Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Oh Fudge

Yes, I do love fudge. I love peanut buter. I find peanut butter fudge to be out of this world.

Peanut butter fudge shouldn't just be left laying around because I just might see it and the drool will start flowing and my stomach will start grumbling and then I just lose all self control.  Peanut butter fudge has been known to vanish mysteriously in my presence but all accusations and allegations of my guilt to the crime could not be proven due to the lack of evidence.

Just incase someone out there thinks that a case of laxitives added to a few pieces of fudge will cure me of my peanut butter fudge crimes should know better by now. I have suffered the effects of many a laxitive used to thwart my cravings. It seems that the effects are controllable now and I have grown acustumed to the added pressure. Pun intended, lol.

I declare a Peanut butter Fudge Day and I have swiped a truck load of Peanut Butter Fudge and I am sharring it with all of the Garden Circle.

 !! Enjoy !! Everbody!!.

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