Sunday, August 3, 2008

Maybe With The Scent Of Bacon Frying?

I was elected to make breakfast for everyone this morning so I have a blueberry cobbler in the oven.
I have several pounds of thick cut maple bacon frying and the coffee is on and I know it will draw friends from all directions when they smell what's cooking.
French toast and scrambled eggs will go with the bacon and if anyone would like an omelet then they had better speak up fast.
After breakfast I figured we could all visit Vero's camp site and tease Zee while she is praying to the cows someone sneaked into one of the tents. Judy wanted steak and eggs and I was eying them cows pretty seriously but Zee was so content in her meditation and prayer I just couldn't go through with what I had on mind.


  1. Errrrrrrr.... forget what I said about already eating. That bacon sounds sooooooo yummy! Can I just skip the eggs and have a BLT? I will bring the maters.

  2. What, are you afraid to eat one of my tomatoes Vero?

  3. I'm all about the French toast and bacon. I wouldn't mind some blueberry cobbler for dessert, thanks!

  4. now that is teasing folks mac , that aint fair .

  5. Yummmmmmm sounds good to me, bet I missed it.........

  6. Opens 1 eye while meditating to see whats going on! I'd KILL for bacon and eggs..DONT touch my cows..I am DEEEEP in worship. Lol ! Ohh did Vero say BLT?? I'll settle for that too...

  7. Throws a rotten "green" mater at Mac. ((Yes I grew them again this year))

  8. ooooooooo a tomato slat fight again...lets gooooooooo ! Picks up Veros tomatoes and aims...

  9. Here Zee take this one. It's more rottener!

  10. *Peeks around corner of blog*...Pffftttt...I ain't comin' in here!

  11. now I am getting hungry. an omelet does sound good lol.

  12. How about a game of mud puppies??? Zzee's cow is producing.

  13. omg Mac..stop pulling my cows tail.

  14. As long as I pull it down I'm safe under here Zee.

  15. I'm late but I'll take some french toast, so get busy and make me a big plate full. lol

  16. I bet Mac milks a cow like Setty does. He hangs on to the cows.....jugs.... and has her jump up and down. LOLOL

  17. Vero, thank you for THAT visual! LOL

  18. Oh God...SACRILAGE! Adorns the cow with garlands and jewels...and goes back into medication..oops meditation.

  19. OK have ya'll been into my pain meds AGAIN?????

  20. ME??? NOOO..I am deeeeeeeeep into cow worship! Giggles.

  21. Deep in SOMETHING! ((Giggles louder))

  22. snivels and sniffs...wipes away crocodile tears....Mac always throws a party when I'm away sob sob
    I love bacon and maters...did ya make any biscuits and gravy???

  23. Hangs a "do not disturb" sign on the cow's tail.Continues chanting..
