Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Peanut Challenge. Peanut Themed Chicken Kabobs

I accept the challenge and am going to wing this. I'm going for the grill with this dish.
With a choice of beef or chicken, I think I'm going to go with chicken with the peanut flavor and maybe go for a them along the lines of a Thai dish. i'll break out some hot pepper flakes, some good ole soy sauce and maybe some honey. Seems that with the sweet I may need a touch of sour too so lets go for it.

4 boneless chicken breast cut into 1" cubes
1/2 gallon of water with a 1/2 a cup of salt for an overnight brine for the chicken.
8 scallions
8 bamboo skewers

For the glazing sauce

1/2 cup of creamy peanut butter
1/4 cup of honey
The juice and zest of 2 limes
1 teaspoon of Better than Bullion chicken base.
1 teaspoon of hot red pepper flakes
1/4 cup of low Sodium Soy Sauce
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1 medium onion minced
2 cloves of garlic smashed
A pinch of salt and a dash of Cinnamon

1 cup of coarsely chopped honey roasted peanuts for a surprise finish.

Brine the chicken pieces overnight. Rinse before using and pat dry.

Place the bamboo skewers in a sheet pan and cover with water and allow to soak for 1 hour.

In a medium sized sauce pan add a touch of peanut oil and saute the onions, garlic and pepper flakes. .Add the rest of the sauce ingredients and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat and allow to reduce for about 25-30 minutes for a thick barbecue sauce consistency.

Pour sauce into a bowl and allow to cool.

Blanch the scallions in boiling water for about 30 seconds and remove to a bowl of of ice water to stop the cooking.

Get the grill going. if using coals, get the coals started at one end of the grill. If using gas, just light one side.

To assemble the Kabobs.

Start with 1 scallion. Stick a skewer through the white end of the scallion, Slide down the length of the skewer gently about an 1" or so, then place a piece of chicken on the skewer. fold the scallion over the piece of chicken and pierce again. gently push down the skewer pushing the chicken and scallion about an 1'. Repeat this step 5 times wrapping the scallion over the chicken each time and then sliding. After the first kabob is assembled the next 7 should be a breeze.

Scrape the grill grates and apply some peanut oil on the grate with a paper towel and some tongs to prevent sticking. If the grates are smoking the grill should be plenty hot enough.

Place the Kabobs on the side of the grill without the fire under it and grill the kabobs for 20 minutes with the lid closed. Turn after the first 10 minutes.

Place the Kabobs over the fire now. Brush on the peanut butter glaze sauce and turn. Allow a few minutes and turn again. Few minutes more and brush and turn again. Build up a nice glaze this way. Keep turning every few minutes and brush on more glaze to prevent burning.After about 10 minutes remove the Kabobs from the grill and ready for special treatment.

Place the chopped honey roasted peanuts on a plate. As the Kabobs are removed from the grill, roll in the peanuts to coat and then onto a serving platter. Serve with lime wedges and squeeze a bit of the lime juice on while eating.

Enjoy, IC


  1. Yum....yummm..YUMMMMMMMMMMm...stands around with an empty plate..banging the fork on the table...

  2. I'm sure you must have several dishes much like this, don't you Zee?

  3. Yes Mac..we do..and very complicated ones too. There is a state in India that grows and survives on peanuts. They make 100s of peanut preparations..with meats, salads, Kababs, with sweets..even stuffed in flat breads and various dips. I am trying to think of a simple one to post.

  4. Stands next to Zee...waits...

    Served over/with rice, Mac?

  5. This sounds so good Mac but tell me if soaking the chicken in the brine will make it extremely salty after it's cooked.

  6. Judy, soaking a chicken or any meat actually makes it more moist for eating. In the brining process the moisture in the meat is actually drawn out of it and then rehydrates again.The cells are expanded. Lots of science stuff going on. It doesn't make the meat salty at all but if one has a sodium intake problem I would suggest not salting. Many turkies and even chicken roasters bought in the store whole are pre brined. I think ButterBall has been doing it forever.


  8. ...opps, sorry, Zeeberz, didn't mean to drool on you...

  9. Hmmm sounds yummy and I like the idea of using the scallions on the skewers, never thought of using them that way...

  10. Vic, scallions are really good grilled. they carmalize nicely.

  11. Great the last step of rolling in the chopped honey roasted peanuts.

  12. *Stands guard over Vero's peanuts*...

  13. Watch Mac or he will drown them in S. sauce.
