Monday, January 1, 2007


Sorry about the title to this blog but any other description of work just didn't come to mind at the moment, here or there. Well, the holidays are over and it's back to the grind stone. Yippee, yeah right. I can't believe that I just went through a 3 day week end. I love the type of work that I do but sometimes after a long day of work and then the ride home, every muscle in my body tightens up like rigomortis is setting in. Kinda like running and the coach telling you to keep moving after your laps are done or you are gonna regret it. Seems that the 1 1/2 hours I spend driving home doesn't allow me the opportunity to flex and stretch.

But as I said, I am going to take 2007 one day at a time. I'll take the ibuprofin one day at a time too just to make the evenings just a wee bit more enjoyable.

Ok, now to be serious. I sit here all weekend in blog land and then its off to work. I come home and come for my evening visit and what do I see? Go cart races. I miss all the fun. If I was around I woulda had the chance to ride on Vic's shoulders.

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