Thursday, November 6, 2008

A First In American History

Yes my friends, the title that brought you here , A First In American History.

For the first time in the History of the United States we have had an election and someone different has been elected to become the President. President Elect Obama is Hawaiian. I am sure that all people of Hawaiian Decent are cheering around the world and in the streets at this out come.

I do believe that Hawaii  became the 50th state to the United States in 1959. I am sure that adult Hawaiians told their young ones that there was no way  one of them could ever be elected as the President of this country but the ground breaking news is that one has. If only Don Ho was alive to see this day

Now the question is, how many other Hawaiians will be asked in to fill the positions in President elects administration? I can't think of very many Hawaiians but am thinking that the WWF wrestler the Rock, a Samoan could probably do a pretty good job as secretary of defense. Who else, who else, who else? Oh yeah, Thomas Magnum could be used to crack down on all these banking scandals taking place as a Federal Prosecutor Against Corruption and Dano from Hawaii 5-0 could be his lead Federal Investigator. Things are looking up already.

This is an amazing event for Hawaii. I don't really think much has happened in Hawaii to bring it such Stately Bliss. Oh, there was the time that the Brady Bunch spent the week there and that's about it to my recollection.

So fellow Americans, I say I am congratulating the state of Hawaii for making history. I must not forget one other fact, congratulations to Delaware too. For the first time in history a Delawarean has been elected as Vice President. Congratulations Delaware.


  1. All I can think of is "tiny bubbles".

  2. Mac, the more I get to know ya, the more I love ya!!!!!

  3. I wish I could figure out how to play my attachment when the blog opens. Any Suggestions?

  4. lolol ,gets a long pin and pop's bubbles

  5. Put a mp3 small player at the start of your blog. Set it to play auto and it will will actually play at the bottom of your blog if you set it to auto...

  6. Hey!! great you got it to work!! Love Don Ho!

  7. My mother in law lives in Hawaii...does that count?

  8. my sister loved sammy , off of the don ho show

  9. z, of course it counts...we can have her be Minister of Tourism so we can all go THERE for some made up convention, sit on the beach all day and watch the Hawaiian hotbody can have your Vodka or whatever, i ll sip a few teas and we can just not think about a THING fer days. Mac of course can be there to keep track of all that goes the official HISTORIAN. ooops...hes not hawaiian...ut oh.

  10. hey lookie. fishing talked about me ; ) i didn't miss the don ho show. and dude i remember the ominous and dangerous pendant that greg wore on the one they did in hawaii. some things from hawaii are so dangerous that you just don't want them hanging on your neck. some things from there are very very very creeeeeepy. oh mercy me. some things from hawaii are good, pineapples, coconuts, sugar, joy. some things are very much not good. very much not good at all. yeah. that's all i'm sayin'.
