Saturday, January 6, 2007

The Official Garden Circle Go Cart Race Rules

The Official Garden Circle Go Cart Race Rules

1- All participants must post a picture of their Go Carts on the day of judging.

2- A participant can enter a Go Cart for Judging but does not have to race.

3- Teams can be formed for each Go Cart for design purposes but only one member of that team can participate in the actual race itself. A team name must be on the submitted Go Cart for judging. (Revised)If more than one team member wishes to race using the same Go Cart, both team members must use the same picture of the teams Go Cart and arrive at each destination at the same time.

4- To enter the race a Go Cart must be entered for judging on the weekend of judging.

5- All Go Carts must have at least 2 wheels.

6- All designs for Go Carts will be kept to a clean non-offensive nature. Any design that the judges determine to be inappropriate will be disqualified.

7- No official of the race can enter a Go Cart design or participate in the race. (An Official may participate as a team member)

8- Go Carts will be judged on 3 categories. 1- Most Original, 2- Funniest, 3-Best Design. Each category will have 1st, 2ND and 3rd place trophies awarded depending on the number of participants and designs.

9- This Go Cart Race and Go Cart designs is for Having Fun Purposes only. If any problems arise due to some one being offended or upset and fighting amongst participants arises the Go Cart Race will be immediately called off.

10- Any concerns or request regarding The Garden Circle Go Cart Race can be submitted to MacIII̢۪s blog page.

11- The weekend for Go Cart design Judging will be the 13Th and 14Th of January 2007.

12- Espionage of car designs is permitted only before the date of the judging.

The Go Cart Race

A- The Go Cart Race will start with a message in a participant̢۪s mailbox.

B- The Racer(s) must use a picture of their Go Cart as their picture while racing.

C- The race will consist of racing to certain blogs and looking for a clue in the blog and a comment must be left in regards to that clue before continuing to the next destination. The Clue the racer(s) must find will be in the blogs Comments regarding the race.

D- Times of comments left on Blog Destinations will be recorded and after the race has been completed the times recorded will be added up and the best times accumulated for completing the course will win 1st, 2ND and 3rd place trophies.

E- If any participant is discovered cheating by 1 of the judges then they will be disqualified. This will be up to the judgment of the judges and no questions will be asked.

F- Bribes to The Official Judges will only be accepted if the said bribe is found acceptable to the judges.

G- All participants of the Garden Circle Go Cart Race must at all time remember that this race is intended for fun purposes only.

H- The Garden Circle Go Cart Race will take place on the weekend of the 20Th of January 2007 and end on the 24Th of January 2007.

I- All winners announced on the 27Th of January 2007. An awards ceremony will be held and trophies will be handed out at that time.

II- Remember, Have a good time.

The Official Judges At This Time

VeroMariquita, Judy E, MacIII,

Rules can be amended at any time by the Judges.

Special notice, Angie aka Cookie has been removed from the Judging panel.

As of 10/1/2007 the Garden Circle Go Cart Race has Official Medical Staff. Suzi has Volunteered To handle all Medical needs of The Go Kart Race. Any Medical needs or anyone else that would like to volunteer for the medical staff please contact Suzi.

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