Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Must watch! How Obama Got Elected.com "Informed" Obama voters

If you have the time to watch this I would really appreciate your feed back.Be nice.


  1. OK now I'm going to say this and I'm speaking not to upset anyone but it's what I have found out. For the not knowing what they should is because they got tired of all but b/s going on for almost two years. You will find many Utube Video's about Obama because many don't want a black to be the President of the United States. But I have found some about McCain that are just as bad. The public should all be well informed but they don't need to listen to all the crap going around...They need to check it all out by hunting up the information through Google or some other search engine. Now upon saying that...Obama is going to be our next President, whether he can do what all he said he would do...I don't think so. A new President never knows what can be done until they get in office and see and read what all needs to be done and what shouldn't be done. We get all kinds of promises from these guy's and later find out that he can't carry out those promises. I do know that we need to stand behind our President IF he is doing what he knows is best for our country, but not until then. I'm neither for or against this man but pray that he loves this country as much as most of us do. God be with him in all decisions and I pray that they are the right one's.

  2. Judy, I want to commend you on your comment...you pretty much said all that needed to be said...Almost...

    President-elect Obama is savvy, intelligent and articulate..too bad President Bush doesn't possess any of these attributes...perhaps if he did, the US would not be in the situation it is in now...perhaps if he did, the Democrats would not have won the White House by a landslide...

    The bottom line...he IS our President, and my advice to anyone reading this...support him...

  3. I want to commend Suzi and Judy.......they both said it perfectly!

  4. OK.....I will take a different route here.....I think this was the most biased election coverage I have seen.....Obama's "rights" were shoved down our throats while every little thing the Republicans said that could POSSIBLY be misinterpreted were broadcast for the world to hear....In my opinion if you did NOT make an effort to find out both sides of the story, you would have answered like the people in the video....

  5. Was President Bush Running again? Lol, I don't think so....The traits mentioned for Obama, It's a shame that those attributes are all that he has going for him. Here, they might get him a job as a school teacher or a used car salesman. Not the President of this country.

  6. Judy, everyone likes to bring up that black issue. 95% of all Black Americans that voted, voted for Obama. If 95% of all white people voted for McCain there would be riots in the streets.
    The black issue is also a media inspired revelation. Obama is half white and half black but now for some reason he is called black. I just don't get it.

  7. The reason I posted this video from You Tube is because the original site with the Zogbie poll was giving me a problem with a complete down load. I was thrilled to have been able to find it on You Tube.
    The reason I actually posted it was for the reasons Sue stated. The Media here In America has it's own agenda. The message they want out here gets through load and clear. To see that, lets go to the video, lol.

  8. The video for me had no sound. As Judy mention 2 yrs on the road campaigning is in my opinion rediculous. The money spent doing this could have been well spent on charities, groups, hospitals, poor folk, schools etc. Campaigning should only be allowed tops for a couple months.
    I've found people running, promising the sun, moon and stars is all well and good but everything gets put to a vote and if it is not received a promise means nothing. I hope Obama is able to do good for USA and bring the troops home for one thing. Then maybe our country will follow. The media has always been writing it's own agenda and has a nack for twisting words to suite their cause. The best way to make an informed vote is to do your own checking/investigating/reading.

  9. Make the stupid people shut up.

  10. Evidently, you are mistaken, Mac...those traits, and others, DID get him the job of President of this country...

  11. I have to agree with you there, Sue!...except on late night TV...both candidates, and both VP candidates, were hit pretty hard... ;-)

  12. This brings to mind the old adage..."There's no use beating a dead horse". (Let's just all do a lot of praying)

  13. I have to agree with Sue, the media did do their number on some people. I have learned not to trust the media at all. And if anyone listens to those poll's, they are nut's! If they can't be equal on giving their outlook on things about both parties then they need to shut the heck up. It's up to the public to do some checking up on each candidate. Mac I don't understand it either about all of a sudden that Obama is black, they tend to forget that he is part of the white race too. In this matter it should not be the fact that his skin is darker than ours but it is. It just makes me sick of the way these people think. You would think that they would want the best person to run our country but with the media and several individuals spouting off, it did influence many to vote the way they did. I'm thinking that one race is for Obama because they think that he is going to overlook a lot of things that they do. I don't see color as an issue! I do believe that we need someone that will work for us, to protect this country and try to get things running in the right direction once and for all. I'm not real good at expressing what I think but I do know we all need to pray. This country is in trouble and we need help! I'm a Democrat but have voted for many Republicans over the year's. Suzi...I think Bush has had 8 years to do what was best for this country but it's going downhill pretty fast. Let's just pray that who ever is the leader of this country in the future has learned from Bush what not to do. It's a big responsibility for any President to lead us in the right direction and I feel that they need all the support one can give. We need to all pull together and pray it all goes the right direction. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

  14. Let us NOT forget that Mr. Bush has kept this country free of another terrorist attack........he had a LOT to "fix" from the Clinton White house era. He made mistakes, but I don't think ANY president makes the mistakes alone......he has advisory that brainstorm and give him the best options.....
    As for Obama in the White house........I think he is in for a rough ride.....and I think some things may come to light eventually.

