Friday, January 12, 2007

The Excellent Go Cart Designs

I know that everyone out there must be sitting on the edge of their seats just wondering whats going on here with this Go Kart Race and design contest. Well this weekend all participants that want to enter the race entered their vehicles and fine entries they are showing the creativeness, skill and humor of each and every one of them. The official Judges for the designs have their hands full trying to determine the best designs for each of 3 categories, Best design, Most original and of course the most humorous.

So for your viewing pleasure below are the entries.

Dixie's Wukky Wombat.

Wukky's Gnomes In Black.

Misty's (Mac's Going To Eat Her Wheels) Go Kart.

Vic And Fudgewocket's Fudgewocket Rocket.

Angie and Victoria's Flower Power To The Max.

Gloggy's Dawghouse Blues.

Shandie's Go Kats.

Cyn's Pixie Mobile.

The Blushing Buffy

I want to thank all of the participants for their hard work with their designs. You have all done a job to be proud of. I applaud each and everyone of you. Now, get some rest and get ready for the Garden Circle Go Kart Race.

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