Saturday, December 9, 2006

The Garden Circle Blog News VI

The Garden Circle Blog News VI

I hate to do another blog before sharing the Littlest Angel Blog from yesterday with everybody.



As it has been an interesting and confuzziling week here in the garden. Seems that disorientation has caused me in many cases to forget where I was or a double take was needed due to Cyn popping up everywhere. It was really cool  to see all of the pictures and to see how much everyone partook in the coloring. Gloggy took things to a whole new level with a fantastic morphing. Talk about something totally cool.

Jim, I am sure that everyones hearts go out to you. What a shame people don't look after their pets. I hope all your goats have pulled through and that you are back with us soon.


Seems that Misty was ambushed by Cyn this week and ended up with her head stuck in the snow. Of course being one to take advantage of a situation I proceeded to get even for all the virtual snowballs that I have been beaned with.  Poor Misty was buried up to her tip pie toes and then along came her snowstorm to bury her some more. Of course she was rescued and all the hot chocolate that everyone dropped off to her thawed her out pretty quick and she was back to her cheery self right away.


Little Vic gave us her version of the, Twas A Blog Before Christmas and she made us all famous with her version of the tale.  I am not sure but I may have found a clue in there about what may have happened to the missing pink sock. On a note of seriousness about all those that don’t blog. Come on folks and join us please, we want you involved.


Mrs. Vero made Peanut Butter Fudge, Hurray. It was cloned. I hope she didn’t mind sharing during this season of caring.


Dixie posted her Santa list of a few Christmas wants. Then she even posted Santa’s list of naughty and nice. Her standings with Santa didn’t appear all that bad and she’s not (snicker, snicker) on very thin ice. Good luck Mrs. Dixie. I hope Santa sees the good in you that all us that know you all do.

Stephanie, thank you so much for the beautiful heart felt inspirational blogs that you have posted this week. I have extremely enjoyed them.


Angie did a blog regarding what Christmas meant to her. I am sure that everyone has noticed that the true feeling of Christmas is slipping away. It seems that Christians are being forced to keep their feeling and beliefs locked up. That in turn is causing a ripple effect with less people practicing their beliefs and doing what is right. Fewer and fewer Children are growing up with religion and moral values will soon be a thing of the past. It is very sad when I try to imagine what just a few years into the future may be like. Of course this is just what Angie’s blog started me thinking about. The shopping and the gifts seem all that is important anymore. Wal-Mart decided to allow Christmas back into their stores just for that reason. I’m sure they will not have any scenes of Jesus Christ posted around their stores but you will see lots of Merry Christmas again and here the Jingle Bells.


TeddyBear has been sharing the West Virginia spirit with blog land.  I am not referring to moon shine so calm down JD.  The Hillbilly Christmas tree may need some further explaining. Just a note about TB, don’t let him fool you. He’s a Gentleman and Scholar but tries to keep it hidden. He just doesn’t want the word to get out. Thanks for the picture you post TB. I am waiting for spring for some shots of your gardens.

Buffy has posted some shots of the construction of her new home. Things are looking good Buffy. Hopefully they will get it framed up this upcoming week, then sided and roofed. I hope your not tearing your hair out yet cause the stress part is still coming. Picking colors and cabinets and finishes galore. Matching this with that and all the “what fors”.


Did everyone see that big giant pot Vero got herself for Christmas? I have the feeling she can pot roast a whole cow in there. She can surely make a pot of chili  big enough to feed us all in that pot and enough fudge that I won’t have to clone anymore.


Shandie, where have you been? We are waiting for the results from the coloring contest you started.  You are going to have your hands full judging this one, lol. Good luck.


JD, I am sure glad that your wake was called off this week. I am not very good at writing obituaries. I must say that I have never seen a wake called off before. Cyn must be like a Roman Emperor and she has blessed you with thumbs up. I don’t myself understand what all the hubbub was about. I thought your coloring was rather amusing. Cyn has a sense of humor and I am sure that she didn’t expect any less or more from you.


Well, That’s all the News I have for this week. Good day and good night.






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