Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Results After 911

Recently in the news here I am hearing more and more about people that volunteered for rescue efforts and clean up efforts after 911 are paying for their heroic efforts now with extreme illnesses and death. No one will help them. Some must take about 15 medications a day and cannot afford them. Lawsuits have been won and the US Federal Government is to pay the bills but through red tape and what seems to be a refusal on the governments part help isn't coming for these people. More and more are dying due to the toxic poisons they have in their bodies.

Our Government provides medical care for prisoners, rapist, murderers, child molester, illegal aliens and to even tried and found guilty terrorist that were involved with the hijackings and future terrorist attacks.

The US Federal Government after 911 bailed out probably every major insurance company in this country. It paid off lawsuits by settling with families of those lost in the destruction. All major airline companies were saved from bankruptcy because they were given money by the Government. Billions was spent on airport security in airports that aren't owned by the public. US taxpayers dollars even bought an Olympic sized swimming pool for Iraqi Policemen. And lets not forget the millions if not billions of dollars and goods donated by concerned citizens of the US.

I don't blame any single one politition for the way we treat our hero's and those that reach out to help when help is needed. I blame every back stabbing, money grubbing, bend over here it comes again, control mongering, thieving, stealing, don't you dare say God, immoral,back door dealing, don't turn your back, we are better than you, your the idiots that keep voting us into office, we want your money freakin one of them.

The next time I am asked for a political donation I am going to donate one of those maggoty cheeses to them.

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