Sunday, February 25, 2007

Rice Krispy Treats With Miniature M&Ms

Rice Krispie Treats With Miniature M&Ms Recipe


1 box of Snap Krackle And Pop Rice Krispies swept up from all 4 corners of blog. (Dog hair optional)

1 Jar (the big One) of Fluffernutter making sure to scrape up any that spilled or dripped from the sides of jar from the cabinet surface after the jar has been yanked from it.

1 cup of Pater Pan Peanut Butter. Make sure that it is over a year old. It's a gamble on lot numbers but the chances are good if it's at least a year old you will have the good stuff.

8oz of Miniature M&Ms. That should be an easy amount to find under the cushions of the confused bench in the Garden. Vero and I have spilled enough there fighting and playing Tug-O-War over them often.


In a glass measuring cup, at least a 4-6 cup size using a rubber spatula scrape in the Fuffernutter and throw in those scrapings too. Microwave on high for 3 minutes.

In a large mixing bowl dump in the Rice Krispies. Now's a good time to pick out any dog hairs or what ever else may be in there after sweeping them off the floor. After hearing the ding of the microwave remove the bubbling goo being careful not to spill any on yourself. Boiling Fluffernutter can leave nasty scars. Dump the peanut butter into the goo and make a brown goo that resembles... Never mind, you get the picture. If the peanut butter is the good stuff you'll no what I'm talking about soon enough. Dump the goo on top of the Rice Krispies and start mixing away. If it's cool enough use your hands. There is nothing like the feeling of Rice Krispies and goo all over your hands and forearms and your face if you need to wipe away any perspiration. Oh yeah, that adds flavor too so don't be bashful of letting some drip into the bowl. As the mix starts coming together throw the miniature M&Ms in there. If you found some loose change under them cushions too throw some into the bowl also. Someone will appreciate the prize.

Grease or butter up a rectangular baking dish and dump the mess you made into it. Scrape as much as you can off your hands and arms and get that in there too cause you don't want to waste any of it. Frugality. Frugality is a good thing. Make sure to press everything down real good after it's all in the baking dish. Compact it real good. If it's to sticky just rub some butter on your hands.

Place the baking dish in the fridge for a couple hours so that the concoction that you have in it sets up.


Hillary For President L.O.L


I have noticed several bloggers expressing their pleasure regarding the fact That Hillary Clinton is running for the position of President Of The United States.

I want to express my opinion of why I would never vote for her. I have many reasons but the one I will mention in this Blog is in regards to what happened when the Clintons left the White House after Bill Clintons term was over.

It seems that we as a nation have very short memories regarding political figures. We keep voting the same type of people into office time and time again. I don't want to offend any Hill Billies with what I am about to say but say it I will. When the Clintons left the White House they were like Hillbillies** leaving a Howard Johnsons. If it wasn't bolted down they took it.

I am watching polls regarding standings of candidates and I see that almost every woman that votes will vote for Hillary. I would like to believe that this poll is false for I truly believe that women are more intelligent than males and vote for reasons of intelligence. Not just to vote for a woman.

The following list is a list of items that the Clintons took from the White House when they left. The items were demanded back and each item was proved to belong to the White House for they were donated to the White House through the years by the persons listed.

