Sunday, February 25, 2007

Rice Krispy Treats With Miniature M&Ms

Rice Krispie Treats With Miniature M&Ms Recipe


1 box of Snap Krackle And Pop Rice Krispies swept up from all 4 corners of blog. (Dog hair optional)

1 Jar (the big One) of Fluffernutter making sure to scrape up any that spilled or dripped from the sides of jar from the cabinet surface after the jar has been yanked from it.

1 cup of Pater Pan Peanut Butter. Make sure that it is over a year old. It's a gamble on lot numbers but the chances are good if it's at least a year old you will have the good stuff.

8oz of Miniature M&Ms. That should be an easy amount to find under the cushions of the confused bench in the Garden. Vero and I have spilled enough there fighting and playing Tug-O-War over them often.


In a glass measuring cup, at least a 4-6 cup size using a rubber spatula scrape in the Fuffernutter and throw in those scrapings too. Microwave on high for 3 minutes.

In a large mixing bowl dump in the Rice Krispies. Now's a good time to pick out any dog hairs or what ever else may be in there after sweeping them off the floor. After hearing the ding of the microwave remove the bubbling goo being careful not to spill any on yourself. Boiling Fluffernutter can leave nasty scars. Dump the peanut butter into the goo and make a brown goo that resembles... Never mind, you get the picture. If the peanut butter is the good stuff you'll no what I'm talking about soon enough. Dump the goo on top of the Rice Krispies and start mixing away. If it's cool enough use your hands. There is nothing like the feeling of Rice Krispies and goo all over your hands and forearms and your face if you need to wipe away any perspiration. Oh yeah, that adds flavor too so don't be bashful of letting some drip into the bowl. As the mix starts coming together throw the miniature M&Ms in there. If you found some loose change under them cushions too throw some into the bowl also. Someone will appreciate the prize.

Grease or butter up a rectangular baking dish and dump the mess you made into it. Scrape as much as you can off your hands and arms and get that in there too cause you don't want to waste any of it. Frugality. Frugality is a good thing. Make sure to press everything down real good after it's all in the baking dish. Compact it real good. If it's to sticky just rub some butter on your hands.

Place the baking dish in the fridge for a couple hours so that the concoction that you have in it sets up.


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