Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The Garden Circle Go Cart Races Coming Soon

The Garden Circle Go Cart Races Coming Soon

All Participants please sign up for the Garden Circle Go Cart Race on this comment section. I hope that it will be everyone for this should be an exciting event.

Each participant will be asked to have a Go Cart. Each Go Cart will be judged. I will be asking privately for volunteers to help me judge the Go Carts in several different classes. Examples, Most Original, Funniest, I can’t believe you entered a rock ect. Please use a sense of humor with your designs for I would like to keep this fun. Do not post a picture of your Go Cart until the day of judging please.

Trophies will be given for the best designs.

Teams can enter a car together but only one team member may participate in the actual race.

I have spent some time thinking about how to have this race and the following is what I have decided to do. I will pick a certain date for the race to begin. The race will begin at my blog where the Racers will get the green flag. A comment must be posted to start and The Go Cart must be used. Each racer then will have to make it to certain other blogs with their Go Carts and the comment that the racer will leave will be recorded. The time will be on the comment. At certain check point’s permission will be needed to proceed. The racer then must go to another Blog Check point and then to the next and so on. Who ever makes it to all the check points with the best time will be declared the winner. It doesn’t matter what time you start the race due to different time zones, but you must complete the race in the time frame that will be posted.

The Garden Circle Go Cart Race winner will recieve a trophy for their accomplishment for First Place. There will also be Trophies for 2nd and 3rd place.

I will ask different bloggers from around the world to volunteer their blogs as check points to keep this fair due to the different time zones.

I hope that we can all have fun with this. If anyone has any other suggestions or an idea on how to make it easier give a shout.

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