Sunday, August 24, 2008

Good Morning Sunday

Good morning every body.

Well here it is Sunday morning again. Where did the week go. Where did the summer go. I can't believe that next week end will be Labor Day already.

I wore myself out pretty good yesterday working almost a 16 hour day and I'll tell you what, age is catching up with me fast. I do care how well a person keeps themselves physically fit, it does catch up on you.

Of course breakfast will be made as usual. I have an issue I have to deal with first though. I hate messy kitchens and my wife knows this. I have had so many arguments with her over this for years. Unfortunately my wife is a slob. Beyond slob believe me. When it comes to anything beyond her personal appearance, slob!

Of course she has told me how hungry she is this morning which means cook breakfast. The sink is full of pots and pans from several days. Same ones are in there from Friday evenings dinner. The counters are loaded with everything my wife doesn't put away after using. Grrrrrrr. I guess the time she spends on the internet is more important to her. I'm sure everyone who has an internet connection in their home can relate. I just don't know how anyone can live their lives through a computer screen and nothing else around them matters. I have actually fought with my wife over the fact that she puts on make up and does her hair for the web cam.

My wife does have a part time job so it's not like she doesn't remove her self from the screen. But of course her job allows her to stop at home until she receives a call to go out and make a local delivery or service call. While she is home during work, lol, where do you think she is? Yes, in front of her computer screen.

Oh well. I'll just do the sink full of dishes. Put all the stuff on the counters away and get breakfast made.

This has been Mac venting.


  1. Sorry you have to do the dishes Mac before you even get your eye's open but I did offer to come do dishes for breakfast in return. lol Maybe though you should refuse to do breakfast until the kitchen is cleaned up by her since she made the mess. This isn't a woman against another woman but when the man works such long hours he should not be expected to do any housework on his only day off. You should get your coffee and go sit until the work is done. But knowing you as I won't do that, will ya? lol

  2. Well, Mac, I have to agree, completely, with Judy...on ALL points (especially the one where I'll do the dishes if you make me breakfast!)...

  3. See Mac, now you got two of us to do those dishes and you can go relax. Don't mean you will be able to find anything once we get it all put away but the fun in life is hunting for what you want. lol

  4. geez, i sure as hell hope youre joking. if you arent, i think your WIFE is behind in boppin ya with that dirty big dam cast iron fryin pan that im SURE is somewhere in the bottom of the full sink......and id be finding it reallllllll quick.
    if it really bothers ya so much, are YOUR legs broke that keeps ya from going in there and cleaning up the kitchen? are yer arms not functioning enough to wash things? if not, whats YOUR excuse? you work apparently, so does SHE. and im thinking you didnt both just get why are ya still moaning about something that didnt JUST start? maybe im duh...but youre either part of the problem or part of the solution. but...venting is good.

  5. Mac, I saw red when I read the comment from flamingoette, but, you'll be pleased to know, I've decided to keep my mouth shut....

    By the way...what are we having for breakfast?

  6. No Flam, my legs aren't broken and yes, as usual I did do the freaken dishes cause thats what I always do. Call it whipped or just plain sick of arguing a point that never goes in a positive direction. Yes my wife works a 3 to 4 hour a day part time job that allows her to sit at home on her computer most of the time she is working. And no, the computer has nothing at all to do with her job.
    The part of the problem is that we have been married for almost 30 years because I took getting married seriously and the better or worse part was the promise that I made before God...Slob or not I made a commitment and it doesn't end over a load of dirty dishes.
    You sound like my wife though Flam. Must be an Italian thing.

  7. Bravo Mac...some people just don't get the meaning of a hard working man. Hang in there pal, oh and I do admire you for the way you believe in a commitment!

  8. ...not to mention the fact that Mac does 99% of the cooking on top of working his butt off 16 hours a day...seems to me the wife could do the cleaning up...isn't that what give and take is all about?

  9. My wife does do a lot. I don't want to set a false impression of her. She does a lot of running with the kids and 99% of what ever shopping needs to be done. I don't have to walk into a store much myself, lol. I was just venting this morning and a comment about washing dishes set me off.

  10. Hey Mac, everyone has to vent. Even if we love a person more than ourselves we still have to get a load off our shoulder's. I know you aren't one to vent very often so just do it anytime you want. It's far better than having word's with your mate. I know a woman does her share with a family and I'm sure the two of you love each other dearly. Don't worry about what impression you give anyone about your wife because out impressions don't count. It's all about you and what you think and who you love. Some take venting way to seriously and almost always think you are running the person down that you are venting about, but not me...I vent too but I love Bill more than anything.

  11. No need to defend yourself to us, Mac...
    Now it's time for me to vent...
    Personally, I can't fathom how someone, who doesn't know you, doesn't know one flaming thing about you, can come to your blog and voice an opinion about something they know nothing about...not to mention the tone in which she did it...that does take a lot of gall...AND it speaks volumes for the kind of person she is...both in what she said and the way she said it...I can pretty much figure what kind of woman she is...and judging from her comments on other blogs, it's understandable why she doesn't have a man...any kind of who cooks and cleans, or one who doesn't...

  12. lol You go girl...boy you do stress your point very well!

  13. awwww huggy bear you now come do mine. lol just joshin they are done. But laundry is not finished sho get thee started lol. hope you dat is brite and happy

  14. I missed all this , and I'm kinda glad I did. I've been through enough hassle to learn that each couple has to work out their problems in a way that is satisfactory to them. Every marriage is give and take and sometimes a lot more give than take (or I guess you could vice versa that) LOL

  15. uh oh... hope ya got things in apple pie order by now...hey I'm not one who enjoys house work and kitchen cleaning is definitely not my cup of tea but if my man cooked up scrumptious meals like you I'd have that kitchen sparkling and my bib on waiting for the next meal and I'd be a member of the Clean Plate Club too LOLLOL

  16. i am saying nothing mac as my hubs does help in the kitchen , but i do clean up afewr my self with my cooking as if i dont it dont take long for things to get cluttered in my tiny kitchen
