Saturday, November 29, 2008

Turkey Tacos

I hope everyone survived the opening day of Holiday hell.


Turkey Tacos
Everyone loves a turkey taco
Sassy kids, finicky kids, kids that need a smack
Whiny kids, Ridlyn kids even kids with attitudes love
Tacos, turkey tacos.
The tacos kids love to crunch.

Ha ha, I wonder what creative meals show up using left over turkey? We were burned out on turkey after the sandwiches for lunch yesterday. I have been teasing the kids with turkey tacos and have grossed them out rather well.
For a change I did make Mexican food last night though. No turkey, lol. I just made beef enchiladas and beef tacos. I wanted something with turkey but used chicken instead. I invented a Mexican version of General Tsao chinese chicken which we ate on home made flour tortillas. I spiced it up rather well and it turned out to be a hit. The kids actually consumed all of it and the Ole Elpaso Taco filling went to the dog.

I'm thinking that today I will make some turkey soup even though I nwill probably be the only one to eat it.


  1. Oh, man...NOW I'm gonna be humming that all day!

  2. Do you like raw celery, Mac? If you do, I have a super good (and easy) recipe for a turkey casserole. It has lots of diced celery which is barely cooked. I love it!

  3. I am thinking about my moms favorite sammich .......turkey on white with a thin slice of left over cranberry sauce.

  4. I like that too Sue, but I have to kick up the caebs with stuffing on there too.

  5. Hey the best I can offer is having the turkey all gone by the end of the day, even if I have to feed all the stray cat's around here.

  6. I remember when as a kid my mom would make creamed turkey on toast with the leftover turkey. To this day I can't stand creamed turkey....about one day of leftovers is all I can stand.

  7. Gee I was thinking of making creamed turkey for lunch tomorrow(in honor of mom).....over toast of course...funny how some of the things you didn't care for when moms were around you sure do miss when they are gone......

  8. Sue, My grandmother has been gone for 28 years, and I still don't miss creamed spinach!

  9. I love creamed spinach with lots of cheese. You did well Mac..everything sounds delicious..I am on a diet ofcourse.

  10. Breakfast at our house on Friday morning was....... You guessed it.... creamed turkey on toast! LOL

  11. I'm like Forest Gump and shrimp when it comes to eating something over toast, creamed beef, creamed turkey, creamed tuna fish, creamed corn, creamed chicken, creamed mushrooms...... Just don't give me any creamed spinach. Send that to Suzi please.

  12. SPINACH IS GOOD FOR YOU !! Ask Popeye ! It gives you iron. My mommy said so too. Must eat spinach.

  13. I would love to try creamed Turkey !! How do you make it?? and zee spsinach is very good for you , it has lots of iron and it cleans your blood!! your Mummy was right!!
