Thursday, December 7, 2006

Sketti Os

If someone can post a blog of mechanically seperated chicken in canned chicken soup,  bowl of chicken soup, lol, then I'm gonna post my Sketti Os. Yuppers, I like em and I eat em.  And to really blow ones mind, I like them cold right out of the can... I have been known to at times to take them to work in my lunch box. If I can't get any Cambels Sirloin burger soup which is my favorite then it has gotta be Sketti Os.

My time in the United States Army introduced me to eating meals from a can called C Rations. There is nothing more gross than a C Rat. If you ever had spam and can still picture it oooozing out of the can with the gel and the slim, C Rats were way worse. Imagine if you will watching chicken beef and tuna ooozing out of a can. Even worse, spagetti. The best of the C Rats which would be fought over was the pork and beans. I would stock up on Sketti Os and bring them with me for my meals in the field.. So to this day I still get and eat them with the fond memories of how they saved my life or at least my bowels or many a night in the latrine...

Just a small note on how bad C Rats were. As our convoys would roll through towns in foriegn countries little under priviledged kids would run behind our trucks expecting the troops riding in the back of the trucks to throw them some goodies. We always took this opportunity to unload the un used C Rations. The cans would be tossed to the children. If you could have only seen the expressions on their little faces as they would pick the cans from the ground, relize what they were and then wing them back at us, lol.

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