• $19,900 two sofas, an easy chair and an ottoman from Steve Mittman,
New York.
• $3,650 kitchen table and four chairs from Lee Ficks, Cincinnati.
• $2,843 sofa from Brad Noe, High Point, N.C.
• $1,170 lamps from Stuart Schiller, Hialeah, Fla.
• $1,000 needlepoint rug from David Martinous, Little Rock.
Following are gifts the Clintons received in 2000 and are paying for:
• $9,433 china cabinet, chandelier and a copy of President Lincoln's
Cooper Union speech from Walter and Selma Kaye, New York.
• $7,375 two coffee tables and two chairs from Denise Rich, New York.
• $7,000 dining room table, server and golf club from Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Dozoretz, Washington.
• $6,282 two carpets from Glen Eden Carpets, Calhoun, Ga.
• $5,000 rug from Martin Patrick Evans, Chicago.
• $5,000 china from Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brandt, Winnetka, Ill.
• $4,994 flatware from Ghada Irani, Los Angeles.
• $4,992 china from Iris Cantor, New York.
• $4,967 flatware, Edith Wasserman, Beverly Hills, Calif.
• $4,967 flatware, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pynoos, Beverly Hills, Calif.
• $4,787 china from Mary Steenburgen and Ted Danson, Los Angeles.
• $4,920 china from Mr. and Mrs. Steven Spielberg, Universal City,
• $3,000 painting from Joan Tumpson, Miami.
• $2,993 televisions and DVD player from Paul Goldenberg, La Habra,
• $2,400 dining room chairs from Arthur Athis, Los Angeles.
• $2,110 china and jacket from Jill and Ken Iscol, Pound Ridge, N.Y.
• $1,588 flatware from Myra Greenspun, Green Valley, Nev.
• $595 pantsuit and sweater, Margaret O'Leary, San Francisco.
• $524 golf driver and golf balls from Richard Helmstetter, Carlsbad,
• $500 antique book on George Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Yorkin, Los
• $499 golf driver from Ely Callaway, Carlsbad, Calif.
• $450 leather jacket from Vin Gupta, Omaha.
• $350 golf driver, Jack Nicholson, Beverly Hills, Calif.
• $350 framed tapestry, Mr. and Mrs. Vo Viet Thanh, Vietnam.
• $340 two sweaters from Robin Carnahan and Nina Canci, St. Louis.
• $300 flatware from Colette D'Etremont, New Brunswick, Canada.
• $300 painting of Buddy, Brian B. Ready, Chappaqua, N.Y.
None of the above. Burton should zero in on the pardon for four Hasidic criminals who delivered their traditionally Republican ward to Hillary by 1400-12 even as neighboring religious Jewish communities voted overwhelmingly for Lazio. It is illegal to exchange a promise of a pardon for votes. Hillary may just have crossed the line.

Ok, I figure thet cloths donated to the White House is odd but the facts are listed. I have taken a towel or two from a hotel myself but I'm not running for President of this country and never will.

How many sets of China and flatware does one need to swipe? I'm not a golfer but I think Bill has a whole set of nice drivers now, lol. How much nerve does it take to swip sofas and dining room tables and chair and even china cabinets to store the stolen china in? It also must take nerve to take the rugs too.

The items that the Clintons claimed were gifts to them and that they would pay for were returned after the individuals that made the donations proved that the donations were actually mad to the White House and not to the Clintons. I think Jethro Bodine drove the truck.

Lets not forget that when Air Force one dropped the Clintons off for the last time they practically stripped the plane down to scrap metal. They took everything. Even The China and Flatware with the Presidential Seals. And then every "W" from every computer.

I could never in my wildest dreams walk into a voting booth and vote for Hillary Clinton.

** No Hillbillies were meant to be offended with this Blog. The term redneck wasn't used because rednecks can be found everywhere. Even here. To understand the use of the term Hillbillies in this blog please refer to the Movie, The Beverely Hillbillies.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Embarrassing Moments

Embarrassing Moments.

I am sure every body has had an embarrassing moment in life and I think the stories would be great to hear. I figured that I would share one that happened to me several years ago just to give everyone a little chuckle.

I was on my way home from work one day and my wife called me on the cell and asked if I would stop by a store on my way home and pick up something that every man dreads to go to the store and buy. Female items for the monthly.

OK, maybe some man out there might enjoy doing this for his wife and daughters out of love but I fear it. I don't have a clue as far as sizes and styles or types. I stopped at a drug store and headed for the isle in search for what was requested. I started reading box after box and finally made the best choice I could make. I got the look from several women walking through the isle and I am sure they went a safe distance from me so that they could return to get what they needed.

I headed up to the cashier and after waiting for the cashier to count some million dollars worth of pennies or what ever else was in her drawer that took a good 15 minutes or so to count and recount I was finally rung up and my purchase was bagged. OK, so this wasn't as embarrassing as I was making it out to be was it? Hey, I didn't make it out of the store yet. As I was heading out the door all of a sudden alarms were ringing, lights were flashing. people were running. OK, did I just win some contest, was candid camera there? Was there a fire? Noooo!!! I was asked to come to customer service where a great search took place and the only item in the bag was removed for everyone in the store to see. Oh boy, the cashier must have been embarrassed ringing the item up for a man and she had nervously put it into the bag without removing or deactivating the security device from the packaging.