  15. To me, name calling simply shows the inability to form an educated opinion of the issue at hand...

  16. Living here in the North east sue, about 40 miles from Manhattan and experiencing what happened during the 9/11 attacks and what everyone lived through after what happened, feeling the emotions of everyone around me, I to this day believe that our going into Iraq made everyone here feel that our President was doing what needed to be done. The right thing to do at that time. When our troops moved in I remember the cheering, people were glued to the media watching the days and days of bombings, then waving the American flag. Every where I would go someone would have a flag flying. Everyone even had them on their cars.
    I don't want to be insulting but I think us Americans have a short attention span and we want things done to appease ourselves and then as the job is being done we have a tendency to do nothing but moan and groan and complain. I feel that way every day when doing my job. Lol. I work my butt off, people are excited at first and as things progress they start getting antsy. Eventually they start making changes and then are concerned with cost and then start complaining about every little thing and then wanting things done yesterday. I do my best to just be polite and do my job to the best of my ability. That doesn't matter. Vic hit the nail on the head yesterday with her blog about waiting, lol. With my great medical knowledge I here by diagnose us Americans as all having "Attention Deficit Disorder.

  17. Your right Suzi and thanks for correcting me. Those traits did get Obama elected as our next President. There are a lot of other things though that he has stacked in his wood pile that really have not been addressed though. It just seems a shame to me that it was more of an issue for the media to focus on Palins attire than to look into serious issues regarding Obama's relationships with known terrorist, the monies he received from Freddy Mac and Fanny May, the fact that people working on his campaign received golden parachutes from these organizations, his involvement with ACORN, his political doings in Chicago and the state of Illinois. The list goes on and on. I know that there are many accusations out there and to this day I don't know if any single one of them is true but I do believe that before he was elected Our next President an effort should have been made by someone to clear each and every one of them up. At least an attempt to. The media in my opinion is steering this country into a really bad situation. In the months to come I am thinking that then all they will do is look for every excuse to attack the then President Obama and they will do it unmercifully.

  18. Mac, as you know, or should know since I've said it often enough, I am a Republican...I am not, nor have I ever been, pro Obama any more than I am anti McCain...what I am is pro I Don't Think This Country Can Stand 4 More Years Of A Republican In The White House. Having said that, I have heard all the dirt on Obama, and, like you, I have zero idea what is true and what is not true, but, the bottom line is, it no longer matters, he IS our President, like it or not, for better or worse...maybe worse...hopefully better...as Vero said, all we can do is offer up prayers and keep our fingers crossed...and I, for one, choose to support him...could be that the 66,617,824 people who voted for him may live to regret it, who knows...sheesh, the man hasn't even taken office yet...give him a chance...

  19. And an added note...I did some research...124,782,348 people voted in this election...the above mentioned poll took in about 500+ of them, and the video represents 12 people of those polled...I think it HARDLY represents the American people...

  20. Giving him a chance is all we can do. It's going to take the American people backing the President to be able to help this country. Oh yeah....if Obama pulls our military out of Iraq too quickly then I believe that we are going to have to face many attacks. I don't know this for a fact but he better walk like he is on egg shells that he doesn't want to crack. The one thing about Bush I don't like is that he was going after Bin Laden then all of a sudden he changes his path and goes after Hussain. I want to know why all of a sudden he changed, I have my own opinion but whose to say I'm right! I think many are wondering the same thing. OK I'm outta here because discussing politic's is as bad as discussing the Bible...we all have our own view points and most of them are not the same as anyone else. But I must say it is nice to discuss somethings without anyone getting upset. At least I hope that is the case!

  21. I'm glad that is has turned out to be a nice discussion too Judy.

  22. I don't know about anyone else, but, I'm not upset..if anything, I'm amused...this video came out on the 18th of November...2 weeks after the election...since there is no such thing as 'do overs', I'm not quite sure what the purpose of it is...LOL...

  23. Some people I suppose think the election can be changed. lol There is always going to be crap spread around about this election. I know I did more research on both McCain and Obama before I went to vote than I ever have on any other election. Only because I had the means to do so having a computer. The people that made that video must have spent all their time making negative video's instead of learning about the two men running for President.

  24. Suzi, I am not wanting to look at this in the direction of who the next President is going to be. I may have gone off course a bit because that is what I always seem to do.
    I am looking at this more as to the role of the media.
    If you look at that Zogby poll, out of the 500 that were polled, the numbers were relatively high when it came to not knowing answers concerning Obama or Biden. 50% or higher. When the questions concerning Palin came up, only a very low percentage didn't know the answer. 6% to 20%. I don't think much as far as polls are concerned but I am kind of relieved more people weren't asked. I really don't think most people really care one way or the other. I know that most of the guys in my union just pull the lever for whatever the union tells them too. I think that is just plain sad.

  25. Mac , I fully understand where you were going with that. In my opinion, uninformed voting is much, much worse than not voting at all.

  26. My dearest Macadamia nut. Correct me if I am wrong, but you posted a video concerning how informed Obama voters were. Then you get the black issue tossed at you? My kids went to school and when the class discussed the election and most of the kids said McCain was their pick, each school had someone say, only because Obama is black do you say McCain. Someone called Obama arrogant. Obama's campaign decided that arrogant translated to Uppity N***** although arrogant normally means.... well, arrogant. You got hit with the same load of crap..pardon the unattractive slang. Poor Clinton got smacked around with the fact that he was a draft dodger because he was black. McCain got smacked around with being old because he was black. Palin got the lousy mother of the year award because her ghetto daughter got pregnant, because she was black, Bush... ah heck he got the life wrung out of him in every situation that was thrown at him including a terrorist attack because he was black, well darn, I guess not everyone gets to use that one. This was the first election that they didn't have to do a vote recount out of 3 because
    a democrat won. Pardon me but making the stupid people shut up is what we would like after all this poor black guy garbage, when Obama is anything but.
