Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ironic Chef #16, Coffee

I know it's not much of a recipe getter, lol, but hey, I am one of those people that loves coffee.
I don't go for the artsy fartsy crapacino blends. There is nothing like sending someone out for coffee break and then getting that cup of coffee and taking a big swig of it and getting an instant mouthful of perfume, blahhhhhhhhhhhh, spit, sputter, cleans mouth out with saw dust and turpintine. Whew, thats better.
I am a Folgers person and my family before me were Folgers drinkers. You know, "the best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup".  My wife and I have been together for 26 years. We have gone through probably 10 or 12 automatic drip coffee makers in that amount of time. Our Perker still works fine and the best coffee but the automatic dripper is the one that we use the most. The reason I mentioned the 26 years, lol, is way back when when you bought a can of coffee they had the scoops in the can like they have in the iced tea canister now. I don't know why but for some reason those scoops did not last in the coffee cans. We still have our scoop after all these years and my recipe for a pot of coffee is to add the water to the coffee maker, put in the filter and add 3 1/2 scoops of coffee grounds and then to start pacing until it's done. Don't forget to turn it on, I have done that a few times, lol. Those 3 1/2 scoops also work in the perculator.
Now that I have made the coffee I wonder if anyone has anything to go along with it?


  1. That is so funny. I asked someone one day if the can had come with a scoop when I was a kid and someone said nope, you had to supply your own. I remembered that when you opened the can the scoop was ready to rock, although you had to dig for it a little. I don't remember who I asked but now you have at last liberated me from that horrible feeling that I was just a dummy for thinking that. If only I could remember who I asked I would send them to your site and say I was right! see?

  2. LMAO @ 'dust and turpintine'....

    I have been drinking Folgers ever since I started drinking there any other brand???

    Mocha Coffee Shake

    Here is a great recipe for a Coffee Shake. All you need is...

    2 scoops coffee ice cream
    1 1/2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup
    1/2 cup of milk.

    Combine all your ingredients in a blender. Blend until frothy.

    Tip: Add a spoonful of whip cream, and chocolate sprinkles.

    Now this coffee recipe makes for a great beverage.

    ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

    Easy Cheese Danish

    Everything that tastes good doesn't have to have a lot of ingredients. Enjoy making, and eating, this great sweet roll.

    Two 8-ounce tubes of crescent rolls
    Two 8-ounce packages of cream cheese, softened
    1 cup (plus) sugar
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    1 egg

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease 9 x 13 pan. Separate 1 can crescent rolls. Press triangles together in a single layer on bottom of pan. With electric mixer, combine cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and egg. Spread in pan. For the top layer use last can of crescents. Be sure edges are pinched together. Brush milk over dough. Sprinkle with sugar. Bake for 30 minutes.

    Enjoy your day, Macerdoodles...

  3. I have an empty cup if the coffee is ready. giggle..Oh you meant food? .. checks the bread to see if it is moldy yet... snifs.. I could make you a piece of toast. ~grin~
    I did a blog about a year ago about what ever happened to Juan Valdez, I like yuban coffee and now they've started monkeying with it. grrrrr.

  4. We are now drinking Folgers coffee but I prefer Maxwell House. I don't like those roasted blends at all or flavored coffee other than my creamer and a bit of sugar. I use a scope from a Kool Aid can. Had it for many years and like you we have gone through a lot of coffee makers in the 39 years we have been married. I could have had some carrot cake to share with you guys but I got lazy yesterday and didn't make any so let's take Cyn up on some moldy toast. lol

  5. Notices Mac's pot is going dry. Pours everyone a fresh cup.

  6. By the way, that was Yuban also...(Puts in two superduperscoopers in the big ten cup pot.... (Silly spell checker thinks thats not a word)....((chuckles))

  7. Lol, not even going to mention here how many of them questions on Suzi's list I said yes too.

  8. LOL...I know the feeling, Mac...

  9. Psssst Mac. do you pick up am or fm better?

  10. I have to admit I am not much of a coffee drinker...(I can hear the gasps now,lol).... but if I do drink it ..has to be black, no cream or sugar...

  11. Well vic I figured you wouldnt drink nothing by hot cocoa, but coffee, I would never thought. have you even added some cocoa to your coffee.

  12. I have been known to add some cocoa to a cup of coffee on an occasion or two.
