger soup which is my favorite then it has gotta be Sketti Os.

My time in the United States Army introduced me to eating meals from a can called C Rations. There is nothing more gross than a C Rat. If you ever had spam and can still picture it oooozing out of the can with the gel and the slim, C Rats were way worse. Imagine if you will watching chicken beef and tuna ooozing out of a can. Even worse, spagetti. The best of the C Rats which would be fought over was the pork and beans. I would stock up on Sketti Os and bring them with me for my meals in the field.. So to this day I still get and eat them with the fond memories of how they saved my life or at least my bowels or many a night in the latrine...

Just a small note on how bad C Rats were. As our convoys would roll through towns in foriegn countries little under priviledged kids would run behind our trucks expecting the troops riding in the back of the trucks to throw them some goodies. We always took this opportunity to unload the un used C Rations. The cans would be tossed to the children. If you could have only seen the expressions on their little faces as they would pick the cans from the ground, relize what they were and then wing them back at us, lol.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Oh Fudge

Yes, I do love fudge. I love peanut buter. I find peanut butter fudge to be out of this world.

Peanut butter fudge shouldn't just be left laying around because I just might see it and the drool will start flowing and my stomach will start grumbling and then I just lose all self control.  Peanut butter fudge has been known to vanish mysteriously in my presence but all accusations and allegations of my guilt to the crime could not be proven due to the lack of evidence.

Just incase someone out there thinks that a case of laxitives added to a few pieces of fudge will cure me of my peanut butter fudge crimes should know better by now. I have suffered the effects of many a laxitive used to thwart my cravings. It seems that the effects are controllable now and I have grown acustumed to the added pressure. Pun intended, lol.

I declare a Peanut butter Fudge Day and I have swiped a truck load of Peanut Butter Fudge and I am sharring it with all of the Garden Circle.

 !! Enjoy !! Everbody!!.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

My Coloring Of Cyn

I figured that since Vic and Cyn are hanging out together maybe a little of each may be rubbing off onto one another too. Yup, Cyns going pink gradually. Soon the boots will be added to her attire.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Work, Work, Work

I'm just going to bore everyone with this blog. The only thing I can write about is the Castle I am building. It was a mansion, then upgraded to a fort but now it has advance to Castle stattus.

The homeowner is an archtitect that designs building in New York city. He is used to doing designs fo sky scrapers and other commercial type structures. He has no clue regarding Residential designs so needless to say this Castle that is being built for him is designed way over board. I will post pictures when I get a chance of the completed basement and the deck framing for the first floor. Notice all the concrete columns and all of the girders that are not sitting on the columns but are actually hanging from them in hangers that were custum made just for this job by the Simpson Hanger Manufacturer.

The girders range from 12"X  5 1/2" to 18" X 5 1/2". The girders actually form a grid  and no grid is much larger than 16' X 16'. I have lifted each and every one of  those beams up into possitition with 2 helpers, a good scaffold and our knee lifting, lol.  A few of the 18" girders had atleast 400lbs of bulk to them so of course we had an excellent work out. It seems to me though that the special made hangers for the girders were made just to handle the wieght of the girders....

All of the joist are enginnered lumber. TGI joist. Every joist is also hung in hangers. I hope the pictures show the nailing into these hangers. Certain hangers required 80 16d (penny) nails per hanger. Believe me, my hammer swinging arm is very sore. I think a palm nailer may be in the future for the upper floors.

We are making slow progress due to the fact that we are still waiting for several of the special order hangers to show up. We have been told every day for the last week and a half that we would have them the next day by 11:00 AM. Suppliers are all the same..

The decking itself which we should start putting down tomorrow will also be a new product. The samples that I have been given are of a product that is tongue and grooved like typical sheathing but the product looks like the material used to make Pergo flooring without the laminate and in an 8' x 4' sheet. I do not like working with any products that are not real wood. I do not like partical board or flake board or even masonite. but I do like products like MDO and MDF. I just feel that at the rate this job is going there will be alot of snow sitting on the deck and my prediction for damage to a product that I don't know anything about is a scary "not good".

So there is my throwing my boring life of work at you for a bit. I hope you survived.

To see the Castle look at my Yahhoo photos up there in the right corner of my page, Marehaven Castle, lol..

Friday, December 1, 2006

The Garden Circle Blog News IV

The Garden Circle Blog News IV


Yeah, I know I’m a day late. Sorry about that but better late than never I hear so many People say. I have been very busy with work this week and the physical labor has been quite demanding so of course I have been pretty worn down by the time I tune into 360 at night.

I have been watching the blogs and have had to keep on my toes these past few days cause Misty is back feeling better and the snowballs are flying every where.  People are even building snow forts and are using trashcan shields for protection due to someone out there throwing the yellow slushiness.

I saw Jims new picture he put up and had to pay him a visit to see what was up. It seems that Jim like to bury his face in the snow and make a mould after suffering severe brain freeze. Ok Jim. I have a request, the next time your folding chair is covered with snow and you stick your face in it. I want see pictures of that.

Angie posted a Christmas Test. I sure was glad when people started posting the answers because I sure was feeling ignorant. Who would think that with all the craziness in the world regarding Muslims, St. Nicholas was from that area.

Cyn and Vic started the week off getting jobs at the North Pole working For Santa Claus. I’m not going to make any comments regarding how the two of them managed to get themselves into the positions that they are in. We all know what precious little Angels they have been all year.  Out of all the Pixies and Sprites in the world, I am sure that there could not possibly be another two out there that are better qualified to work for Santa this Holiday Season.  I am sure that after the Holiday Season is over there will be a few new folksy Christmas songs regarding the North Pole shenanigans of the new dynamic duo.

It looked as if everybody had a great time with the Celebrity Matches. It’s good to see that we are all such stunning and wonderful people and how some celebrities are lucky enough to look like us. Those celebrities should be forced to pay us royalties or some other type of compensation for making all that money just for looking like us. Hey, Hollywood should just do away with the knock offs and just hire us. We are the real McCoys, lol.

Dixie cracked me up with her southern version of the night before Christmas. What a riot. I am waiting for the Blue Collar Guys to do that one on the TV. Larry the Cable Guy could be the one spotting Santa and Ron White could play Santa. It would be perfect.

Sue M posted a very serious blog about A Christmas Truce in the time of war. What a great story. It’s hard to believe that during that period in time a miracle of that caliber could have taken place. I could only wonder if with the way things are today regarding political correctness and all, if a miracle like that could ever take place?

Special Announcement

It seems that there may be a pink sock missing in Blog Land.  If anyone comes across it can they please turn it into the Lost And Found? If there are any lonely single pink socks out there please forward them ASAP. Thank You.

If anyone has any recipes or other useful purposes for slugs can they please forward such information to Judy. She seems to be having a slug dilemma and appears to be bored with just plain old salt.

((News update))

Missing pink sockie found all safe and sound hiding in toy chest. Suspect described as being two feet tall, slight build, big blue eyes and lots of teeth.