Sunday, August 31, 2008

For The Birds

My in laws are the type to over do almost anything they get involved   in. I would call them hobbies gone bad.

About 10 years ago they found a fondness for birds. Parrots, love birds, budgies, African Grays, Mul-luck-ans, (them big pink ones) and so many other varieties. Of course birds do multiply and theirs did a really good job at it. They now have nearly 3 or 400 birds. You walk into their house and it's like walking into a tropical rain forest. The African Greys, I like birds of prey in the wild but not flying at my face while watching the Thanksgiving parade with the kids.

One year I decided to do a Holiday meal. I think Christmas at the in laws. I made all home made pasta. Spagehti, Lasagna, Ziti, Canalonis. Fresh home made bread and rolls. All home made sauces and salads. Meat balls and sausage and peppers. We sit down to a beautifully set table and after saying grace my mother in law decides to turn on the cieling fan. Now remember I said 100's of birds? Well birds molt and dust gets every where. Like slow motion I watch the fan start whirling it's blades and from the tops of the blades a dust cloud forms and starts to settle downwards like a twister dust cloud with bits of feathers in it. Every one reached to grab something but it was to late. I can't tell you how many hours I had put into that meal. Everything was ruined.
I am guessing that knowing what I do about chickens and what birds will eat, those birds ate really well that day.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tomato Saucer

I was asked what a tomato saucer was. Here it is. I cut up the tomatoes and load them into the hopper on the top. I then turn the crank and like an old meat grinder or food mill an auger grinds the tomatoes into pulp and juice.. I have several different screen cones that attach where the tomatoes come out for a desired consistency of pulp. The seeds and skins come out at the end where you see a round chrome circle. I usually run the scrap through again just not to waste anything.
This morning I pureed about 2 bushels of tomatoes in about an hour. Now for cooking it down and the canning. I went to Walmart to pick up jar lids. What a hassle trying to find anything for canning. I finally went to the courtesy counter and asked where the canning supplies where. They didn't have a clue but someone had returned a box of quart jars. I did buy them. Grrrrr, I still need pint sized lids.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ironic On Tomatoes

I am having a great year for tomatoes. Last year my plants didn't produce much and do to cross pollination do to seedling mix ups by my garden center I was highly disappointed by the results. I had mutant tomatoes.
This year I started all my own plants in the greenhouse. I put in over a 100 plants and now I am being over whelmed with tomatoes. I have been eating tomato sandwiches, tomato slices, tomatoes in my sauces and salads and just diced and quick cooked to mix with pasta. I love the taste of fresh tomatoes.
Last night around 10pm I diced up about 3 beefsteaks and mixed them in with some elbows, butter, salt and pepper  and enjoyed every bite.
I found a new favorite though for breakfast. I make up the bacon, then the gravy. I made bagels the past few weekends and split the bagel, slather them with a lot of gravy, put a whole sliced beefsteak over the gravy with a few slices of bacon. I guess I should name it huh? how about an McIronic BGT? Lol. I think that will work because I am sure a biscuit will work just as well. A very nice, fresh tasting breakfast thanks to the tomato.

I also canned up 2 quarts of diced tomatoes, 2 quarts of plum tomatoes and a quart of tomato juice. I am thinking that maybe I should stop eating so many so that I can can up enough for the winter.Over the past few weeks I have also made several quarts of Salsa. I love homemade Salsa. I like to taste the freshness of the tomatoes and the crispness of the peppers. I just use tomatoes, bell peppers, red onions, salt, pepper, oregano, fresh garlic and scallions in my salsa with some lime juice or vinegar. For spiciness I shake in some hot pepper flakes to taste. I use oregano because I hate the soapy taste of Cilantro.

Good Morning Sunday

Good morning every body.

Well here it is Sunday morning again. Where did the week go. Where did the summer go. I can't believe that next week end will be Labor Day already.

I wore myself out pretty good yesterday working almost a 16 hour day and I'll tell you what, age is catching up with me fast. I do care how well a person keeps themselves physically fit, it does catch up on you.

Of course breakfast will be made as usual. I have an issue I have to deal with first though. I hate messy kitchens and my wife knows this. I have had so many arguments with her over this for years. Unfortunately my wife is a slob. Beyond slob believe me. When it comes to anything beyond her personal appearance, slob!

