Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Mortgage Lifter Tomato Review

Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes are not keepers. That's probably why you never see one in the market around here. They go bad super fast. Pick one and by the next day the tomato starts to go bad. Pick them under ripe and they go bad just as fast and don't seem to ripen any further.

They are an excellent tasting tomato and very meaty. Once the fruit form it ripens super fast. None of mine would last more than 2 days before showing signs of distress. Even when refrigerated.

I can a lot of tomatoes and these are not a good tomato for that purpose unless you can time it right to pick and can the same day and the tomatoes are to the right ripeness that day. When I can, I like to do about 5 to 10 quarts at a time.

The Mortgage lifter Tomatoes went bad fast on me no matter what I did. Picked them red off the vine, picked them a tad under ripe, set on the counter, window sill, in the fridge or in a brown paper bag. They would go bad just as fast on the vine after ripening as they would in the fridge. My compost pile can contend to that.

Next year, it will be back to my trusted beef steaks.


  1. Sounds like something we don't ever want to try. Thanks for the info. Mac.

  2. I was just about to say toss them and try a different tomatoe next time but I see your compost will be filling up and you are chosing beef steaks. Smart man.

  3. Sorry you had such rotten luck, Mac. I know how much your tomato harvest means to you. I do hope you give the Park's Whoppers at least one try. Granted they are a bit watery but sooooo dependable. Hardly anything deters them. With my 20 plants, at the peak of the season I could go out and pick a five gallon bucket full and not even miss them from the patch. Nice size too. (from 12 to 16 ounces)

  4. I have to admit with all the rain we had this year, it wasn't my best of veggie garden years... Any crops grown below ground were excellent. Peas and beans also did well but most of the warm/hot weather stuff didn't ripen well, was slow maturing and just didn't seem to have as much production. The only thing I had left in the garden was a few pepper plants and some sweet potatoes, and those ending up being a lost cause as well. The neighbor kids dug them up...(grrrr...)... next year, I am hoping for better luck and possibly a new fence,lol...

  5. i wont even try that tomato..will take macs word for it

  6. My groundhogs didn't get any tomatoes from our backyard this year. : ) Cause Leroy didn't plant any. I want a little garden again...but Leroy doesn't like the competition. There must be a way to keep groundhogs, bunnies and squirrels out of a garden.
