Thursday, October 4, 2007

Dead Road Kill Accepted Here.

Go ahead, you know you want to magnify it

Dead Road Kill Is Accepted here.

If you have it drop it off. The riper the better.

The recipes that will be produced from the bloated carcasses will be a delight. Ahhhh, the goodness of maggots just reminds me of when I was a fresh Maggot Infested Corpse.

True Story,

When I was a youngster my mother always treated us with Minute Rice. Well we were having dinner one night and I do believe we were having Banquet Fried Chicken that comes frozen in the box and gets baked and Minute rice as the side dish. Well, I'm sitting there thinking I was hallucinating because I am talking about something that happened in the 60's. I could swear my Minute Rice is moving on my plate. I see something like little black dots. I looked at my dear mother who has just taken a big bite of rice into her mouth and asked her if it was normal for rice to be moving after it was cooked. A mouth full of rice was spewed through the kitchen.

Yes, I learned a valuable lesson that day. Maggots (or what ever they were) don't die in the 1 minute of time it takes to make Minute Rice edible.

Putrid loves Minute Rice served medium warm over ripe roadkill.

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