Of course she has told me how hungry she is this morning which means cook breakfast. The sink is full of pots and pans from several days. Same ones are in there from Friday evenings dinner. The counters are loaded with everything my wife doesn't put away after using. Grrrrrrr. I guess the time she spends on the internet is more important to her. I'm sure everyone who has an internet connection in their home can relate. I just don't know how anyone can live their lives through a computer screen and nothing else around them matters. I have actually fought with my wife over the fact that she puts on make up and does her hair for the web cam.

My wife does have a part time job so it's not like she doesn't remove her self from the screen. But of course her job allows her to stop at home until she receives a call to go out and make a local delivery or service call. While she is home during work, lol, where do you think she is? Yes, in front of her computer screen.

Oh well. I'll just do the sink full of dishes. Put all the stuff on the counters away and get breakfast made.

This has been Mac venting.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I started off last night making my dough for bagels this morning. I figured some bagels and bacon a to use up some of the tomatoes I have piling up. I was out in the garden this morning and picked a cantelope and a few water melons. The water melons are the size of cantelopes. I decided to throw a fruit salad together.The cantelope smells so good. The melon was very sweet. I also tossed in some banana and some blue berries.
Now it's time to eat.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ironic Chef On Cows

Hamburger, ground chuck, steaks, ribs, meatballs, sausage, SOS, goulash, stroganof, McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, lol. Mmmmmmm, love them Bovines.

I don't care how mad the cow is I'll eat it and if I go rabid and crazy I'll just bite the nearest Vegan. I hope someone from Fox News is nearby with the camera rolling when myself, foaming at the mouth chomps down on some under nourished, anorexic little hippie.

I can't forget veal either. Of course I'm not talking about eating some critter locked in a little box kept in a cool dark corner of a barn basement. I like to eat meat but I would never agree with anything that in humane.

The recipe I am going to start off with as a matter of fact is one of my favorites. Veal Scalopine.

Veal Scalopine is a really easy and delicious dish. I like to get veal cutlets from the grocery store and then I pound them out very thin. The thinner the better. To prepare them I just dredge the thin cutlets in flour that has been seasoned with salt and pepper. Shake of the excess and then pan fry them in olive oil over medium high heat until golden brown. I then drain the Scalopine on paper towels and make a simple sauce by de-glazing the pan with about a half cup of white wine or lemon juice, add a few pats of butter, some fresh chopped garlic, and after the flour and butter are worked together I stir in about 2 cups of chicken stock. salt and pepper to taste. I usually use the dredging flour but always check the taste to see if the sauce needs something. I don't make a real thick gravy sauce. this sauce is really light. I then add the Scalopine Back to the sauce and simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes. The Scalopine gets so tender that when you eat it it will literally melt in your mouth.

Hamburgers, I keep mine really simple, I get the barbecue nice and hot. I season my ground beef with salt and pepper and about 1/4 cup of Worcestershire sauce. Mix well, shape into patties and grill until the juices of the beef run clear. mmmmm, I love beef, lol.

Steak, I like NY strip. Again, the grill, Nice and hot. Hold your hand over it and count 1 mississippi, 2 mississippi, 3 ouch and you have the right heat. I like to season my steak with a salt, pepper, garlic, paprika and brown sugar and hot pepper rub and cook my steaks to a nice medium rare. I don't want blood running across my cutting board after I have let my steak rest for about 10 minutes when I go to eat it. Once in awhile though I do like to use a McCormick Mesquite rub.

Ribs, I love ribs. Specially short ribs. I use the same rub I used on the steaks and then smoke my ribs on the grill. I set my coals on 2 sides of the grill and set a drip pan in the center and place wood chips that have been soaked in water right onto the coals. I like to use wood/chips that have come from fruit trees like apple or peach. I do not like red oak by any means. I try to keep the temperature of the grill low and grill slow. If any one tries this, make sure you put the vent holes on your cover over the ribs so the smoke is pulled over them. Each charcoal briquet's gives you about 15 degrees so use enough to keep the grill at about 250 degrees. I don't like to have an over smoked flavor so I only smoke the ribs for about 4 hours. I then get the heat up to hot and glaze my ribs with the following sauce. One onion, sauteed, 2 cloves of garlic in with the onions, lol. Into a sauce pan with the onions, 3/4 cups of brown sugar, 1/4 cup of honey, A good dollop of brown spicy mustard, 1 tablespoon of horseradish, a cup of good catsup, hot sauce to taste, and a dash or so of salt. I cook this down to the consistency that I want. I do not like molasses at all and do not like it in my sauce. I brush the ribs with the sauce and turn them constantly so that the glaze doesn't burn.

My favorite of all time beef products though is going to be a real shocker to everyone.

