Thursday, November 2, 2006

Mac Is Back

Yup, I am back. Sorry old Putrid has been hanging out these past few days but due to some unfortunate circumstance it seems our network was down. The only computer that was working in our house was my wifes and I assure you that no one will take up any of her computer time.

I haven't been doing the computer thing for as long as the majority of you have but I'll tell you what. I actually started going through the addiction effects of not being able to get online the first evening that I couldn't log on. I sat here staring at my screen wanting to smack that wise ass Yahoo Smiley Face as it would brighten up and smile at me and then go dark. I am beginning to hate that sucker. It would do that to me every time I had tried to download the newest version of yahoo messenger too. Needless to say I still use the old 7.0 version that I had to download from old versions just so that I can get into messenger.

Any ways, I am back online and am going blog hopping. I am glad that everyone saved me a few gummy worms.

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