Tuesday, February 13, 2007

When it rains it pours

Lol, I have today off. The big snow storm just missed me by 1 town north of here but we are getting a major rain storm. Flood watches are posted but I would rather have rain than snow. It is suppose to turn to an ice storm later. Temps actually went from 24 degrees last night on my way home from work, to 41 over night. I think thats odd.

Does it ever seem that bad luck has a way of hitting and one thing just happens after another? Seems that way with me lately. No realserious bad luck but a lot of little things that pile up. The weather has been terrible. From freezing, to snow to rain. Hard to earn a living when one has outdoor work. A few days ago the hot water heater decided it didn't want to heat water to my families expectations. I have to check the thermostats and the element this morning so hopefully I can get the parts for an easy fix. I came home from work yesterday to find that our TV had fried itself. How nice. Makes me wish for the days all a person had to do to fix the TV was to get the boxes of fuses and to change the one that was blown.

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