Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Judy asked if I would post a turkey gravy recipe. To me, gravy is made almost the same for almost anything roasted which requires the drippings and carmalization from the pan the roast was baked in, liquid and a thickner.
I also keep beef and chicken base on hand just incase I need some added flavor.
Thickners for me are either flour or corn starch in most cases. 2 tablespoons of flour per cup of liquid or 1 tbl of cornstarch.
The trick to me for a good gravy is to make it just before serving. Don't let a cornstarch or flour gravy cook to long or the thickening will cook off and the gravy will be runny. Also know that if you want a light gravy, use flour. Cornstarch will give you the color of a gravy of what ever color your sauce is.

At times when I know I'll have plenty of guest, I will make a stock using the gizzards, neck bone, onion, celery and carrot, a few cups of water, and simmer while the turkey roast, add this liquid to the drippings to increase volume for the gravy. This trinity of vegetables always inncreases the good flavor of a stock and gravy. Make sure to starin before using though.

Gravy for 6
2 cups of drippings liquid . Add water or stock if needed.
4 tbls of flour or 2 tbls of cornstarch
1 tsp of base if not using stock
salt and pepper to taste

To make gravy,
Let drippings cool down just a bit so that excess fast can be spooned off the top. A few ice cubes can speed nthis up. You can get fancy cups that will dain off fat and you can even use your vaster to suck the drippings from under the fat.
I like to remove the fat and leave the drippings right in the roasting pan. Add cool liquid and thickner. whisk well to combine. Over a medium heat stir and work any bits off the bottom of the roaster and the sides. As the liquid comes to a boil lower heat to a low simmer and simmer between 5-10 minutes. Just cook off any raw flour taste. Taste for seasonings. Add base if needed before any salt. Add salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Thank you Mac, I basically make my gravy this way but I think maybe I use too much cornstarch. I'll cut back next time but I make enough for an army when I make it.

  2. (looking around for the mashed potatoes)....

  3. Yum ! mashed potatoes ? ya mean the ones I have ? grabs the vat of gravy and runs .....
