Friday, February 2, 2007

A Video To Make One Wonder

If you have some time to spare here is an interesting documentary that I came across. It's about an hour long so if you get bored and are looking for something that might spark some interest take a look. I want to see what people think, good or bad.

I mentioned earlier in the week that I don't much care for the media for I believe that what we see is controlled one way or the other and that with the skills that we have today much of what we see can be an illusion created for our entertainment. Facts can be put together for an interpretation of something, to see things the way someone else wants them to be seen. We have feeling from these delusions that make us react in a way that is being controlled. Lol, Kinda sounds like the Twilight Zone. I just thought that I have seen one side of the story and know that I have feelings of hate and anger due to what I have seen. This video shows another groups views and I am sure that the video and facts presented are in place to do the job that the people that put it together wanted it to do.

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