Friday, January 26, 2007

What Flavor Jello Do You Like?

Once while chatting in Garden room 2 one day as usual the conversation turned to food and cooking. I believe that with gardening sooner or later cooking has to come into the picture.

For one reason or another we started talking about of all things jello. A weird food item to talk about but hey, who doesn't like jello? As with so many different foods and what they are called or ingredients used it seems that things are different around the world. Case in point and a fact that I found very surprising about jello is what we call the different kinds. Let me explain. Where I grew up and someone asked you what kind of jello you wanted the answer was to say purple, red, yellow orange or green and blue. (this also goes for ice pops or pop sickles) I was kinda thrown off to find that different areas use a flavor name. Hm, grape jello. Who woulda thought? Cherry or strawberry, lemon, orange and lime, lol. I love jello, jigglers, wigglers, parfaits, salads, with fruit and throw on some cool whip please.

I never thought jello really had a fruity type flavor. I never have or want to read the ingredients to check if there is any real fruit used in it. As long as we all like jello who cares what it is called. And of course it is so easy to make.

Pineapple Jello of course even by me is called Pineapple Jello. I like to make it by boiling the water called for, 2 cups. Dissolve the jello in it and then mix in about 6 ice cubes to cool it off. Stir stir and stir. I then pick out the little tiny pieces of left over ice chunks left because they stopped dissolving and then mix in about 6 oz of pineapple yogurt and whip with a whisk until it is well blended and then refrigerate for several hours. The finished product is a surprise so you'll have to make it for the surprise and delicious results. I think that this is the way to go for n easy and quick dessert and I think that with the addition of yogurt it might possibly be just a bit healthy too.

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