Tuesday, February 13, 2007

When It Rains It Pours II

I feel the title appropriate for this blog. I mentioned that today we are having serious rain here instead of a snow storm. My wife works for a major news paper here and of course she had to work today. Her job requires driving around and today she worked in a town called Seaside NJ. With the pouring rain comes flooding. High tide guarantees flooding. Around 10:00 my wife calls. She is stuck in water and the car is filling up. She is able top get out of the car and make it to safety and she asked me to come pick her up and gives me a highway number and intersection. Highway 35 and 6th St.

I jumped in the truck and headed across the bay and headed up Rt 35. I came up on 6th St and didn't see her so I turned onto the street and cut across to Rt 35 going the opposite direction. There is a major flood going across the highway but no signs of my wife anywheres. I back track and go farther north and then cut back across and then head south. No sign of her anywhere. I think that maybe her company beat me there. I drove through the flooded section of highway behind a state trooper. I figured that if he could make it in his car I could make it in a truck. I thought maybe if I went south a bit more into a section called Seaside Park I might find another 3rd St and decided that before I headed to my wife's office I had better check it out for she might be there. After driving that street in search I found that she wasn't there either.

I headed for my wife's office and decided on my way there that I should stop at the in-laws house. Just a feeling. I got there and my mother in-law was up stairs. I yelled to her that I was using the phone and called my wife's cell and got a voice mail service. I called home and My daughter tod me that people my wife worked with were calling too and couldn't find her either. Wow, a search party, lol. As I am getting ready to go back out my mother in law yells from upstairs if I want a cup of coffe. I yelled back up that a search party was searching for her daughter and that I was headed back out. She yells back down that my wife had called earlier and that my father inlaw went out to get her too.

Ok, honnor is at stake her. I jumped back into the truck and headed for Rt 35 again. I headed north big time. I drove through 5 different towns before I came to another with number streets. 6th St, look down towards the end and there is the company car my wife was driving stopped before a stop sign in a puddle with about 2' of water. in it. I get out, check out the car and look around at the nearby houses in case she is in one but no sign of her.

Ok, at this point in my life I am thinking I'm stuck in a demented rescue Timmy from the well story. There is probably about 5 people out searching for my wife. I am at the scene where she should be. She was't there. The car was there. Only explanation I had was that my father inlaw picked her up. I hit the road again waving good bye at the car. I noticed the temperature had dropped to 28 degrees. I chuckled to myself picturing the puddle freezing around the car.

Back to the inlaws, yes my father inlaw had picked her up. I am thinking to myself, "self, Your wife called about 5 people to rescue her. You would think that if someone had come to her aid and had a vehicle with heat in it they would have waited for the rest of the search party to show up". I thought that if that water recedes that car in the middle of the street will look kind of funny, lol. As an ice cube really funny. I old my mother inlaw that usually when a person breaks down that can't just abandon a vehicle in the middle of a street. Her response was "they Can't?" Lol, I told her that a river of a vehicle is responsable for that vehicle. If it needs towing then it must be towed. You just don't leave until everything is taken care of.

My wife is fine. her legs got wet when she waded out of the car and the puddle. A nice older gentleman let her into his home and gave her coffee and the use of his phone. Her cell phone had died. A policeman must have felt the car would make a good road block, he told my wife she could leave the car there. I have never had a cop be that reasonable with me ,lol...

Well, that was my excitement for the morning.

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