Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mashed Potatoes

I have mentioned before how I hate baked potatoes. The reason being, piucking potatoes as a kid and the memory burned into my brain of the putrid rotting slimy oozing dripping from my hand mass I would at times end up with and the stench.

I can eat potatoes in any other form though, lol. As long as no potato skins are along for the ride. My favorite though is mashed potatoes and they were mentioned i the comment section of my gravy recipe.

About Mashed Potatoes.

Every since I was a young boy, When makinbg mashed potatoes, after draining them we set the cooked potatoes in a bowl and then we whipped them with the electric beater. Added butter and cream, salt and pepper. To this day I still make them the same way. Maybe today other recipes may come into play such as additions of maybe some cooked and mashed garlic, sour cream and chives, horseradish, cheese blends or even bacon bits.

Does anyone else use an electric beater when making their potatoes? My wife and I have had our electric beater since forever, lol and it's the only thing we use it for. Potatoes.


  1. I use the mixer to do mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving. Only thing is I add lots of butter and when they are served they look yellow but are delicious. Not good for a diet though but heck once a year why not enjoy them the way you like them. lol

  2. Yup, the good old electric mixer is the only thing for making creamy mashed taters. I cringe at the way most of the cooks on TV shows make them. Just smooshed up a bit... skins and all... with everything under the sun added to them.
    This is going to sound not so good, but I like to add Carnation evaporated milk to my potatoes. I don't really like the flavor of it in most things but it seems to make the potatoes richer and tasty. (fresh cream would be better, of course.) Then lots of butter and black pepper.

  3. Ever since my mom traded the old masher for an electric mixer I haven't looked but I do still have it on hand.

  4. I use the electric beater..but after I've mashed them while they are hot and added the butter and salt..I put it on a flow flame and add a little milk and cream, and simmer it for just 3 to 5 minutes, stirring with a whisk.. Sometimes I add a little cream cheese..but nothing tastes as good as mashed potatoes and real butter.

  5. I have an old masher to Misty. At times when I am feeling reeally lazy I will mash the spuds with it but am always dissapointed with the lumpy results.

  6. The trick is to mash them while they are still lumps then.

  7. Y'all made me so hungry I just went and cooked up a big pot of mashed potatoes. Baked steak and gravy to go along with them.

  8. Zee, I never tried to mash a cold tater, lol. Always right after draining. If I use the masher it's in the hot pot too.

  9. Always have used an electric mixer too...I hate lumpy mashed potatoes. I keep thinking I should try the potato ricers they are always using on the cooking shows, but quite frankly it looks like a heck of a lot more work....

  10. I do as you Mac
    and add at times garlic and parsley flakes,milk and real butter,salt and cracked pepper

  11. I agree with you Vic. Potato ricers do look impressive on the cooking shows. The work involved does seem a bit to much even for me.Maybe I would get one if I wanted to perform for a dinner crowd. I have had enough problems with simple garlic presses and vegetable peelers, lol. Most seem to be garbage. A good one only last so long and you can never find another to replace it.

  12. Don't worry , Mac. Your share didn't go to waste. I ate it. (tee hee)

  13. If you ate my share Vero, you would have needed help to get up from the table, lol., then a week or so to recover from the shock to your system.

  14. Sounds just like the guys in my household. It's amazing how many dollops they can stack up on a plate and still have room for gravy and all the other things.

  15. agood old fashioned potao mashers the best or if its special creamed suds use a potao ricer they are really neat.

  16. i like to use the mixer and like vero i usually use carnation or pet cream...which is what my mother always used unless she had fresh cream..yummy

  17. Anyone ever tried mashed smoked aubergine? Must post a recipe..its yummy.

  18. A Mashed "Aubergine"??? Isn't that a name for an Australlian native? Lol, (glad I can't spell so I can get away with ignorant jokes). Setti may be in trouble..