PEPPERONI,. any way you want to cook it or serve it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Boys Do The Craziest Things But Moms Love To Tell The Stories.

This is so accurate. I wish I could have loaded the pictures that came with the e-mail but it just wasn't happening for me.
The following is just the tip of the iceberg for boys. I had 3 younger brothers and I can tell you that the following is nothing compared to the trouble we got ourselves in.

1.) A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 sq. ft. house 4 inches deep.
2.) If you spray hair spray on dust bunnies and run over them with roller blades, they can ignite.
3.) A 3-year old Boy's voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant.
4.) If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong enough to rotate a 42 pound Boy wearing Batman underwear and a Superman cape. It is strong enough, however, if tied to a paint can, to spread paint on all four walls of a 20x20 ft. room.
5.) You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on. When using a ceiling fan as a bat, you have to throw the ball up a few times before you get a hit. A ceiling fan can hit a baseball a long way.
6.) The glass in windows (even double-pane) doesn't stop a baseball hit by a ceiling fan.
7.) When you hear the toilet flush and the words 'uh oh', it's already too late.
8.) Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke, and lots of it.
9.) A six-year old Boy can start a fire with a flint rock even though a 36-year old Man says they can only do it in the movies.
10.) Certain Lego's will pass through the digestive tract of a 4-year old Boy.
11.) Play dough and microwave should not be used in the same sentence.
12.) Super glue is forever.
13.) No matter how much Jell-O you put in a swimming pool
,you still can't walk on water.
14.) Pool filters do not like Jell-O.
15.) VCR's do not eject 'PB & J' sandwiches even though TV commercials show they do.
16.) Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.
17.) Marbles in gas tanks make lots of noise when driving.
18.) You probably DO NOT want to know what that odor is.
19.) Always look in the oven before you turn it on; plastic toys do not like ovens.
20.) The fire department in Austin,Texas a 5-minute response time.
21.) The spin cycle on the washing machine does not make earthworms dizzy.
22.) It will, however, make cats dizzy.
23.) Cats throw up twice their body weight when dizzy.
24.) 80% of Women will pass this on to almost all of their friends, with or without kids.
25.) 80% of Men who read this will try mixing the Clorox and brake fluid.

Clorox in the litter box is so much worse, lol. RUNNNNNNNN!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Found Recipe

I remember a cake from many years ago that I always for some reason called a 1-2-3 cake. I have searched every wheres for a recipe but to know avail.  Well surprise surprise, while doing some packing of things to move I came across some old recipes. To believe I could be happy to find such a stupid recipe, lol. It's like finding an old friend.

War Cake, (No war cake recipe I have searched even resembled this recipe)

3 cups of flour
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1/2 cups of cocoa
2 teaspoons of baking soda
1/2 teaspoon of salt

Mix dry ingredients above in a clean baking pan.

Make 3 holes in the dry mixture.
1st hole, put 2/3rds cup of cooking oil
2nd hole, put 2 tbs of vinegar
3rd hole, put 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla.

Pour 2 cups of water over all and mix well. Bake at 350 degrees for approx. 30 minutes or until done.

It's just a simple recipe but for some reason I find it's the best chocolate cake to my taste. I remember receiving this cake baked in coffee cans when I was in the service. Several sent to me had actually been burnt, lol. But anyways I am very happy to have it. As I said, it's a simple recipe with simple ingredients that always seems to be on hand. For a frosting a simple vanilla confectioners sugar frosting works just fine. When I make this there will be a can of pie cherries on it too.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Ironic Chef On Breakfast

During my tour in the United States Army I served on many bases over seas. I will say that the majority of meals we were served were terrible. Most of the meals we were served consisted of hamburgers, fried chicken and chili macaroni. Those choices may be fine once in a while but not every single day.

I eventually found that my favorite meal of the day became breakfast. Pancakes, french toast, bacon, sausage, fresh rolls, SOS (one of my favorites), fruit, cereal and eggs any way you wanted them. And before anyone asks, no, you could not get everything above, lol. It had to be a balanced diet.

While doing my tour of duty our mornings usually started off with PT at about 5:00 in the morning. We would usually do the regular calastetics and then our 5 mile run. Then quick showers and a mad race to the chow hall to beat the morning rush.

One of the egg choices was the making of omelets. I'm not talking one of them fancy shmancy french omelet things. I'm talking omelets with the works. Peppers, onions, mushrooms, cheese, ham, sausage or bacon. Of course, proper diet, no mixing of meats. This wasn't a Dennys.

