Sunday, February 4, 2007

It Was A Cold One For Sure

Today attempting to work outdoors proved futile. We had the wind blowing off the lake this morning with up to 40 mph gust pushing the wind chill down to about 15 below. Those of us that even attempted to work only lasted about 20minutes until the cold forced us to look for a heat source.

I haven't worked the chill out of my being all day so tonight I am making one of my favorite comfort foods. Beef Stew. It's simmering away right now with some potato, garlic and cheese dumplings for the final touch. For cold and frigid days my family all agrees that Beef Stew is a major comfort food. Lots of gravy, lots of potatoes and atleast 2 dumplings each. If the 1st bite doesn't burn your entire insides to the core something just isn't right.

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