Monday, February 19, 2007

Missing In Action

Sorry I haven't been blogging much everyone. I am a member of a gaming site called Superdudes, lol. I am getting ready to level up with my 15 million mark and I am anxious to get there. I have been putting it off and putting it off but have finally decided to commit some time to it.

The whole gaming site revolves around cards given to each player to do battle with using combinations of those cards. Each level you go up you get a new card. In the site you can become a member of a so called clan and in a clan you can participate in bashes with other clans. We have worldwide tournaments and an incredible amount of fun.

If anyone would like to check out the site here is the link

I belong to a clan called Soldiers Of Fortune *SOF* Come on by and check it out if you get a chance, and become a member and join the fun.

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