Thursday, February 22, 2007

Embarrassing Moments

Embarrassing Moments.

I am sure every body has had an embarrassing moment in life and I think the stories would be great to hear. I figured that I would share one that happened to me several years ago just to give everyone a little chuckle.

I was on my way home from work one day and my wife called me on the cell and asked if I would stop by a store on my way home and pick up something that every man dreads to go to the store and buy. Female items for the monthly.

OK, maybe some man out there might enjoy doing this for his wife and daughters out of love but I fear it. I don't have a clue as far as sizes and styles or types. I stopped at a drug store and headed for the isle in search for what was requested. I started reading box after box and finally made the best choice I could make. I got the look from several women walking through the isle and I am sure they went a safe distance from me so that they could return to get what they needed.

I headed up to the cashier and after waiting for the cashier to count some million dollars worth of pennies or what ever else was in her drawer that took a good 15 minutes or so to count and recount I was finally rung up and my purchase was bagged. OK, so this wasn't as embarrassing as I was making it out to be was it? Hey, I didn't make it out of the store yet. As I was heading out the door all of a sudden alarms were ringing, lights were flashing. people were running. OK, did I just win some contest, was candid camera there? Was there a fire? Noooo!!! I was asked to come to customer service where a great search took place and the only item in the bag was removed for everyone in the store to see. Oh boy, the cashier must have been embarrassed ringing the item up for a man and she had nervously put it into the bag without removing or deactivating the security device from the packaging.

I never realized that Maxi Pads were an item of such value for high security.

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