I never realized that Maxi Pads were an item of such value for high security.

Embarrassing Moments

Embarrassing Moments.

I am sure every body has had an embarrassing moment in life and I think the stories would be great to hear. I figured that I would share one that happened to me several years ago just to give everyone a little chuckle.

I was on my way home from work one day and my wife called me on the cell and asked if I would stop by a store on my way home and pick up something that every man dreads to go to the store and buy. Female items for the monthly.

OK, maybe some man out there might enjoy doing this for his wife and daughters out of love but I fear it. I don't have a clue as far as sizes and styles or types. I stopped at a drug store and headed for the isle in search for what was requested. I started reading box after box and finally made the best choice I could make. I got the look from several women walking through the isle and I am sure they went a safe distance from me so that they could return to get what they needed.

I headed up to the cashier and after waiting for the cashier to count some million dollars worth of pennies or what ever else was in her drawer that took a good 15 minutes or so to count and recount I was finally rung up and my purchase was bagged. OK, so this wasn't as embarrassing as I was making it out to be was it? Hey, I didn't make it out of the store yet. As I was heading out the door all of a sudden alarms were ringing, lights were flashing. people were running. OK, did I just win some contest, was candid camera there? Was there a fire? Noooo!!! I was asked to come to customer service where a great search took place and the only item in the bag was removed for everyone in the store to see. Oh boy, the cashier must have been embarrassed ringing the item up for a man and she had nervously put it into the bag without removing or deactivating the security device from the packaging.

I never realized that Maxi Pads were an item of such value for high security.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Missing In Action

Sorry I haven't been blogging much everyone. I am a member of a gaming site called Superdudes, lol. I am getting ready to level up with my 15 million mark and I am anxious to get there. I have been putting it off and putting it off but have finally decided to commit some time to it.

The whole gaming site revolves around cards given to each player to do battle with using combinations of those cards. Each level you go up you get a new card. In the site you can become a member of a so called clan and in a clan you can participate in bashes with other clans. We have worldwide tournaments and an incredible amount of fun.

If anyone would like to check out the site here is the link

I belong to a clan called Soldiers Of Fortune *SOF* Come on by and check it out if you get a chance, and become a member and join the fun.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

How Are Your Eyes?

I thought this image was really cool. Pretend your back in the 60's and just stare at it for awhile.


Friday, February 16, 2007

Repair Time

Our water heater wasn't supplying enough hot water this past week. No puddle of water on the floor though so I knew it wasn't shot. Not having enough money I started searchinginternett sites for trouble shooting the problem and then fixing the dang thing. Wheres Jim Woodworker when you need him?Loll.

Any ways searching Internett sites you get everyone diagnosing the problem as something different so I had to search deeper and find ,ore reliable sources.DIYY was lame and Good Old Boy Bob Villa's site was geared towards one going out and buying a book and RichardTatouii off this old has wasn'tsharring any information. There is a handyman site for appliance repair that gave pretty good information but no links for how to do certain aspects of how to test elements with a multimeter.

Eventually I had to combine information from three sites, It was like cramming for a college exam with a whole pile of legal books out at once searching for case facts. I went to work testing electrical components and found that the lower element in the Sears Kenmore Elctricic water heater was the problem and not the dip tube as I suspected cause durringg the manufacturing years of our water heater all electric water heater dip tubes were manufactured by the same company and they were all deffective.

The lower element on the water heater tested good but the outer plastic piece that actually surrounded the electrical conectionss was by the looks of it fried off. I found this after removing the insulation from over it that had actually melted around it. I started making calls to plumbing supply stores looking for an element but was told that I would have to get it from Sears. Hey, has anyone used a phone book lately? What ever happend to a phone book where you opened it to the alphabetical order for plumbing supplies or to building supplies or suppliers and you found what you wanted? Thank God for the Internetnet and finding phone numbers. I called Sears and had to give them my life history before I could ask any questions regarding water heater elements that they had on thier Internet site. After being transfered several times my questions were answered and I was told that the parts I needed could be found at my local Sears department store. I drained the water heater, removed the element just to be sure that the new one I was going to buy would match up and headed to Sears. I entered Sears and one of the store employees came up to sell me something and I waved the element at him and asked where I could find one and was informed that the store did not sell them but I could get them from The Sears parts store a few towns away. Is anyone finding this humorous yet? The salesman told me that the parts store wasn't open on the weekends.

