Monday, September 21, 2009

Snipe Hunting

Here in the United States Snipe hunting is a rather interesting sport and a sport used most often to teach youth to just quiet down for a bit and to learn to enjoy nature.

As a father I would say that a sons first snipe hunt is a father and son bonding expeirience. I have never gone snipe hunting with my daughters because I didn't think they would all that much enjoy the out come, lol.

Snipe hunting is such a popular sport and I am sure everyone has their own stories of learning how to do it and the technique used for bagging a Snipe. If a bag was used.

Snipe only come out in the dark and are very quite and quick little critters. I guess the best way I have taught others to catch them is to arm themselves with a paper grocery sack. Next is to locate ones self on a trail when it gets very dark. Quiet is most important. Extremely important!!!

One takes the paper sack and lays the open end in the direction of the moss growing on the north side of a tree at least 10'-15' from the tree. One must lay behind the bag reaching their arms over it clutching the open end of the bag for the snipe to run into it. Every once in awhile a very soft whisper like "whoooot" must be done to attract the snipe. Also every once in awhile a small tap was to be used on the bottom of the bag.

Many a camper doesn't get past this stage without falling asleep but if one does and a Snipe does run into the paper sack then the sack must be quickly rolled up and a run must be made for camp with the prized snipe.

What is your adventure in Snipe hunting and would you care to share it? I'm sure everyone has a tale to tell and remember, other parts of the world can't enjoy the Snipe Hunting Adventures we share here so make them feel the love of the sport. Don't get to involved with the catch of the big Snipe and the beating of the bag. We don't want to gross anyone out or offend the Snipe Lovers of the world that just don't understand.

Thanks, Mac.


  1. Hahahaha
    what did I start...snickers..

  2. Lol,lol....well Mac, next time you go out snipe hunting you make sure and take pics! (wink)

  3. Viccles, make snipe your next weeks recipe category...

  4. I would love to hear someone telling a story of snipe hunting. lol

  5. Bets Mac really enjoyed his first snipe hunt. ((chuckle))
    (Wonders what grilled snipe tastes like) Chicken maybe?

  6. hhhmmmm guess i will never catch a snipe....i couldnt be still long enough....first my legs would start hurtin and then my back from layin on my fat belly with arms stretched out holding a paper bag..and besides all that i would have to talk at some point....

  7. I just have to wonder who came up with this. But then my brother and I convinced a city boy neighbor that a robins egg was a opossum egg

  8. my daughter tried to tell me her new camero has auto pilot so idont worry about her...hhhmmmwhat turnip wagon did she think i fell off of

  9. Yooooo hooooo Mac. Zee wants you to take her snipe hunting.

  10. Did that answer my question? NO....repeats..what is a snipe?

  11. Don't make me Google it..I get slapped by Google these days for asking ridiculous questions.

  12. Snipe are fast little critters that come out at night Zee, the best way I could discribe one to you is it is kind of a cross of a little big pointed billed bird, a rodent and a stink bug.

  13. Beating the bag makes everyone run for fresh air. Can clear a camp quick, lol.

  14. Note to self...Hide behind a tree when Mac takes Zee snipe hunting...

    Can't wait to read Zee's blog about that!

  15. She's trying to make me write...of things I don't have a clooooo about...a cross between a burd with a broad beak..a stink bug and a rat??? Lol..I know a guy like that. Goes to Google a goddamn snipe...

  16. Awww its a sparrow with a long nose..


  17. I think we all need to take Zeeee Snipe hunting.Good thing about Google, anyone can post a picture of a Snipe.

  18. Whats da big deal here? I'm ready..I can catch long nosed sparrows with my eyes closed...pfftttt..

  19. she would end up breaking a fingernail and then everyone would be in trouble

  20. Is there a special outfit I have to order for this hunt...or will mt polka dotted bloomers and red shoes look ok?

  21. Ok...I'll throw a safari shirt on..

  22. You guys are making fun of me?????????????

  23. You wear what ever you want Zeeee. It will be dark. You won't scare the Snipe.

  24. she might mac...if she wears polka dot bloomers....

  25. Well, of course we are...we're your's our job...

  26. Commands my bull to chase Suzi all over her farm...have fun..sticks tongue out..bleahhh