I usually had a hard time trying to make up my mind between having an omelet or going for the SOS. I was an SOS connoisseur, lol. That sounds really bad but at least I'm not corrupting little minnows with tequila. SOS may sound disgusting and may be frowned on by many but if made properly it is very enjoyable.

Lets start with the SOS

I make mine with regular ground beef. For 4-5 people a pound is more than enough. I brown the ground beef in a skillet with just a pinch of garlic powder. As the ground beef browns I mince a medium onion and add it to the beef. After the beef has browned and the onion has cooked to a translucent state I drain off the fat. I then return the beef mixture to the heat. I then add about 3 tablespoons of flour and mix it in really well. I then slowly add milk stirring the mixture until I get the gravy to the thickness that I want. I would say about 1 1/2 cups of milk. I season with salt and pepper. Lots of pepper and then a bit more. A dash or 2 of Worcestershire sauce finishes it off. I serve this over toast or biscuits.

Using the same recipe above but substituting Bob Evans breakfast sausage and omitting the Worcestershire sauce and I have sausage gravy.

Now for omelets.  I like my omelets simple. I do like to saute my veggies first before doing the eggs. I never like using a skillet so I always use my  flat griddle that sits over several of the stoves burners. For the egg of the omelets I use to beaten eggs for each omelet. I just pour them on the griddle that I melted a small pat of butter on. I shape the omlettequickly after I put the egg down. I then add the fixings. Salt and pepper, the vegetables, cooked bacon, sausage or ham and then the cheese. I put all of the filling on the end that I will start folding from. After the eggs have started to set I then flip from the filled end and roll over almost jelly roll style.If I am in a really good mood I will add a bit more cheese on the top of the omelet.

There are times when I will get lazy and do what I call a farmers omelet. This is done in a skillet. I melt some butter in the skillet and then pour in about 6 beaten eggs. I then add pre cooked vegetables like onions and peppers. I like breakfast sausage in this omelet and cheddar cheese. I also mix these into the egg mixture. When the egg mixture looks set up I will then top with more cheese and maybe a bit of salsa and then put the skillet under the broiler and brown the surface. If anyone tries this just make sure not to use a non stick pan. The non stick  will burn and put off really bad and dangerous fumes that can get some really sick.

I won't get into the pancakes and french toast because I have done several recipes in the past concerning them. I will say that my banana chocolate chip pancakes are the best.

For a real special treat for the kids I do like to make crepes. I usually use about 4 eggs, 1 cup of flour, about 1 tablespoon of sugar and a dash of salt and maybe a bit of milk if needed to make a smooth batter. In a non stick skillet over medium heat I will lightly oil it. I then pour in about 1/4 cup of the batter. I gently roll the skillet to get the batter to evenly coat the entire bottom of the skillet. When the top looses its shine  I flip the crepe over. It's done in about a minute. Total cooking time on a crepe takes roughly 2 minutes. I cook all the crepes and when they are done I just keep them on a baking sheet in the oven on warm covered with a towel until I am ready to use them. For the filling I like to use fruit. I just add several cups of fruit, 3/4 cups of sugar, a dash of salt and maybe a bit of cinnamon and lemon juice depending on the fruit. I boil this mixture in a sauce pan and then simmer for maybe 10 minutes until its thick and bubbly. I usually do this before making the crepes so that the filling cools.
To fill the crepes I like to take a crepe and spread about 1 teaspoon full of cream cheese on the surface of the crepe. I then add several tablespoons of the fruit filling and then roll the crepe up like a burrito. I use the sauce from the fruit to spoon over the crepe and serve with a good dollop of whipped cream.

I would love to get every ones opinions and breakfast specialties. I didn't get into the biscuits and gravy, lol. I remember the responses to my North Eastern Cornbread. I do have a special biscuit recipe but it was given to me by a very good friend and if it shows up here it will be by that friend.

Enjoy Breakfast.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Gardens

My tomato plants are doing exceptionally well this year and are loaded with fruit.

Maybe With The Scent Of Bacon Frying?

I was elected to make breakfast for everyone this morning so I have a blueberry cobbler in the oven.
I have several pounds of thick cut maple bacon frying and the coffee is on and I know it will draw friends from all directions when they smell what's cooking.
French toast and scrambled eggs will go with the bacon and if anyone would like an omelet then they had better speak up fast.
After breakfast I figured we could all visit Vero's camp site and tease Zee while she is praying to the cows someone sneaked into one of the tents. Judy wanted steak and eggs and I was eying them cows pretty seriously but Zee was so content in her meditation and prayer I just couldn't go through with what I had on mind.