Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tomato Saucer

I was asked what a tomato saucer was. Here it is. I cut up the tomatoes and load them into the hopper on the top. I then turn the crank and like an old meat grinder or food mill an auger grinds the tomatoes into pulp and juice.. I have several different screen cones that attach where the tomatoes come out for a desired consistency of pulp. The seeds and skins come out at the end where you see a round chrome circle. I usually run the scrap through again just not to waste anything.
This morning I pureed about 2 bushels of tomatoes in about an hour. Now for cooking it down and the canning. I went to Walmart to pick up jar lids. What a hassle trying to find anything for canning. I finally went to the courtesy counter and asked where the canning supplies where. They didn't have a clue but someone had returned a box of quart jars. I did buy them. Grrrrr, I still need pint sized lids.


  1. I just blend them in a mixi and put it all thru a sieve. Sometimes I blanche the tomatoes n remove the skin before I puree. We have a bean slicer that looks like that..and a very old mincer.

  2. Awwww mac good luck on finding lids.. I looked everywhere before I found them. Try any little grocery stores that might be in the neighborhood.They will be pricier but might still have some. Thanks for posting the pic.. thats the one I saw when I googled it too.

  3. wow mac ypou are busy i am not into that as my garden isnt that big to grow it all .

  4. You gotta love those little Mom & Pop grocery stores...they have everything!

  5. I don't believe I have ever seen a tomato saucer Mac lol I do have a hand operated meat grinder though...sorry you had a time finding canning stuff...hope you found enough to put your tomatoes up..

  6. I just used my meat grinder. That is quite the gadget Mac.

  7. I haven't canned in years....I know I would need to drag out the recipe book for a refresher course,lol..

  8. Mornin Mac. Did you have mater nightmares?

  9. Good morning got a handy little gadget there. It's seems the bigger store's don't carry things that a person needs to do canning anymore. I agree that you should find a little hole in the wall grocery and I bet you will find those lid's.

  10. The thing that ticks me off about Walmart, I bought my Pressure canner and other canning supplies there.

  11. I understand that...Wal Mart is bad about not having a supply of things to go with the product people buy. We bought a vacumn once and when it come to getting a filter bag for it they didn't carry them. Ticked me off totatlly!

  12. you say tomato I say tomauto ok maybe not but have a banana cream pie upon your head anhoo

  13. I suspect Wal-mart's lack of canning supplies is lack of forethought in stocking the shelves...(or possibly just caught off guard). This is such a booming fruit year that probably lots more is being canned than anyone anticipated. I saw it happen once a few years back. There wasn't a lid to be found anywhere. When some were finally stocked they were rationed... only four dozen per customer. Tons of produce went to waste that year, or people rushed out and bought freezers.
