Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Christmas Spirit


I guess the title I used may be a tad misleading. I have been reading blogs and have posted a few regarding what Christmas is really about.

Yesterday evening while scanning through the cable channles looking for a movie that I could watch with my 11 year old daughter I came across The Miracle On 34th Street which has always been one that my family watches every year. It's a great movie and I am sure that most have seen it cause it was probably made a century or so ago. The movie revolves aroud the belief in Santa Claus and a fellow that claimed he was The real Chris Kringle and he worked for Macy's Department store as a Santa.

Durring the movie, probably about the middle of it a commercial comes on. The commercial is about a drug called Cialis. I guess it is a drug not unlike Viagra. The person is reading off the side effects of this drug , like the possibility of having an erection for over 4 hours one should get  medical attention right away.

All I can say is that that commercial is exactly what I was talking about concerning The Christmas Spirit. I do not know why a Network feels the need or doesn't think regarding their programing. It's all about the money. Why put on a program for children and then put commercials like that on durring the movie? I just don't get it.

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