Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Hero And True American

I woke this morning with the feeling of sadness and disappointment because I know in my heart that a terrible wrong has been done to someone I hold a very deep respect for.

A number of years ago the Carpenters Union that I am a member of  held it's 100th anniversary in Chicago Illinois. At this convention I had met and listened to John McCain  address myself and fellow union members numbering in the Thousands. He told us his experiences  as a prisoner of war and of what he had to do to over come what he had to go through. He talked politics and discussed issues regarding Unions in America and where he stood on issues concerning the building trades. When he finished making his presentation not a single person there did not stand and give him a standing ovation.

I realized at that point that there before me was a true American Hero and there are not many today that can be called that. Times have changed and heroes are seemingly becoming a thing or status from the past. Children need heroes and this man was definitely someone who should be looked up to.  I was honored to have been able to shake his hand.

I must note that at this convention In Chicago, where Obama lived, he did not attend this event. During this political campaign, the Carpenters Union turned it's back on John McCain and did nothing but bad mouth him and where he stood on issues regarding the trades.

As these years have passed I had started watching  the career of this man. Certain bills would come up for a vote and at times I would wonder why he wouldn't vote the way I would have wanted him to and why he would take the stance of being on a fence and never getting off on one side or the other but learned that he would vote the right way. He wouldn't play a political game just because he belonged to a certain party and believed that the rights afforded to us through the constitution should be changed because of a bill being pushed through by any party.

A big push by John McCain in the past concerned monies spent during political campaigns. For this reason he had to stick to his guns while running for President. Only Public funds would be used for his campaign.Obama agreed to do this also. That agreement didn't last long with Obama though. Obama floored the McCain campaign by out spending 3-4 times the amount of money, much of which came through private funds.

It has always saddened me to see the amount of money any politician will spend to win an election. I would think that that money could be put to so much better use. I as many Americans have, noticed how the media has backed the Obama campaign. It's not a question of why, the answer is all the money he was spending. People including the net work executives like that money and making money is their business.

Information regarding Obama's relationships which included his America hating Minister  of some  20 odd years, (how long has Obama lived in the Chicago area anyway?) His relationship with known domestic terrorist whom may have helped Obama start his political career, his relationship with a Jew hating Palestinian Terrorist, the people working with him on his campaign that made hundreds of millions of dollars from golden parachutes after leaving Freddy Mac, was never really addressed but it was more important for the media to attack Sarah Palin for her cloths and shoes and Joe the Plumber for asking Obama a simple question. Money talks and Obama sure knew where to spend it.

John McCain may not have been the perfect person to be the President of this country but again, who is? No one person can please everyone but as a person that met the man, (met the hero) I personally feel that he was the person for the job and earned the right to become our next President.

I am very worried about what is to come next. Our country now has an inexperienced leader for the rest of the world to see. We have a stock market that reacts to investors being taxed, we have businesses that will look else where for employees. Incomes are going to start falling dramatically. Money will start to disappear. Work and services will be done for cash, goods sold for cash, workers paid under the table. At least illegal workers will get free health care.  "God Help Us All"...


  1. Mac you said it so well....I just do NOT understand why so many people did NOT see this......I too woke with sadness and also a fear for this country and the world also..... God Bless

  2. Sue, what you posted on your blog says it all. I searched for an hour or so last night for that verse and completely forgot where it was.

  3. Farrell makes GREAT points on his blog here too Mac!!

  4. Mac, there is a GREAT program you can down load called is free, it enables you to look up bible words or phrases,you can get MANY different translations too..(It's what I always use)
    It is a wonderful study tool!

  5. I guess time will only tell what's gonna happen.....SC went McCain...our nation needs many prayers and much help from the Almighty.

  6. I am too numb to even speculate on what may happen.

  7. What is done is done and over with. We all have to remember to keep our prayer's going for our country no matter which one of these people were elected. A President is not a perfect person and he will make mistakes. We all will have to deal with it the best we can. Plan for the best for our family and hope that our plans will work for us. Most of all we have to hope and pray that the new President thinks of this country and what is best for us all.

  8. A couple of days ago, I read an aritcle on how the media has been more unbiased on Obama and more critical in McCain.....and I had to shake my head, they were just figuring that out? No, they knew it all along. All we kept hearing for the longest time was a comparison of Obama to John Kennedy, it would be the next Camelot. Big business drives everything, the media included. I have always had a real problem with newspapers endorsing a candidate. No matter who the candidate, I feel they have a responsibility to be impartial. Once they have endorsed a candidate I feel they have overstepped theiir unbiased reporting. I think the media played a huge part in this campaign and it's outcome as much as economics. Money talks, and the politician is just the puppet....

  9. Wonderful blog....I'm afraid of living in the USA for the first time in my life

  10. Crazy stuff, Hussain is not my pres nor will he ever be. I am trying hard to keep from getting depressed. To sad where our nation has come
