Friday, December 1, 2006

The Garden Circle Blog News IV

The Garden Circle Blog News IV


Yeah, I know I’m a day late. Sorry about that but better late than never I hear so many People say. I have been very busy with work this week and the physical labor has been quite demanding so of course I have been pretty worn down by the time I tune into 360 at night.

I have been watching the blogs and have had to keep on my toes these past few days cause Misty is back feeling better and the snowballs are flying every where.  People are even building snow forts and are using trashcan shields for protection due to someone out there throwing the yellow slushiness.

I saw Jims new picture he put up and had to pay him a visit to see what was up. It seems that Jim like to bury his face in the snow and make a mould after suffering severe brain freeze. Ok Jim. I have a request, the next time your folding chair is covered with snow and you stick your face in it. I want see pictures of that.

Angie posted a Christmas Test. I sure was glad when people started posting the answers because I sure was feeling ignorant. Who would think that with all the craziness in the world regarding Muslims, St. Nicholas was from that area.

Cyn and Vic started the week off getting jobs at the North Pole working For Santa Claus. I’m not going to make any comments regarding how the two of them managed to get themselves into the positions that they are in. We all know what precious little Angels they have been all year.  Out of all the Pixies and Sprites in the world, I am sure that there could not possibly be another two out there that are better qualified to work for Santa this Holiday Season.  I am sure that after the Holiday Season is over there will be a few new folksy Christmas songs regarding the North Pole shenanigans of the new dynamic duo.

It looked as if everybody had a great time with the Celebrity Matches. It’s good to see that we are all such stunning and wonderful people and how some celebrities are lucky enough to look like us. Those celebrities should be forced to pay us royalties or some other type of compensation for making all that money just for looking like us. Hey, Hollywood should just do away with the knock offs and just hire us. We are the real McCoys, lol.

Dixie cracked me up with her southern version of the night before Christmas. What a riot. I am waiting for the Blue Collar Guys to do that one on the TV. Larry the Cable Guy could be the one spotting Santa and Ron White could play Santa. It would be perfect.

Sue M posted a very serious blog about A Christmas Truce in the time of war. What a great story. It’s hard to believe that during that period in time a miracle of that caliber could have taken place. I could only wonder if with the way things are today regarding political correctness and all, if a miracle like that could ever take place?

Special Announcement

It seems that there may be a pink sock missing in Blog Land.  If anyone comes across it can they please turn it into the Lost And Found? If there are any lonely single pink socks out there please forward them ASAP. Thank You.

If anyone has any recipes or other useful purposes for slugs can they please forward such information to Judy. She seems to be having a slug dilemma and appears to be bored with just plain old salt.

((News update))

Missing pink sockie found all safe and sound hiding in toy chest. Suspect described as being two feet tall, slight build, big blue eyes and lots of teeth.

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