Tuesday, January 9, 2007

A soon to be NJ Law

Tonight I have to vent some regarding this Hello Hole of a state that I live in. NJ tax payers pay the highest property taxes in the country and is also the most politically corrupt. Government gets bigger and bigger by the day and now there is a big pretense taking place because of the fact that we are taxed to the max but there is never enough money.

The reason I am venting today is over a bill that is sitting on the governors desk. About 6 months ago Sate Law Makers reached out to Public school Administrators and asked what state mandates could be cut to help reduce operating cost of these schools. To the Administrators of the public schools I give them credit for they sent a huge list to the state.

Well, leave it to Law Makers to get a list. Well they reviewed it over a several month period and finally made a decision on what they would cut. The great law makers of my state decided that Public schools here will not be mandated to provide any curriculum in regards to any Patriotic type Holiday. That's Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Presidents Day, Thanksgiving etc.

I am sure that if you look at the listed Holidays you will notice that Martin Luther King Day is not listed. It is the only curriculum that will still be mandated to be taught.

I am just sick over what is happening in this country. Our children are already being taught that their belief in God has no place in Public. Now they will lose any education regarding how are country was built, the reason for the wars that were fought, to remember those who have died for this country.

I remember a time when immigrants came into this country it was for the reason of wanting a better life and that they wanted to live the so called American dream. The Immigrant was proud to learn the English language and to learn American history. Not anymore. Now the illegal immigrants in this state will not be required to learn what I feel is important curriculum. Oh, the day is still a holiday but the reason for the holiday isn't important. And oh yes, for the public school teachers who are considered state workers here and all state workers here in general will still get the days off with pay.

I am sorry to say that when the Governor signs this Bill into law for this state it will just be the beginning. Surrounding states will follow and the ripple effect will just travel across the entire country.

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