Sunday, November 9, 2008

Chicken Ala King, Help!

Many years ago I had a recipe for Chicken Ala King. For the sauce part of the recipe called for tempering in a few egg yolks which gave the sauce a really nice yellow color and rich texture. Does anyone have a recipe that resembles this?
I have had a request for a chicken and homemade pasta dish for dinner and have been wanting to make Chicken Ala King for awhile now.


  1. well, i dont know the exact recipe, but heres a simple ANY kind of basic sauce for chicken ala king or pot pies:
    approximate measures here cause i DONT do exact ya know:
    1 1*2 c flour
    2 tbls BUTTER or marg
    a pinch of salt
    1/4 tsp pepper
    melt the butter, add the flour and STIR it reall well till all the butter becomes a paste w the flour. this cooks it so its not floury tasting
    add the salt and pepper and 1 c milk....and keep stirring till it thickens. once this comes to the FULL BOIL, its as thick as its going to get...
    do all this on a medium heat...or it ll burn fast. take it OFF the heat and add 2 BEATEN yolks, keep stirring the whole thing till its incorporated real well. you can add little more milk if it looks TOO pasty, but you have to also put it back on a LOW the milk gets hot with the rest of it.
    thats a basic white sauce, to ME and you can use chicken stock instead of milk if you want a realllly good chicken flavor
    if you dont have stock, use chicken boullion cubes (2 or 3) but DO NOT ADD SALT because they are very salty already
    you can add your chicken and vegetables or whatever to the sauce mix, once it is at the consistency YOU want...i prefer a little thick for alaking and a bit runny for pot pies, but you can play around and get it the way YOU like. you want to keep the mix WITH the chicken and vegetables on the heat, just long enough to see the tiny bubbles start to form on the inside of the pan...NOT to a full boil
    hope that helps you.

  2. This may be the recipe you are looking for Mac. It is an older recipe.
    Chicken a la King
    4 tablespoons fat
    3 tablespoons flour
    2 tablespoons chopped pimiento
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 cup sliced mushrooms
    2 cups milk
    1 egg yolk
    2 1/2 cups diced cooked chicken

    Melt fat in the top of a double boiler.Add flour,pimiento, salt, and mushrooms. Add the milk, stirring constantly until thickened. Add some of the hot mixture to the egg yolk and return to remaining hot mixture. Add chicken and cook 5 minutes longer.
    Serve over biscuits, hot buttered toast or patty shells.

  3. Sounds good...if you use Vero's recipe give me a hollar when it's all done. lol

  4. Hey you take requests? heck why didn't you say so....... I want swiss steak and oven fried taters for me please....(pecan pie for dessert of course,lol)

  5. Chicken at Mac's...Pecan pie at Judy's...Buscuits at Vero' many little time...

  6. Suzi, don't forget snake at Dixies

  7. Now would snake be considered an appetizer or main course? Me, I am voting for an appetizer but it really needs some kind of dipping on that will ya Mac...

  8. It's been a good long while since I made the Chicken Ala King I mentioned above. It was more of a chicken stock with the pimentos, celery and carrots and peas. the stock then had cream added to it and then the egg yolks drizzled in a bit at a time after tempering them.I wish I could get away with a white sauce or even getting away with a bit of mushroom soup or chicken soup of the condensed version but I just wanted to make the same version again.

  9. Grammar lesson... note that I spelled pimiento with an extra i. I have always spelled it pimento but noticed in the recipe that it was different. Had to get out my Funk and Wagnalls and by golly they spelled it with the extra I too!!

  10. Elephants with front boobies... snakes that swallow leopards and now this.... gee the things we learn here ! LOL

  11. If we keep this up none of us will care how you spell anything Vero...All we will be doing is moaning and groaning with a full belly. lol Grab the Tums or BiCarb. lol

  12. hehe is this one of those Progressive Dinners??" Have bib... will travel:):):)

  13. Can't really help you with this, but if your in the mood for manicotti let me know....

  14. Don't forget ...Alka Seltzer for dessert.

  15. And what kind of snake are we eating??

  16. And elephant boobies COULD be a delicacy somewhere for sure!

  17. Can you make chicken ala king with turkey cows?

  18. i could give you the recipe for chicken ala mode or chicken ala carte. i would like to see the turkey cow mentioned by luckydog.