Being the male that I am I headed for the Home Depot. I bought some epoxy putty that dries in 5 minutes. When I got home I shoved the old element back into the water heater. Screwed it back in. Filled the tank regreting not having a new gasket. Noticed a small drip but what the heck. I took my epoxy putty and filled in around all the electrical conectionsections on the element. 5 minutes later it was as hard as a rock. I hoped the rock wouldn't conduct electricity and hooked the electrical wires back up and turned circut circuit breaker and nothing went pop, boom or band and no sparks where a flying so I guess the epoxy worked.

I Checked the water a half hour later and it was hot. Now whether I did right or not I do not know but My wife and 2 teenage daughters have to get their showers so I have my fingers crossed. I will order the parts that I need to fix the wateronliner online, if my putty works then I'll just get a 40 cent gasket.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Another Recipe

Pork Cutlets and Red Wine


6 pork cutlets cut into ¼” fillets and pounded as thin as possible.

1 cup of flour seasoned with salt and pepper for dredging

Olive oil for browning

1 small onion finely diced

1 clove of garlic minced

½ cup of your favorite red wine

1-1/2 cups of chicken stock

1- 12 oz can of petite-diced tomatoes

½ cup of olives sliced thin

Salt and pepper to taste


Heat about 2 tablespoons of oil in a regular skillet over medium high heat, not a non-stick skillet. Dredge the pork cutlets in the flour and shake off excess flour. Place the cutlets into the hot oil and brown 1 side; it will take from a minute and a half to two minutes to get a nice golden brown color. Only fry a few at a time so not to crowd the skillet. Flip the cutlets and repeat. Remove the cutlets after browning and place them on a paper towel covered plat to drain excess oil. Repeat until all of the cutlets are done. Add more olive oil as needed. A total of 4 tablespoons will be more than enough.

For the sauce- drain excess oil from the skillet leaving any little brown bits. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until the onion is translucent. Deglaze the skillet with the wine and simmer until it seems that the wine has completely evaporated. Add the chicken stock, diced tomatoes and the olives and bring to a simmer. Taste and add salt and pepper to taste. At time I will add a little crushed red pepper flakes at this time too. After the seasoning taste right turn the heat low and gently place the pork cutlets into the sauce, cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes.

I usually serve this over thin spaghetti. The pork cutlets are so tender that they will melt in your mouth. This recipe works just as well for chicken cutlets or my favorite veal cutlets. I am not a big fan of olives but this dish just doesn’t taste right without them. Green or black olives are great. As far as the wine is concerned I will say that you must use the type of wine that you enjoy. If you don’t drink wine, I have made this using lemon juice. Squeeze two lemons minus the seeds right into the sauce to brighten the flavor.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

When it rains it pours

Lol, I have today off. The big snow storm just missed me by 1 town north of here but we are getting a major rain storm. Flood watches are posted but I would rather have rain than snow. It is suppose to turn to an ice storm later. Temps actually went from 24 degrees last night on my way home from work, to 41 over night. I think thats odd.

Does it ever seem that bad luck has a way of hitting and one thing just happens after another? Seems that way with me lately. No realserious bad luck but a lot of little things that pile up. The weather has been terrible. From freezing, to snow to rain. Hard to earn a living when one has outdoor work. A few days ago the hot water heater decided it didn't want to heat water to my families expectations. I have to check the thermostats and the element this morning so hopefully I can get the parts for an easy fix. I came home from work yesterday to find that our TV had fried itself. How nice. Makes me wish for the days all a person had to do to fix the TV was to get the boxes of fuses and to change the one that was blown.

When It Rains It Pours II

I feel the title appropriate for this blog. I mentioned that today we are having serious rain here instead of a snow storm. My wife works for a major news paper here and of course she had to work today. Her job requires driving around and today she worked in a town called Seaside NJ. With the pouring rain comes flooding. High tide guarantees flooding. Around 10:00 my wife calls. She is stuck in water and the car is filling up. She is able top get out of the car and make it to safety and she asked me to come pick her up and gives me a highway number and intersection. Highway 35 and 6th St.

