Sunday, January 28, 2007

Blue Cheese.

After doing my blog on Buffalo Wings after seeing Vic's Comment about liking Blue Cheese I had to blog about the subject.

I do not like Blue Cheese Sam I Am, I will not eat it in a house, I will not eat it with a mouse, not in a box or with a fox, I do not like Blue Cheese Sam I Am.

I was standing in an Army Chow Line one day on a Saturday and the usually menu was either burgers or chili mac. I decided on a burger that day. I made my way to the fixing bar and decided to put a dollop of mayonnaise on my burger.A pretty big dollop at that. Well I sat at the table and took a big ole bite of my burger and my mouth filled with the taste of the best description I have for the flavor was of moldy bread. That's when I realized that I had made a mistake and put Blue Cheese Salad dressing on my burger by mistake. I could not get that moldy taste out of my mouth no matter what I tried. I still have it today. I guess that Blue Cheese needs an acquired taste to like it. I have been living with the memory of that taste for years and still have not acquired a liking for it. I

If you take a block of Blue Cheese and look at it you can see the mold in it. It makes me think of other scary cheeses that I have seen some eat. I saw a cooking show one time and I think the host was Mario Batali. He was in Italy and the show was on Italian Cheeses. I saw these 2 older Italian guys eating a cheese that was kind of creamy on the inside. They were using crackers and reaching into the center of the cheese to get the creamy part to spread onto the crackers. The disgusting part is that they were working around maggots. I forget the name of the cheese but call it Maggot Cheese. I will stick to traditional cheeses. No Blue Cheese and no Maggoty Cheese for me.

img149/8467/280pximgp0320ub2.jpg Casa Marazu Maggoty cheese (Rotten Cheese)

  • Risk of enteric myiasis: intestinal larval infection. Piophila casei larvae can pass through the stomach alive (human stomach acids do not usually kill them) and take up residency for some period of time in the intestines, where they can cause serious lesions as they attempt to bore through the intestinal walls. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, and bloody diarrhea.
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