Friday, December 15, 2006

The Garden Circle Blog News V11

The weekend is finally here and I sur am glad. It's been a long tiring week and wore me out. .

I guess that I have to get myself into a Christmas type mood for I have to get some shopping done. I can't believe that Christmas is only a week away and I still haven't found myself in the mood to do it yet. It's been rough due to a situation change as far as money goes and it's taking longer to get both feet back on the ground again.

We put up the outdoor lights a few weeks ago and the tree will go up tomorrow. The decorations will go on the tree when my son comes home to visit for the Holidays. When he gets here my mood will surely change.

I guess things wouldn't be so bad if someone would make some fudge but it seems that I have to make my own. I am not a good fudge maker. I like any other fudge but my own.

Judy, I am glad that your doggy has pulled through. I hope it has learned it;s leason on what not to eat.

Cyn, Are things going all right up there at the North Pole. It sure has been quiet regarding the trouble tat you and Vic are getting into up there. I know you have been worn out with working 24/7. I guess that pixie dust and Christmas dust must be having strange side effects on you.

Vic has been awful quiet all week. Blog land has been very peaceful. It's like the quiet before a storm. No one has trashed or smeared chocolate all over my blog in quite awhile.

Misty, did all of your snow melt? I haven't been hit in the back of the head with a virtual snowball at all this week. This linkis for you Misty, enjoy.

Farmer Jones has announced that he and his'n have a whole litter of piglets.I hope no lady piglet gives them boy piglets any beer.Wouldn't want to see them corrupted at to young an age.

The racket commming From TB's blog if anyone wondering is from him playing and beating on his pots and pans dresed in his cowboy cloths while hijacking a train. I was wondering what would of happend if the train robbers of the old west would have done if they went to engineering school first.

I got a kick out of Dixies blog. I enjoyed reading about old Christmas Traditions. I was rather amused with the Christmas Seranading. Thanks for posting that Dixie.

Well, thats the news for now. Have a good day and weekend.

(I know only one more Roman Numeral so I have to rethink News Titles, lol)

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