I jumped in the truck and headed across the bay and headed up Rt 35. I came up on 6th St and didn't see her so I turned onto the street and cut across to Rt 35 going the opposite direction. There is a major flood going across the highway but no signs of my wife anywheres. I back track and go farther north and then cut back across and then head south. No sign of her anywhere. I think that maybe her company beat me there. I drove through the flooded section of highway behind a state trooper. I figured that if he could make it in his car I could make it in a truck. I thought maybe if I went south a bit more into a section called Seaside Park I might find another 3rd St and decided that before I headed to my wife's office I had better check it out for she might be there. After driving that street in search I found that she wasn't there either.

I headed for my wife's office and decided on my way there that I should stop at the in-laws house. Just a feeling. I got there and my mother in-law was up stairs. I yelled to her that I was using the phone and called my wife's cell and got a voice mail service. I called home and My daughter tod me that people my wife worked with were calling too and couldn't find her either. Wow, a search party, lol. As I am getting ready to go back out my mother in law yells from upstairs if I want a cup of coffe. I yelled back up that a search party was searching for her daughter and that I was headed back out. She yells back down that my wife had called earlier and that my father inlaw went out to get her too.

Ok, honnor is at stake her. I jumped back into the truck and headed for Rt 35 again. I headed north big time. I drove through 5 different towns before I came to another with number streets. 6th St, look down towards the end and there is the company car my wife was driving stopped before a stop sign in a puddle with about 2' of water. in it. I get out, check out the car and look around at the nearby houses in case she is in one but no sign of her.

Ok, at this point in my life I am thinking I'm stuck in a demented rescue Timmy from the well story. There is probably about 5 people out searching for my wife. I am at the scene where she should be. She was't there. The car was there. Only explanation I had was that my father inlaw picked her up. I hit the road again waving good bye at the car. I noticed the temperature had dropped to 28 degrees. I chuckled to myself picturing the puddle freezing around the car.

Back to the inlaws, yes my father inlaw had picked her up. I am thinking to myself, "self, Your wife called about 5 people to rescue her. You would think that if someone had come to her aid and had a vehicle with heat in it they would have waited for the rest of the search party to show up". I thought that if that water recedes that car in the middle of the street will look kind of funny, lol. As an ice cube really funny. I old my mother inlaw that usually when a person breaks down that can't just abandon a vehicle in the middle of a street. Her response was "they Can't?" Lol, I told her that a river of a vehicle is responsable for that vehicle. If it needs towing then it must be towed. You just don't leave until everything is taken care of.

My wife is fine. her legs got wet when she waded out of the car and the puddle. A nice older gentleman let her into his home and gave her coffee and the use of his phone. Her cell phone had died. A policeman must have felt the car would make a good road block, he told my wife she could leave the car there. I have never had a cop be that reasonable with me ,lol...

Well, that was my excitement for the morning.

Valentines Day Memories

Valentines Day Memories

I was reading Vic’s blog about her childhood memories of Valentines Day as a child. I thought I would share a few of mine.

I look back at my childhood and I remember the type of child I was. My memories recall a young boy from a very poor family. I worked my butt off from my earliest memories. I grew up with different values of most around me. I think I had the values of my elders instead of the values of a child.

When it came to reacting with the children I grew up with especially as a young child in my elementary years I was different. I loved to fight for the kids being picked on. It was something I was good at and I had a reputation that drew attention from those that needed help.

Recess was a time during school that most scuffles took place. Strange how girls would approach me and ask if I would please make so and so stop picking on them and I would do so. I became good friends with the Principle and the oar that he used for a paddle. I think my classmates all got a kick out of my being dragged off by the scruff of the neck most days. I always thought I had done honorable deeds though so always took my punishment with no shame.

Valentines Day was really embarrassing to me due to the fact that Valentines that I brought to school had to be of the homemade kind. Any money used to buy Valentines in my home with seven children went to the three oldest that were the girls of the family. Yes, Like Vic Valentines had to go to every member of the class. I would make as a boy, what I thought were nice cards for the girls and make cool cards for the boys. I don’t think homemade went over very well year after year and were not accepted as anything special. The hours with scissors, paper and paste and crayons did not go over well and I can still remember watching certain expressions of disgust on girls faces when they pulled my cards from their boxes or paper bags and of course the teasing that would come as a result is a memory that will never fade..

I myself would feel like Charlie Brown on Valentines Day. I think a rock would have been better than the nothing I would receive from the many girls who’s honor I had stood up for in all the play ground skirmishes. So much for a Valentine for every classmate.

I guess that these girls must have come to realize that the boys’ picking on them was just a reach for their attention.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sunday Roasted Butterflied Chicken And Stuffing

Sunday Roast Chicken and Stuffing
We wanted a streamlined version of roast chicken with plenty of stuffing to go around—and to solve the problem of cooking the stuffing to a safe temperature without drying out the delicate breast meat of the chicken.

The idea of roast chicken and stuffing is very appealing—moist, well-seasoned meat and plenty of flavorful stuffing to satisfy everyone at the table. But in reality, a chicken, even one upwards of 5 pounds (serving 4 to 6 people), doesn’t contain a cavity large enough to accommodate the amount of stuffing you’d need to serve everyone at the table. Sure, you can bake the stuffing separately in a baking dish, but you miss out on all the flavorful juices imparted from the chicken. Our aim, therefore, would be to develop a recipe for roast chicken and stuffing where we could somehow still mimic the flavorful benefits of cooking the stuffing inside the bird. A quick sauté of spinach, especially one with garlic and lemon, goes well alongside roast chicken (in addition to many other dishes). But this simple approach can often go wrong—overcooked spinach, burnt garlic, and too much oil—the list goes on. We would focus on avoiding these pitfalls to turn out a tasty side dish you can rely on again and again.

Stuffed Roast Butterflied Chicken

Use a traditional (not nonstick) roasting pan to prepare this recipe; the dark finish of a nonstick pan may cause the stuffing to over brown. If using a kosher chicken, skip step 1.

Serves 4


Cup table salt


Whole chicken (5 to 6 pounds), trimmed of excess fat, giblets discarded


Teaspoon vegetable oil or olive oil

Ground black pepper


Recipe stuffing (see related recipes)

See Illustrations Below: Butterflying and Stuffing the Chicken

1. Dissolve salt in 2 quarts cold water in large container. Immerse chicken and refrigerate until fully seasoned, about 1 hour.

2. Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position; heat oven to 450 degrees. Remove chicken from brine and rinse under cold running water; pat dry with paper towels. Butterfly chicken, flatten breastbone, and tuck wings behind back (see illustrations 1 and 2). Rub skin with oil and sprinkle with pepper.

3. Following illustrations 3 through 5-construct foil bowl, spray inside of bowl with nonstick cooking spray, and place bowl in roasting pan. Gently mound and pack stuffing into foil bowl and position chicken over stuffing (chicken should extend past edges of bowl so that most of fat renders into roasting pan, not into foil bowl). Roast chicken until just beginning to brown, about 30 minutes. Rotate pan and continue to roast until skin is crisped and deep golden brown and instant-read thermometer registers 160 degrees in thickest part of breast, 175 degrees in thickest part of thigh, and 165 degrees in stuffing, 25 to 35 minutes longer. Using tongs, transfer chicken to cutting board; let rest 10 minutes.

4. While chicken rests, transfer stuffing from foil bowl to serving bowl; fluff stuffing with spoon. Cover stuffing with foil to keep warm. Carve chicken and serve with stuffing.

Step-by-Step: Butterflying and Stuffing the Chicken

1-Cut through the bones on either side of the back bone. Then remove and discard the back bone.

2-Flip the chicken over and use the heel of your handto flatten the breast bone, tuck the tips of the wings behind back.

3-Stack 2 12" squares of aluminum foil on top of each other. Fold edges to make an 8"x6" bowl.

4-Coat the inside of foil bowl with non stick cooking spray and pack with the stuffing.

5-Position chicken over the stuffing and adjust the foil bowl to fit the shape of the chicken cavity.

(Americas Test Kitchen and Cooks Illustrated)

A Hillbilly Blog To Honnor TB's 100th

Turn on your sound, lol...

Never choke in a restaurant in the South...

Two hillbillies walk into a restaurant and sit at the bar.

While having a shot of whiskey, they talk about their moonshine
Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table, who is eating a sandwich,
begins to cough.
After a minute or so, it becomes apparent that she is in real distress.
One of the hillbillies looks at her and says,

"Kin ya swaller?"
The woman shakes her head no.
"Kin ya breathe?"
The woman begins to turn blue and shakes her head no.
The hillbilly walks over to the woman, lifts up the back of her
yanks down her drawers and quickly gives her right butt cheek a lick with his tongue.
The woman is so shocked that she has a violent spasm and the
obstruction flies out of her mouth.
As she begins to breathe again, the hillbilly walks slowly back
to the bar.
His partner says, "Ya know, I don heerd of that there 'Hind
Lick Maneuver', but I ain't never before seed nobody do it!"

This one was for you TB. In honnor of your 100th blog I figured I'd take a rolling pin or a cast iron pan to the head for you.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Roast Chicken Tomorrow

I am going to roast a chicken for dinner tomorrow night. Make up some homemade bread, some mashed potatoes (whipped with the beater) and lots and lots of gravy. Boil up some frozen corn on the cob, make some stove top stuffing and some cranberry sauce. I haven't thought of what I would make for dessert yet but maybe blogland can help me decide.

Oh, If your sound is on I want to drive you crazy so turn up the volume cause the Chicken Dance Is Playing.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Another Cold One

I asked myself a serious question today while working with snot ice cycles hanging from my nose, with negative wind chills freezing me to the bone, while trying to shield my face on the scaffold 30' up in the air looking at the frozen lake down below. The question was at what point in my life did my vocation become so miserable?

I have enjoyed being a Carpenter just about my entire life. It is a dying trade as is most in the construction industry. I feel that I belong to a dying breed. I wonder why most days, but I have to say, that today I could understand why the youth of today find no interest in construction. Pushing the keys on a computer would be a no brainer.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Garden Circle Group On Yahoo Groups

I have noticed that there are alot of Groups on Yahoo so I figured that I would start one for those interested in Gardening and Cooking called the Garden Circle. I am hoping that we can share gardening tips and pictures and also swap recipes. We have posted lots of recipes in our blogs but if someone forgot to copy one it takes awhile to search it down. I can't tell you how many times I have searched , lol. The same goes for gardening tips and pictures. I know that many of us remember a blog that was posted with a certain plant or tip and try to find that information at a later date.

I am hoping that This group idea is a good one.

Click here to join TheGardeningCircle
Click to join TheGardeningCircle

Sunday, February 4, 2007

It Was A Cold One For Sure

Today attempting to work outdoors proved futile. We had the wind blowing off the lake this morning with up to 40 mph gust pushing the wind chill down to about 15 below. Those of us that even attempted to work only lasted about 20minutes until the cold forced us to look for a heat source.

I haven't worked the chill out of my being all day so tonight I am making one of my favorite comfort foods. Beef Stew. It's simmering away right now with some potato, garlic and cheese dumplings for the final touch. For cold and frigid days my family all agrees that Beef Stew is a major comfort food. Lots of gravy, lots of potatoes and atleast 2 dumplings each. If the 1st bite doesn't burn your entire insides to the core something just isn't right.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Judge The Videos

Yesterday I posted a Video showing a conspiracy theory regarding 911 and I provided my input about how I think the Media can twist things to push certain reactions from the viewers. Today I have the same video but there is a slight change. The narration and new sources of facts along with urls have been added.

I am finding this very interesting.

Friday, February 2, 2007

A Video To Make One Wonder

If you have some time to spare here is an interesting documentary that I came across. It's about an hour long so if you get bored and are looking for something that might spark some interest take a look. I want to see what people think, good or bad.

I mentioned earlier in the week that I don't much care for the media for I believe that what we see is controlled one way or the other and that with the skills that we have today much of what we see can be an illusion created for our entertainment. Facts can be put together for an interpretation of something, to see things the way someone else wants them to be seen. We have feeling from these delusions that make us react in a way that is being controlled. Lol, Kinda sounds like the Twilight Zone. I just thought that I have seen one side of the story and know that I have feelings of hate and anger due to what I have seen. This video shows another groups views and I am sure that the video and facts presented are in place to do the job that the people that put it together wanted it to do.